author Sylvain Thénault <>
Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:32:54 +0100
changeset 4364 766359c69f2f
parent 4252 6c4f109c2b03
child 4475 37c413a07216
permissions -rw-r--r--
[uicfg] fix autoform_section rtags initialization 1. when a relation is marked as inlined in the 'main' form type, we want its opposite (eg when one the other side of the relation) to be marked as hidden in the 'inlined' form type 2. when no section is specified for the 'inlined' form type, use the same as in the 'main' form type to do this properly, we need two initialization stages. The first one to handle 1., the second to handle what was done before and 2. We can't do this in a single stage because we've to know the bare value of the "opposite" tag.

""" Usage: %s [OPTIONS] <instance id> <queries file>

Stress test a CubicWeb repository

  -h / --help
     Display this help message and exit.

  -u / --user <user>
     Connect as <user> instead of being prompted to give it.
  -p / --password <password>
     Automatically give <password> for authentication instead of being prompted
     to give it.

  -n / --nb-times <num>
     Repeat queries <num> times.
  -t / --nb-threads <num>
     Execute queries in <num> parallel threads.
  -P / --profile <prof_file>
     dumps profile results (hotshot) in <prof_file>
  -o / --report-output <filename>
     Write profiler report into <filename> rather than on stdout

Copyright (c) 2003-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2. --
:license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 -

__revision__ = "$Id:,v 1.3 2006-03-05 14:35:27 syt Exp $"

import os
import sys
import threading
import getopt
import traceback
from getpass import getpass
from os.path import basename
from time import clock

from logilab.common.fileutils import lines
from logilab.common.ureports import Table, TextWriter
from cubicweb.server.repository import Repository
from cubicweb.dbapi import Connection

TB_LOCK = threading.Lock()

class QueryExecutor:
    def __init__(self, cursor, times, queries, reporter = None):
        self._cursor = cursor
        self._times = times
        self._queries = queries
        self._reporter = reporter

    def run(self):
        cursor = self._cursor
        times = self._times
        while times:
            for index, query in enumerate(self._queries):
                start = clock()
                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                if self._reporter is not None:
                    self._reporter.add_proftime(clock() - start, index)
            times -= 1

def usage(status=0):
    """print usage string and exit"""
    print __doc__ % basename(sys.argv[0])

class ProfileReporter:
    """a profile reporter gathers all profile informations from several
    threads and can write a report that summarizes all profile informations
    profiler_lock = threading.Lock()

    def __init__(self, queries):
        self._queries = tuple(queries)
        self._profile_results = [(0., 0)] * len(self._queries)
        # self._table_report = Table(3, rheaders = True)
        len_max = max([len(query) for query in self._queries]) + 5
        self._query_fmt = '%%%ds' % len_max

    def add_proftime(self, elapsed_time, query_index):
        """add a new time measure for query"""
        cumul_time, times = self._profile_results[query_index]
        cumul_time += elapsed_time
        times += 1.
        self._profile_results[query_index] = (cumul_time, times)

    def dump_report(self, output = sys.stdout):
        """dump report in 'output'"""
        table_elems = ['RQL Query', 'Times', 'Avg Time']
        total_time = 0.
        for query, (cumul_time, times) in zip(self._queries, self._profile_results):
            avg_time = cumul_time / float(times)
            table_elems += [str(query), '%f' % times, '%f' % avg_time ]
            total_time += cumul_time
        table_elems.append('Total time :')
        table_elems.append(' ')
        table_layout = Table(3, rheaders = True, children = table_elems)
        TextWriter().format(table_layout, output)
        # output.write('\n'.join(tmp_output))

def run(args):
    """run the command line tool"""
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'hn:t:u:p:P:o:', ['help', 'user=', 'password=',
                                                           'nb-times=', 'nb-threads=',
                                                           'profile', 'report-output=',])
    except Exception, ex:
        print ex
    repeat = 100
    threads = 1
    user = os.environ.get('USER', os.environ.get('LOGNAME'))
    password = None
    report_output = sys.stdout
    prof_file = None
    for opt, val in opts:
        if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
        if opt in ('-u', '--user'):
            user = val
        elif opt in ('-p', '--password'):
            password = val
        elif opt in ('-n', '--nb-times'):
            repeat = int(val)
        elif opt in ('-t', '--nb-threads'):
            threads = int(val)
        elif opt in ('-P', '--profile'):
            prof_file = val
        elif opt in ('-o', '--report-output'):
            report_output = file(val, 'w')
    if len(args) != 2:
    queries =  [query for query in lines(args[1]) if not query.startswith('#')]
    if user is None:
        user = raw_input('login: ')
    if password is None:
        password = getpass('password: ')
    from cubicweb.cwconfig import instance_configuration
    config = instance_configuration(args[0])
    # get local access to the repository
    print "Creating repo", prof_file
    repo = Repository(config, prof_file)
    cnxid = repo.connect(user, password=password)
    # connection to the CubicWeb repository
    repo_cnx = Connection(repo, cnxid)
    repo_cursor = repo_cnx.cursor()
    reporter = ProfileReporter(queries)
    if threads > 1:
        executors = []
        while threads:
            qe = QueryExecutor(repo_cursor, repeat, queries, reporter = reporter)
            thread = threading.Thread(
            qe.thread = thread
            threads -= 1
        for qe in executors:
##         for qe in executors:
##             print qe.thread, repeat - qe._times, 'times'
        QueryExecutor(repo_cursor, repeat, queries, reporter = reporter).run()

if __name__ == '__main__':