author Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr>
Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:32:54 +0100
changeset 4364 766359c69f2f
parent 4270 189e4f5279e9
child 4911 898c35be5873
permissions -rw-r--r--
[uicfg] fix autoform_section rtags initialization 1. when a relation is marked as inlined in the 'main' form type, we want its opposite (eg when one the other side of the relation) to be marked as hidden in the 'inlined' form type 2. when no section is specified for the 'inlined' form type, use the same as in the 'main' form type to do this properly, we need two initialization stages. The first one to handle 1., the second to handle what was done before and 2. We can't do this in a single stage because we've to know the bare value of the "opposite" tag.

"""Exceptions shared by different cubicweb packages.

:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2001-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2.
:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
:license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

from yams import ValidationError

# abstract exceptions #########################################################

class CubicWebException(Exception):
    """base class for cubicweb server exception"""
    msg = ""
    def __str__(self):
        if self.msg:
            if self.args:
                return self.msg % tuple(self.args)
            return self.msg
        return ' '.join(unicode(arg) for arg in self.args)

class ConfigurationError(CubicWebException):
    """a misconfiguration error"""

class InternalError(CubicWebException):
    """base class for exceptions which should not occurs"""

class SecurityError(CubicWebException):
    """base class for cubicweb server security exception"""

class RepositoryError(CubicWebException):
    """base class for repository exceptions"""

class SourceException(CubicWebException):
    """base class for source exceptions"""

class CubicWebRuntimeError(CubicWebException):
    """base class for runtime exceptions"""

# repository exceptions #######################################################

class ConnectionError(RepositoryError):
    """raised when a bad connection id is given or when an attempt to establish
    a connection failed"""

class AuthenticationError(ConnectionError):
    """raised when a bad connection id is given or when an attempt to establish
    a connection failed"""

class BadConnectionId(ConnectionError):
    """raised when a bad connection id is given or when an attempt to establish
    a connection failed"""

BadSessionId = BadConnectionId # XXX bw compat for pyro connections

class UnknownEid(RepositoryError):
    """the eid is not defined in the system tables"""
    msg = 'No entity with eid %s in the repository'

class ETypeNotSupportedBySources(RepositoryError, InternalError):
    """no source support an entity type"""
    msg = 'No source supports %r entity\'s type'

class MultiSourcesError(RepositoryError, InternalError):
    """usually due to bad multisources configuration or rql query"""

# security exceptions #########################################################

class Unauthorized(SecurityError):
    """raised when a user tries to perform an action without sufficient
    msg = 'You are not allowed to perform this operation'
    msg1 = 'You are not allowed to perform %s operation on %s'
    var = None

    def __str__(self):
            if self.args and len(self.args) == 2:
                return self.msg1 % self.args
            if self.args:
                return ' '.join(self.args)
            return self.msg
        except Exception, ex:
            return str(ex)

# source exceptions ###########################################################

class EidNotInSource(SourceException):
    """trying to access an object with a particular eid from a particular
    source has failed
    msg = 'No entity with eid %s in %s'

# registry exceptions #########################################################

class RegistryException(CubicWebException):
    """raised when an unregistered view is called"""

class RegistryNotFound(RegistryException):
    """raised when an unknown registry is requested

    this is usually a programming/typo error...

class ObjectNotFound(RegistryException):
    """raised when an unregistered object is requested

    this may be a programming/typo or a misconfiguration error

class NoSelectableObject(RegistryException):
    """some views with the given vid have been found but no
    one is applicable to the result set

class UnknownProperty(RegistryException):
    """property found in database but unknown in registry"""

class RegistryOutOfDate(RegistryException):
    """raised when a source file modification is detected"""

# query exception #############################################################

class QueryError(CubicWebRuntimeError):
    """a query try to do something it shouldn't"""

class NotAnEntity(CubicWebRuntimeError):
    """raised when get_entity is called for a column which doesn't contain
    a non final entity

# tools exceptions ############################################################

class ExecutionError(Exception):
    """server execution control error (already started, not running...)"""

# pylint: disable-msg=W0611
from logilab.common.clcommands import BadCommandUsage