[uicfg] fix autoform_section rtags initialization
1. when a relation is marked as inlined in the 'main' form type, we want
its opposite (eg when one the other side of the relation) to be
marked as hidden in the 'inlined' form type
2. when no section is specified for the 'inlined' form type, use the same
as in the 'main' form type
to do this properly, we need two initialization stages. The first one
to handle 1., the second to handle what was done before and 2.
We can't do this in a single stage because we've to know the bare
value of the "opposite" tag.
"""CubicWeb is a generic framework to quickly build applications which describes
relations between entitites.
:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2001-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2.
:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
:license: Library General Public License version 2 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
import __builtin__
# '_' is available in builtins to mark internationalized string but should
# not be used to do the actual translation
if not hasattr(__builtin__, '_'):
__builtin__._ = unicode
CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT = __path__[0]
import sys, os, logging
from StringIO import StringIO
from logilab.common.logging_ext import set_log_methods
if os.environ.get('APYCOT_ROOT'):
from cubicweb.__pkginfo__ import version as __version__
set_log_methods(sys.modules[__name__], logging.getLogger('cubicweb'))
# make all exceptions accessible from the package
from cubicweb._exceptions import *
# convert eid to the right type, raise ValueError if it's not a valid eid
typed_eid = int
#def log_thread(f, w, a):
# print f.f_code.co_filename, f.f_code.co_name
#import threading
class Binary(StringIO):
"""customize StringIO to make sure we don't use unicode"""
def __init__(self, buf=''):
assert isinstance(buf, (str, buffer)), \
"Binary objects must use raw strings, not %s" % buf.__class__
StringIO.__init__(self, buf)
def write(self, data):
assert isinstance(data, (str, buffer)), \
"Binary objects must use raw strings, not %s" % data.__class__
StringIO.write(self, data)
# use this dictionary for renaming of entity types while keeping bw compat
ETYPE_NAME_MAP = {# 3.2 migration
'ECache': 'CWCache',
'EUser': 'CWUser',
'EGroup': 'CWGroup',
'EProperty': 'CWProperty',
'EFRDef': 'CWAttribute',
'ENFRDef': 'CWRelation',
'ERType': 'CWRType',
'EEType': 'CWEType',
'EConstraintType': 'CWConstraintType',
'EConstraint': 'CWConstraint',
'EPermission': 'CWPermission',
# XXX cubic web cube migration map
CW_MIGRATION_MAP = {'erudi': 'cubicweb',
'eaddressbook': 'addressbook',
'ebasket': 'basket',
'eblog': 'blog',
'ebook': 'book',
'eclassschemes': 'keyword',
'eclassfolders': 'folder',
'eclasstags': 'tag',
'ecomment': 'comment',
'ecompany': 'company',
'econference': 'conference',
'eemail': 'email',
'eevent': 'event',
'eexpense': 'expense',
'efile': 'file',
'einvoice': 'invoice',
'elink': 'link',
'emailinglist': 'mailinglist',
'eperson': 'person',
'eshopcart': 'shopcart',
'eskillmat': 'skillmat',
'etask': 'task',
'eworkcase': 'workcase',
'eworkorder': 'workorder',
'ezone': 'zone',
'i18ncontent': 'i18ncontent',
'svnfile': 'vcsfile',
def neg_role(role):
if role == 'subject':
return 'object'
return 'subject'
def role(obj):
return obj.role
except AttributeError:
return neg_role(obj.target)
def target(obj):
return obj.target
except AttributeError:
return neg_role(obj.role)
class CubicWebEventManager(object):
"""simple event / callback manager.
Typical usage to register a callback::
>>> from cubicweb import CW_EVENT_MANAGER
>>> CW_EVENT_MANAGER.bind('after-registry-reload', mycallback)
Typical usage to emit an event::
>>> from cubicweb import CW_EVENT_MANAGER
>>> CW_EVENT_MANAGER.emit('after-registry-reload')
emit() accepts an additional context parameter that will be passed
to the callback if specified (and only in that case)
def __init__(self):
self.callbacks = {}
def bind(self, event, callback, *args, **kwargs):
self.callbacks.setdefault(event, []).append( (callback, args, kwargs) )
def emit(self, event, context=None):
for callback, args, kwargs in self.callbacks.get(event, ()):
if context is None:
callback(*args, **kwargs)
callback(context, *args, **kwargs)
CW_EVENT_MANAGER = CubicWebEventManager()
def onevent(event):
"""decorator to ease event / callback binding
>>> from cubicweb import onevent
>>> @onevent('before-registry-reload')
... def mycallback():
... print 'hello'
def _decorator(func):
CW_EVENT_MANAGER.bind(event, func)
return func
return _decorator