Make the GROUP_CONCAT aggregate function not repeat values (closes #3223975)
Work on sets instead of arrays, so if the same value appears twice it's
not repeated in the concatenated output.
This patch handles the postgresql and sqlite backends, mysql is left
alone at this point (seems doable, but I don't have time or motivation
to fix and test it).
def convert_defaultval(cwattr, default):
from decimal import Decimal
import yams
from cubicweb import Binary
if default is None:
atype = cwattr.to_entity[0].name
if atype == 'Boolean':
# boolean attributes with default=False were stored as ''
assert default in ('True', 'False', ''), repr(default)
default = default == 'True'
elif atype in ('Int', 'BigInt'):
default = int(default)
elif atype == 'Float':
default = float(default)
elif atype == 'Decimal':
default = Decimal(default)
elif atype in ('Date', 'Datetime', 'TZDatetime', 'Time'):
# handle NOW and TODAY, keep them stored as strings
default = default.upper()
except KeyError:
# otherwise get an actual date or datetime
default = yams.DATE_FACTORY_MAP[atype](default)
assert atype == 'String', atype
default = unicode(default)
return Binary.zpickle(default)
dbh = repo.system_source.dbhelper
driver = config.sources()['system']['db-driver']
if driver == 'postgres' or driver.startswith('sqlserver'):
sql('ALTER TABLE cw_cwattribute ADD new_defaultval %s' % dbh.TYPE_MAPPING['Bytes'])
for cwattr in rql('CWAttribute X').entities():
olddefault = cwattr.defaultval
if olddefault is not None:
req = "UPDATE cw_cwattribute SET new_defaultval = %(val)s WHERE cw_eid = %(eid)s"
args = {'val': dbh.binary_value(convert_defaultval(cwattr, olddefault).getvalue()), 'eid': cwattr.eid}
sql(req, args, ask_confirm=False)
sql('ALTER TABLE cw_cwattribute DROP COLUMN cw_defaultval')
if config.sources()['system']['db-driver'] == 'postgres':
sql('ALTER TABLE cw_cwattribute RENAME COLUMN new_defaultval TO cw_defaultval')
sql("sp_rename 'cw_cwattribute.new_defaultval', 'cw_defaultval', 'COLUMN'")
elif driver == 'sqlite':
import re
create = sql("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = 'cw_CWAttribute'")[0][0]
create = re.sub('cw_defaultval varchar[^,]*,', 'cw_defaultval bytea,', create, re.I)
create = re.sub('cw_CWAttribute', 'tmp_cw_CWAttribute', create, re.I)
sql("INSERT INTO tmp_cw_CWAttribute SELECT * FROM cw_CWAttribute")
for cwattr in rql('CWAttribute X').entities():
olddefault = cwattr.defaultval
if olddefault is None:
req = "UPDATE tmp_cw_CWAttribute SET cw_defaultval = %(val)s WHERE cw_eid = %(eid)s"
args = {'val': dbh.binary_value(convert_defaultval(cwattr, olddefault).getvalue()),
'eid': cwattr.eid}
sql(req, args, ask_confirm=False)
sql('DROP TABLE cw_CWAttribute')
sql('ALTER TABLE tmp_cw_CWAttribute RENAME TO cw_CWAttribute')
assert False, 'upgrade not supported on this database backend'
# Set object type to "Bytes" for CWAttribute's "defaultval" attribute
rql('SET X to_entity B WHERE X is CWAttribute, X from_entity Y, Y name "CWAttribute", '
'X relation_type Z, Z name "defaultval", B name "Bytes"')
from yams import buildobjs as ybo
schema.add_relation_def(ybo.RelationDefinition('CWAttribute', 'defaultval', 'Bytes'))
schema.del_relation_def('CWAttribute', 'defaultval', 'String')
for rschema in schema.relations():
if rschema.symmetric:
with session.allow_all_hooks_but('activeintegrity'):
rql('SET X %(r)s Y WHERE Y %(r)s X, NOT X %(r)s Y' % {'r': rschema.type})