author Sylvain Thénault <>
Wed, 29 Mar 2017 11:14:53 +0200
changeset 12120 707139a9eb00
parent 11871 5f71460236a4
child 12171 970c32a4c7b7
child 12195 81cf4cf60411
permissions -rw-r--r--
[cwctl] Drop 'cubicweb_' prefix when displaying cubes with 'cubicweb-ctl list' consistently with newcube / create commands. This is an alternate implementation to backed out changeset fe995d56c949. Closes #17054738

# coding: utf-8
# copyright 2015-2016 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact --
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.

from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain
import logging
from uuid import uuid4

from six import text_type
from six.moves import range

from cubicweb.dataimport import stores, pgstore
from cubicweb.server.schema2sql import eschema_sql_def

class MassiveObjectStore(stores.RQLObjectStore):
    """Store for massive import of data, with delayed insertion of meta data.


    - This store may only be used with PostgreSQL for now, as it relies
      on the COPY FROM method, and on specific PostgreSQL tables to get all
      the indexes.

    - This store can only insert relations that are not inlined (i.e.,
      which do *not* have inlined=True in their definition in the schema),
      unless they are specified as entity attributes.

    It should be used as follows:

       store = MassiveObjectStore(cnx)
       eid_p = store.prepare_insert_entity('Person',
       eid_loc = store.prepare_insert_entity('Location',
       store.prepare_insert_relation(eid_p, 'lives_in', eid_loc)

    Full-text indexation is not handled, you'll have to reindex the proper entity types by yourself
    if desired.

    def __init__(self, cnx, slave_mode=False, eids_seq_range=10000, metagen=None):
        """Create a MassiveObject store, with the following arguments:

        - `cnx`, a connection to the repository
        - `metagen`, optional :class:`MetadataGenerator` instance
        - `eids_seq_range`: size of eid range reserved by the store for each batch
        super(MassiveObjectStore, self).__init__(cnx)

        self.uuid = text_type(uuid4()).replace('-', '')
        self.slave_mode = slave_mode
        if metagen is None:
            metagen = stores.MetadataGenerator(cnx)
        self.metagen = metagen

        self.logger = logging.getLogger('dataimport.massive_store')
        self.sql = cnx.system_sql
        self.schema = cnx.vreg.schema
        self.default_values = get_default_values(self.schema)
        self.get_next_eid = lambda g=self._get_eid_gen(eids_seq_range): next(g)
        self._source_dbhelper = cnx.repo.system_source.dbhelper
        self._dbh = PGHelper(cnx)

        self._data_entities = defaultdict(list)
        self._data_relations = defaultdict(list)
        self._initialized = {}

    def _get_eid_gen(self, eids_seq_range):
        """ Function getting the next eid. This is done by preselecting
        a given number of eids from the 'entities_id_seq', and then
        storing them"""
        while True:
            last_eid = self._cnx.repo.system_source.create_eid(self._cnx, eids_seq_range)
            for eid in range(last_eid - eids_seq_range + 1, last_eid + 1):
                yield eid

    # master/slaves specific API

    def master_init(self, commit=True):
        """Initialize database for massive insertion.

        This is expected to be called once, by the master store in master/slaves configuration.
        assert not self.slave_mode
        if self not in self._initialized:
            self.sql('CREATE TABLE cwmassive_initialized'
                     '(retype text, type varchar(128), uuid varchar(32))')
            self._initialized[self] = None
            if commit:

    # SQL utilities #########################################################

    def _drop_metadata_constraints(self):
        """Drop constraints and indexes for the metadata tables.

        They will be recreated by the `finish` method.
        rtypes = [rtype for rtype in self.metagen.meta_relations
                  if not self.schema.rschema(rtype).final]
        rtypes += ('is_instance_of', 'is', 'cw_source')
        for rtype in rtypes:
            self._dbh.drop_constraints(rtype + '_relation')
            self._dbh.drop_indexes(rtype + '_relation')
        # don't drop constraints for the entities table, the only one is the primary key's index on
        # eid and we want to keep it

    def restart_eid_sequence(self, start_eid):
            'entities_id_seq', initial_value=start_eid))

    # store api ################################################################

    def prepare_insert_entity(self, etype, **data):
        """Given an entity type, attributes and inlined relations, returns the inserted entity's
        if etype not in self._initialized:
            if not self.slave_mode:
            tablename = 'cw_%s' % etype.lower()
            tmp_tablename = '%s_%s' % (tablename, self.uuid)
            self.sql("INSERT INTO cwmassive_initialized VALUES (%(e)s, 'etype', %(uuid)s)",
                     {'e': etype, 'uuid': self.uuid})
            attr_defs = eschema_sql_def(self._source_dbhelper, self.schema[etype])
            self.sql('CREATE TABLE %s(%s);' % (tmp_tablename,
                                               ', '.join('cw_%s %s' % (column, sqltype)
                                                         for column, sqltype in attr_defs)))
            self._initialized[etype] = [attr for attr, _ in attr_defs]

        if 'eid' not in data:
            # If eid is not given and the eids sequence is set, use the value from the sequence
            eid = self.get_next_eid()
            data['eid'] = eid
        return data['eid']

    def prepare_insert_relation(self, eid_from, rtype, eid_to, **kwargs):
        """Insert into the database a  relation ``rtype`` between entities with eids ``eid_from``
        and ``eid_to``.

        Relation must not be inlined.
        if rtype not in self._initialized:
            if not self.slave_mode:
            assert not self._cnx.vreg.schema.rschema(rtype).inlined
            self._initialized[rtype] = None
            tablename = '%s_relation' % rtype.lower()
            tmp_tablename = '%s_%s' % (tablename, self.uuid)
            self.sql("INSERT INTO cwmassive_initialized VALUES (%(r)s, 'rtype', %(uuid)s)",
                     {'r': rtype, 'uuid': self.uuid})
            self.sql('CREATE TABLE %s(eid_from integer, eid_to integer)' % tmp_tablename)
        self._data_relations[rtype].append({'eid_from': eid_from, 'eid_to': eid_to})

    def flush(self):
        """Flush the data"""

    def finish(self):
        """Remove temporary tables and columns."""
        assert not self.slave_mode, 'finish method should only be called by the master store'"Start cleaning")
        # Get all the initialized etypes/rtypes
        if self._dbh.table_exists('cwmassive_initialized'):
            cu = self.sql('SELECT retype, type, uuid FROM cwmassive_initialized')
            entities = defaultdict(list)
            relations = defaultdict(list)
            for retype, _type, uuid in cu.fetchall():
                if _type == 'rtype':
                else:  # _type = 'etype'
            # if there is some entities to insert, delete constraint on metadata tables once for all
            if entities:
            # get back entity data from the temporary tables
            for etype, uuids in entities.items():
                tablename = 'cw_%s' % etype.lower()
                attr_defs = eschema_sql_def(self._source_dbhelper, self.schema[etype])
                columns = ','.join('cw_%s' % attr for attr, _ in attr_defs)
                for uuid in uuids:
                    tmp_tablename = '%s_%s' % (tablename, uuid)
                    self.sql('INSERT INTO %(table)s(%(columns)s) '
                             'SELECT %(columns)s FROM %(tmp_table)s'
                             % {'table': tablename, 'tmp_table': tmp_tablename,
                                'columns': columns})
                    self._insert_etype_metadata(etype, tmp_tablename)
                    self._tmp_data_cleanup(tmp_tablename, etype, uuid)
            # get back relation data from the temporary tables
            for rtype, uuids in relations.items():
                tablename = '%s_relation' % rtype.lower()
                for uuid in uuids:
                    tmp_tablename = '%s_%s' % (tablename, uuid)
                    self.fill_relation_table(tablename, tmp_tablename)
                    self._tmp_data_cleanup(tmp_tablename, rtype, uuid)
        # restore all deleted indexes and constraints
        # delete the meta data table
        self.sql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cwmassive_initialized')

    def _insert_etype_metadata(self, etype, tmp_tablename):
        """Massive insertion of meta data for `etype`, with new entities in `tmp_tablename`.
        # insert standard metadata relations
        for rtype, eid in self.metagen.base_etype_rels(etype).items():
            self.fill_meta_relation_table(tmp_tablename, rtype, eid)
        # insert cw_source, is and is_instance_of relations (normally handled by the system source)
        self.fill_meta_relation_table(tmp_tablename, 'cw_source', self.metagen.source.eid)
        eschema = self.schema[etype]
        self.fill_meta_relation_table(tmp_tablename, 'is', eschema.eid)
        for parent_eschema in chain(eschema.ancestors(), [eschema]):
            self.fill_meta_relation_table(tmp_tablename, 'is_instance_of', parent_eschema.eid)
        self.fill_entities_table(etype, tmp_tablename)

    def fill_entities_table(self, etype, tmp_tablename):
        # finally insert records into the entities table
        self.sql("INSERT INTO entities(eid, type) "
                 "SELECT cw_eid, '%s' FROM %s "
                 "WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM entities WHERE eid=cw_eid)"
                 % (etype, tmp_tablename))

    def fill_relation_table(self, tablename, tmp_tablename):
        # XXX no index on the original relation table, EXISTS subquery may be sloooow
        self.sql('INSERT INTO %(table)s(eid_from, eid_to) SELECT DISTINCT '
                 'T.eid_from, T.eid_to FROM %(tmp_table)s AS T '
                 'WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM %(table)s AS TT WHERE '
                 'TT.eid_from=T.eid_from AND TT.eid_to=T.eid_to);'
                 % {'table': tablename, 'tmp_table': tmp_tablename})

    def fill_meta_relation_table(self, tmp_tablename, rtype, eid_to):
        self.sql("INSERT INTO %s_relation(eid_from, eid_to) SELECT cw_eid, %s FROM %s "
                 "WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM entities WHERE eid=cw_eid)"
                 % (rtype, eid_to, tmp_tablename))

    def _tmp_data_cleanup(self, tmp_tablename, ertype, uuid):
        """Drop temporary relation table and record from cwmassive_initialized."""
        self.sql('DROP TABLE %(tmp_table)s' % {'tmp_table': tmp_tablename})
        self.sql('DELETE FROM cwmassive_initialized '
                 'WHERE retype = %(rtype)s AND uuid = %(uuid)s',
                 {'rtype': ertype, 'uuid': uuid})

    # FLUSH #################################################################

    def flush_relations(self):
        """Flush the relations data from in-memory structures to a temporary table."""
        for rtype, data in self._data_relations.items():
            if not data:
                # There is no data for these etype for this flush round.
            buf = pgstore._create_copyfrom_buffer(data, ('eid_from', 'eid_to'))
            cursor =
            tablename = '%s_relation' % rtype.lower()
            tmp_tablename = '%s_%s' % (tablename, self.uuid)
            cursor.copy_from(buf, tmp_tablename, null='NULL', columns=('eid_from', 'eid_to'))
            # Clear data cache
            self._data_relations[rtype] = []

    def flush_entities(self):
        """Flush the entities data from in-memory structures to a temporary table."""
        metagen = self.metagen
        for etype, data in self._data_entities.items():
            if not data:
                # There is no data for these etype for this flush round.
            attrs = self._initialized[etype]
            _base_data = dict.fromkeys(attrs)
            _data = []
            for d in data:
                # do this first on `d`, because it won't fill keys associated to None as provided by
                # `_base_data`
                metagen.init_entity_attrs(etype, d['eid'], d)
                # XXX warn/raise if there is some key not in attrs?
                _d = _base_data.copy()
            buf = pgstore._create_copyfrom_buffer(_data, attrs)
            tablename = 'cw_%s' % etype.lower()
            tmp_tablename = '%s_%s' % (tablename, self.uuid)
            columns = ['cw_%s' % attr for attr in attrs]
            cursor =
            cursor.copy_from(buf, tmp_tablename, null='NULL', columns=columns)
            # Clear data cache
            self._data_entities[etype] = []

def get_default_values(schema):
    """analyzes yams ``schema`` and returns the list of default values.

    The returned value is a dictionary mapping entity types to a
    sub-dictionnaries mapping attribute names -> default values.
    default_values = {}
    # iterates on all entity types
    for eschema in schema.entities():
        # for each entity type, iterates on attribute definitions
        default_values[eschema.type] = eschema_constraints = {}
        for rschema, _ in eschema.attribute_definitions():
            # for each attribute, if a size constraint is found,
            # append it to the size constraint list
            if eschema.default(rschema.type) is not None:
                eschema_constraints[rschema.type] = eschema.default(rschema.type)
    return default_values

class PGHelper(object):
    """This class provides some helper methods to manipulate a postgres database metadata (index and

    def __init__(self, cnx):
        self.sql = cnx.system_sql
        # Deals with pg schema, see #3216686
        pg_schema = cnx.repo.config.system_source_config.get('db-namespace') or 'public'
        self.pg_schema = pg_schema

    def drop_indexes(self, tablename):
        """Drop indexes and constraints, storing them in a table for later restore."""
        # Create a table to save the constraints, it allows reloading even after crash
        self.sql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cwmassive_constraints(sql TEXT, insert_order SERIAL)')
        indexes = self.table_indexes(tablename)
        for name, query in indexes.items():
            self.sql('INSERT INTO cwmassive_constraints(sql) VALUES (%(sql)s)', {'sql': query})
            self.sql('DROP INDEX %s' % name)

    def drop_constraints(self, tablename):
        self.sql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cwmassive_constraints(sql TEXT, insert_order SERIAL)')
        constraints = self.table_constraints(tablename)
        for name, query in constraints.items():
            self.sql('INSERT INTO cwmassive_constraints(sql) VALUES (%(sql)s)', {'sql': query})
            self.sql('ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s' % (tablename, name))

    def restore_indexes_and_constraints(self):
        """Restore indexes and constraints."""
        if not self.table_exists('cwmassive_constraints'):
        cu = self.sql('SELECT sql, insert_order FROM cwmassive_constraints '
                      'ORDER BY insert_order DESC')
        for query, order in cu.fetchall():
            self.sql('DELETE FROM cwmassive_constraints WHERE insert_order=%(order)s',
                     {'order': order})
        self.sql('DROP TABLE cwmassive_constraints')

    def table_exists(self, tablename):
        """Return True if the given table already exists in the database."""
        cu = self.sql('SELECT 1 from information_schema.tables '
                      'WHERE table_name=%(t)s AND table_schema=%(s)s',
                      {'t': tablename, 's': self.pg_schema})
        return bool(cu.fetchone())

    def table_indexes(self, tablename):
        """Return a dictionary of indexes {index name: index sql}, constraints included."""
        indexes = {}
        for name in self._index_names(tablename):
            indexes[name] = self._index_sql(name)
        return indexes

    def table_constraints(self, tablename):
        """Return a dictionary of constraints {constraint name: constraint sql}."""
        constraints = {}
        for name in self._constraint_names(tablename):
            query = self._constraint_sql(name)
            constraints[name] = 'ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %s %s' % (tablename, name, query)
        return constraints

    def _index_names(self, tablename):
        """Return the names of all indexes in the given table (including constraints.)"""
        cu = self.sql("SELECT c.relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c "
                      "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index i ON i.indexrelid = c.oid "
                      "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c2 ON i.indrelid = c2.oid "
                      "LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_user u ON u.usesysid = c.relowner "
                      "LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace "
                      "WHERE c.relkind IN ('i','') "
                      " AND c2.relname = %(t)s "
                      " AND i.indisprimary = FALSE "
                      " AND n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast') "
                      " AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid);", {'t': tablename})
        return [name for name, in cu.fetchall()]

    def _constraint_names(self, tablename):
        """Return the names of all constraints in the given table."""
        cu = self.sql("SELECT i.conname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c "
                      "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint i ON i.conrelid = c.oid "
                      "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c2 ON i.conrelid=c2.oid "
                      "LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_user u ON u.usesysid = c.relowner "
                      "LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace "
                      "WHERE c2.relname = %(t)s "
                      "AND n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast') "
                      "AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)", {'t': tablename})
        return [name for name, in cu.fetchall()]

    def _index_sql(self, name):
        """Return the SQL to be used to recreate the index of the given name."""
        return self.sql('SELECT pg_get_indexdef(c.oid) FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c '
                        'LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace '
                        'WHERE c.relname = %(r)s AND n.nspname=%(n)s',
                        {'r': name, 'n': self.pg_schema}).fetchone()[0]

    def _constraint_sql(self, name):
        """Return the SQL to be used to recreate the constraint."""
        return self.sql('SELECT pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid) FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c '
                        'LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.connamespace '
                        'WHERE c.conname = %(r)s AND n.nspname=%(n)s',
                        {'r': name, 'n': self.pg_schema}).fetchone()[0]