author Laurent Wouters <>
Fri, 20 Mar 2020 14:34:07 +0100
changeset 12931 6eae252361e5
parent 12792 e2cdb1be6bd9
permissions -rw-r--r--
[rql] Store selected variables for RQL select queries in ResultSet (#17218476) By storing the name of the selected variables for RQL select queries in the ResultSet (within the "variables" attribute), the information can be passed down to specific protocols, e.g. rqlio that may wish to pass is down further to clients. In turn, clients can then choose to present the results of RQL select queries as symbolic bindings using the names used in the query's projection, instead of ordinal arrays.

.. _cubicweb-ctl_pyramid:

The 'pyramid' command

.. program:: cubicweb-ctl pyramid

The 'pyramid' command is a replacement for the 'start' command of :ref:`cubicweb-ctl`.
It provides the same options and a few other ones.


.. option:: --no-daemon

    Run the server in the foreground.

.. option:: --debug-mode

    Activate the repository debug mode (logs in the console and the debug
    toolbar). Implies :option:`--no-daemon`.

    Also force the following pyramid options:

    .. code-block:: ini

        pyramid.debug_authorization = yes
        pyramid.debug_notfound = yes
        pyramid.debug_routematch = yes
        pyramid.reload_templates = yes

.. option:: -D, --debug

    Equals to :option:`--debug-mode` :option:`--no-daemon` :option:`--reload`

.. option:: --reload

    Restart the server if any source file is changed

.. option:: --reload-interval=RELOAD_INTERVAL

    Interval, in seconds, between file modifications checks [current: 1]

.. option:: -l <log level>, --loglevel=<log level>

    Set the loglevel. debug if -D is set, error otherwise

.. option:: -p, --profile

    Enable profiling. See :ref:`profiling`.

.. option:: --profile-output=PROFILE_OUTPUT

    Profiling output file (default: "")

.. option:: --profile-dump-every=N

    Dump profile stats to ouput every N requests (default: 100)