author Laurent Wouters <>
Fri, 20 Mar 2020 14:34:07 +0100
changeset 12931 6eae252361e5
parent 12522 fd64e424fba5
permissions -rw-r--r--
[rql] Store selected variables for RQL select queries in ResultSet (#17218476) By storing the name of the selected variables for RQL select queries in the ResultSet (within the "variables" attribute), the information can be passed down to specific protocols, e.g. rqlio that may wish to pass is down further to clients. In turn, clients can then choose to present the results of RQL select queries as symbolic bindings using the names used in the query's projection, instead of ordinal arrays.

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.. _cubicweb-ctl:

``cubicweb-ctl`` tool

`cubicweb-ctl` is the swiss knife to manage *CubicWeb* instances.
The general syntax is ::

  cubicweb-ctl <command> [options command] <arguments commands>

To view available commands ::

  cubicweb-ctl --help

Please note that the commands available depends on the *CubicWeb* packages
and cubes that have been installed.

To view the help menu on specific command ::

  cubicweb-ctl <command> --help

Listing available cubes and instance

* ``list``, provides a list of the available configuration, cubes
  and instances.

Creation of a new cube

Create your new cube cube ::

   cubicweb-ctl newcube -d <target directory>

This will create a new cube ``<target directory>``.

Create an instance

You must ensure `~/etc/cubicweb.d/` exists prior to this. On windows, the
'~' part will probably expand to 'Documents and Settings/user'.

To create an instance from an existing cube, execute the following
command ::

   cubicweb-ctl create <cube_name> <instance_name>

This command will create the configuration files of an instance in

The tool ``cubicweb-ctl`` executes the command ``db-create`` and
``db-init`` when you run ``create`` so that you can complete an
instance creation in a single command. But of course it is possible
to issue these separate commands separately, at a later stage.

Command to create/initialize an instance database

* ``db-create``, creates the system database of an instance (tables and
  extensions only)
* ``db-init``, initializes the system database of an instance
  (schema, groups, users, workflows...)

Run an instance

To start an instance during development, use ::

   cubicweb-ctl pyramid [-D] [-l <log-level>] <instance-id>

without ``-D``, the instance will be start in the background, as a daemon.

See :ref:`cubicweb-ctl_pyramid` for more details.

In production, it is recommended to run CubicWeb through a WSGI server like
uWSGI or Gunicorn. See :mod:`cubicweb.pyramid` more details.

Commands to maintain instances

* ``upgrade``, launches the existing instances migration when a new version
  of *CubicWeb* or the cubes installed is available
* ``shell``, opens a (Python based) migration shell for manual maintenance of the instance
* ``db-dump``, creates a dump of the system database
* ``db-restore``, restores a dump of the system database
* ``db-check``, checks data integrity of an instance. If the automatic correction
  is activated, it is recommanded to create a dump before this operation.
* ``schema-sync``, synchronizes the persistent schema of an instance with
  the instance schema. It is recommanded to create a dump before this operation.

Commands to maintain i18n catalogs
* ``i18ncubicweb``, regenerates messages catalogs of the *CubicWeb* library
* ``i18ncube``, regenerates the messages catalogs of a cube
* ``i18ninstance``, recompiles the messages catalogs of an instance.
  This is automatically done while upgrading.

See also chapter :ref:`internationalization`.

Other commands
* ``delete``, deletes an instance (configuration files and database)