[autoform] fix restoration of pending generic relation: inconsistent id was generated (eg different from the one generated by javascript
# copyright 2003-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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"""cubicweb.web.views.basecontrollers unit tests"""
from logilab.common.testlib import unittest_main, mock_object
from cubicweb import Binary, NoSelectableObject, ValidationError
from cubicweb.view import STRICT_DOCTYPE
from cubicweb.devtools.testlib import CubicWebTC
from cubicweb.utils import json_dumps
from cubicweb.uilib import rql_for_eid
from cubicweb.web import INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE, Redirect, RequestError
from cubicweb.entities.authobjs import CWUser
from cubicweb.web.views.autoform import get_pending_inserts, get_pending_deletes
u = unicode
def req_form(user):
return {'eid': [str(user.eid)],
'_cw_edited_fields:%s' % user.eid: '_cw_generic_field',
'__type:%s' % user.eid: user.__regid__
class EditControllerTC(CubicWebTC):
def setUp(self):
self.failUnless('users' in self.schema.eschema('CWGroup').get_groups('read'))
def tearDown(self):
self.failUnless('users' in self.schema.eschema('CWGroup').get_groups('read'))
def test_noparam_edit(self):
"""check behaviour of this controller without any form parameter
ex = self.assertRaises(ValidationError, self.ctrl_publish, self.request())
self.assertEqual(ex.errors, {None: u'no selected entities'})
def test_validation_unique(self):
"""test creation of two linked entities
user = self.user()
req = self.request()
req.form = {'eid': 'X', '__type:X': 'CWUser',
'_cw_edited_fields:X': 'login-subject,upassword-subject',
'login-subject:X': u'admin',
'upassword-subject:X': u'toto',
'upassword-subject-confirm:X': u'toto',
ex = self.assertRaises(ValidationError, self.ctrl_publish, req)
self.assertEqual(ex.errors, {'login-subject': 'the value "admin" is already used, use another one'})
def test_user_editing_itself(self):
"""checking that a manager user can edit itself
user = self.user()
basegroups = [u(eid) for eid, in self.execute('CWGroup G WHERE X in_group G, X eid %(x)s', {'x': user.eid})]
groupeids = [eid for eid, in self.execute('CWGroup G WHERE G name in ("managers", "users")')]
groups = [u(eid) for eid in groupeids]
req = self.request()
eid = u(user.eid)
req.form = {
'eid': eid, '__type:'+eid: 'CWUser',
'_cw_edited_fields:'+eid: 'login-subject,firstname-subject,surname-subject,in_group-subject',
'login-subject:'+eid: u(user.login),
'surname-subject:'+eid: u'Th\xe9nault',
'firstname-subject:'+eid: u'Sylvain',
'in_group-subject:'+eid: groups,
path, params = self.expect_redirect_publish(req, 'edit')
e = self.execute('Any X WHERE X eid %(x)s', {'x': user.eid}).get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(e.firstname, u'Sylvain')
self.assertEqual(e.surname, u'Th\xe9nault')
self.assertEqual(e.login, user.login)
self.assertEqual([g.eid for g in e.in_group], groupeids)
def test_user_can_change_its_password(self):
user = self.create_user('user')
cnx = self.login('user')
req = self.request()
eid = u(user.eid)
req.form = {
'eid': eid, '__maineid' : eid,
'__type:'+eid: 'CWUser',
'_cw_edited_fields:'+eid: 'upassword-subject',
'upassword-subject:'+eid: 'tournicoton',
'upassword-subject-confirm:'+eid: 'tournicoton',
path, params = self.expect_redirect_publish(req, 'edit')
cnx.commit() # commit to check we don't get late validation error for instance
self.assertEqual(path, 'cwuser/user')
self.failIf('vid' in params)
def test_user_editing_itself_no_relation(self):
"""checking we can edit an entity without specifying some required
relations (meaning no changes)
user = self.user()
groupeids = [g.eid for g in user.in_group]
req = self.request()
eid = u(user.eid)
req.form = {
'eid': eid,
'__type:'+eid: 'CWUser',
'_cw_edited_fields:'+eid: 'login-subject,firstname-subject,surname-subject',
'login-subject:'+eid: u(user.login),
'firstname-subject:'+eid: u'Th\xe9nault',
'surname-subject:'+eid: u'Sylvain',
path, params = self.expect_redirect_publish(req, 'edit')
e = self.execute('Any X WHERE X eid %(x)s', {'x': user.eid}).get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(e.login, user.login)
self.assertEqual(e.firstname, u'Th\xe9nault')
self.assertEqual(e.surname, u'Sylvain')
self.assertEqual([g.eid for g in e.in_group], groupeids)
self.assertEqual(e.cw_adapt_to('IWorkflowable').state, 'activated')
def test_create_multiple_linked(self):
gueid = self.execute('CWGroup G WHERE G name "users"')[0][0]
req = self.request()
req.form = {'eid': ['X', 'Y'], '__maineid' : 'X',
'__type:X': 'CWUser',
'_cw_edited_fields:X': 'login-subject,upassword-subject,surname-subject,in_group-subject',
'login-subject:X': u'adim',
'upassword-subject:X': u'toto', 'upassword-subject-confirm:X': u'toto',
'surname-subject:X': u'Di Mascio',
'in_group-subject:X': u(gueid),
'__type:Y': 'EmailAddress',
'_cw_edited_fields:Y': 'address-subject,use_email-object',
'address-subject:Y': u'dima@logilab.fr',
'use_email-object:Y': 'X',
path, params = self.expect_redirect_publish(req, 'edit')
# should be redirected on the created person
self.assertEqual(path, 'cwuser/adim')
e = self.execute('Any P WHERE P surname "Di Mascio"').get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(e.surname, 'Di Mascio')
email = e.use_email[0]
self.assertEqual(email.address, 'dima@logilab.fr')
def test_edit_multiple_linked(self):
peid = u(self.create_user('adim').eid)
req = self.request()
req.form = {'eid': [peid, 'Y'], '__maineid': peid,
'__type:'+peid: u'CWUser',
'_cw_edited_fields:'+peid: u'surname-subject',
'surname-subject:'+peid: u'Di Masci',
'__type:Y': u'EmailAddress',
'_cw_edited_fields:Y': u'address-subject,use_email-object',
'address-subject:Y': u'dima@logilab.fr',
'use_email-object:Y': peid,
path, params = self.expect_redirect_publish(req, 'edit')
# should be redirected on the created person
self.assertEqual(path, 'cwuser/adim')
e = self.execute('Any P WHERE P surname "Di Masci"').get_entity(0, 0)
email = e.use_email[0]
self.assertEqual(email.address, 'dima@logilab.fr')
emaileid = u(email.eid)
req = self.request()
req.form = {'eid': [peid, emaileid],
'__type:'+peid: u'CWUser',
'_cw_edited_fields:'+peid: u'surname-subject',
'surname-subject:'+peid: u'Di Masci',
'__type:'+emaileid: u'EmailAddress',
'_cw_edited_fields:'+emaileid: u'address-subject,use_email-object',
'address-subject:'+emaileid: u'adim@logilab.fr',
'use_email-object:'+emaileid: peid,
path, params = self.expect_redirect_publish(req, 'edit')
self.assertEqual(email.address, 'adim@logilab.fr')
def test_password_confirm(self):
"""test creation of two linked entities
user = self.user()
req = self.request()
req.form = {'eid': 'X',
'__cloned_eid:X': u(user.eid), '__type:X': 'CWUser',
'_cw_edited_fields:X': 'login-subject,upassword-subject',
'login-subject:X': u'toto',
'upassword-subject:X': u'toto',
ex = self.assertRaises(ValidationError, self.ctrl_publish, req)
self.assertEqual(ex.errors, {'upassword-subject': u'password and confirmation don\'t match'})
req = self.request()
req.form = {'__cloned_eid:X': u(user.eid),
'eid': 'X', '__type:X': 'CWUser',
'_cw_edited_fields:X': 'login-subject,upassword-subject',
'login-subject:X': u'toto',
'upassword-subject:X': u'toto',
'upassword-subject-confirm:X': u'tutu',
ex = self.assertRaises(ValidationError, self.ctrl_publish, req)
self.assertEqual(ex.errors, {'upassword-subject': u'password and confirmation don\'t match'})
def test_interval_bound_constraint_success(self):
feid = self.execute('INSERT File X: X data_name "toto.txt", X data %(data)s',
{'data': Binary('yo')})[0][0]
req = self.request(rollbackfirst=True)
req.form = {'eid': ['X'],
'__type:X': 'Salesterm',
'_cw_edited_fields:X': 'amount-subject,described_by_test-subject',
'amount-subject:X': u'-10',
'described_by_test-subject:X': u(feid),
ex = self.assertRaises(ValidationError, self.ctrl_publish, req)
self.assertEqual(ex.errors, {'amount-subject': 'value must be >= 0'})
req = self.request(rollbackfirst=True)
req.form = {'eid': ['X'],
'__type:X': 'Salesterm',
'_cw_edited_fields:X': 'amount-subject,described_by_test-subject',
'amount-subject:X': u'110',
'described_by_test-subject:X': u(feid),
ex = self.assertRaises(ValidationError, self.ctrl_publish, req)
self.assertEqual(ex.errors, {'amount-subject': 'value must be <= 100'})
req = self.request(rollbackfirst=True)
req.form = {'eid': ['X'],
'__type:X': 'Salesterm',
'_cw_edited_fields:X': 'amount-subject,described_by_test-subject',
'amount-subject:X': u'10',
'described_by_test-subject:X': u(feid),
self.expect_redirect_publish(req, 'edit')
# should be redirected on the created
#eid = params['rql'].split()[-1]
e = self.execute('Salesterm X').get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(e.amount, 10)
def test_req_pending_insert(self):
"""make sure req's pending insertions are taken into account"""
tmpgroup = self.request().create_entity('CWGroup', name=u"test")
user = self.user()
req = self.request(**req_form(user))
req.session.data['pending_insert'] = set([(user.eid, 'in_group', tmpgroup.eid)])
path, params = self.expect_redirect_publish(req, 'edit')
usergroups = [gname for gname, in
self.execute('Any N WHERE G name N, U in_group G, U eid %(u)s', {'u': user.eid})]
self.assertItemsEqual(usergroups, ['managers', 'test'])
self.assertEqual(get_pending_inserts(req), [])
def test_req_pending_delete(self):
"""make sure req's pending deletions are taken into account"""
user = self.user()
groupeid = self.execute('INSERT CWGroup G: G name "test", U in_group G WHERE U eid %(x)s',
{'x': user.eid})[0][0]
usergroups = [gname for gname, in
self.execute('Any N WHERE G name N, U in_group G, U eid %(u)s', {'u': user.eid})]
# just make sure everything was set correctly
self.assertItemsEqual(usergroups, ['managers', 'test'])
# now try to delete the relation
req = self.request(**req_form(user))
req.session.data['pending_delete'] = set([(user.eid, 'in_group', groupeid)])
path, params = self.expect_redirect_publish(req, 'edit')
usergroups = [gname for gname, in
self.execute('Any N WHERE G name N, U in_group G, U eid %(u)s', {'u': user.eid})]
self.assertItemsEqual(usergroups, ['managers'])
self.assertEqual(get_pending_deletes(req), [])
def test_redirect_apply_button(self):
redirectrql = rql_for_eid(4012) # whatever
req = self.request()
req.form = {
'eid': 'A', '__maineid' : 'A',
'__type:A': 'BlogEntry', '_cw_edited_fields:A': 'content-subject,title-subject',
'content-subject:A': u'"13:03:43"',
'title-subject:A': u'huuu',
'__redirectrql': redirectrql,
'__redirectvid': 'primary',
'__redirectparams': 'toto=tutu&tata=titi',
'__form_id': 'edition',
'__action_apply': '',
path, params = self.expect_redirect_publish(req, 'edit')
eid = path.split('/')[1]
self.assertEqual(params['vid'], 'edition')
self.assertNotEqual(int(eid), 4012)
self.assertEqual(params['__redirectrql'], redirectrql)
self.assertEqual(params['__redirectvid'], 'primary')
self.assertEqual(params['__redirectparams'], 'toto=tutu&tata=titi')
def test_redirect_ok_button(self):
redirectrql = rql_for_eid(4012) # whatever
req = self.request()
req.form = {
'eid': 'A', '__maineid' : 'A',
'__type:A': 'BlogEntry', '_cw_edited_fields:A': 'content-subject,title-subject',
'content-subject:A': u'"13:03:43"',
'title-subject:A': u'huuu',
'__redirectrql': redirectrql,
'__redirectvid': 'primary',
'__redirectparams': 'toto=tutu&tata=titi',
'__form_id': 'edition',
path, params = self.expect_redirect_publish(req, 'edit')
self.assertEqual(path, 'view')
self.assertEqual(params['rql'], redirectrql)
self.assertEqual(params['vid'], 'primary')
self.assertEqual(params['tata'], 'titi')
self.assertEqual(params['toto'], 'tutu')
def test_redirect_delete_button(self):
req = self.request()
eid = req.create_entity('BlogEntry', title=u'hop', content=u'hop').eid
req.form = {'eid': u(eid), '__type:%s'%eid: 'BlogEntry',
'__action_delete': ''}
path, params = self.expect_redirect_publish(req, 'edit')
self.assertEqual(path, 'blogentry')
self.assertIn('_cwmsgid', params)
eid = req.create_entity('EmailAddress', address=u'hop@logilab.fr').eid
self.execute('SET X use_email E WHERE E eid %(e)s, X eid %(x)s',
{'x': self.session.user.eid, 'e': eid})
req = req
req.form = {'eid': u(eid), '__type:%s'%eid: 'EmailAddress',
'__action_delete': ''}
path, params = self.expect_redirect_publish(req, 'edit')
self.assertEqual(path, 'cwuser/admin')
self.assertIn('_cwmsgid', params)
eid1 = req.create_entity('BlogEntry', title=u'hop', content=u'hop').eid
eid2 = req.create_entity('EmailAddress', address=u'hop@logilab.fr').eid
req = self.request()
req.form = {'eid': [u(eid1), u(eid2)],
'__type:%s'%eid1: 'BlogEntry',
'__type:%s'%eid2: 'EmailAddress',
'__action_delete': ''}
path, params = self.expect_redirect_publish(req, 'edit')
self.assertEqual(path, 'view')
self.assertIn('_cwmsgid', params)
def test_nonregr_eetype_etype_editing(self):
"""non-regression test checking that a manager user can edit a CWEType entity
groupeids = sorted(eid for eid, in self.execute('CWGroup G WHERE G name in ("managers", "users")'))
groups = [u(eid) for eid in groupeids]
cwetypeeid = self.execute('CWEType X WHERE X name "CWEType"')[0][0]
basegroups = [u(eid) for eid, in self.execute('CWGroup G WHERE X read_permission G, X eid %(x)s', {'x': cwetypeeid})]
cwetypeeid = u(cwetypeeid)
req = self.request()
req.form = {
'eid': cwetypeeid,
'__type:'+cwetypeeid: 'CWEType',
'_cw_edited_fields:'+cwetypeeid: 'name-subject,final-subject,description-subject,read_permission-subject',
'name-subject:'+cwetypeeid: u'CWEType',
'final-subject:'+cwetypeeid: '',
'description-subject:'+cwetypeeid: u'users group',
'read_permission-subject:'+cwetypeeid: groups,
path, params = self.expect_redirect_publish(req, 'edit')
e = self.execute('Any X WHERE X eid %(x)s', {'x': cwetypeeid}).get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(e.name, 'CWEType')
self.assertEqual(sorted(g.eid for g in e.read_permission), groupeids)
# restore
self.execute('SET X read_permission Y WHERE X name "CWEType", Y eid IN (%s), NOT X read_permission Y' % (','.join(basegroups)))
def test_nonregr_strange_text_input(self):
"""non-regression test checking text input containing "13:03:43"
this seems to be postgres (tsearch?) specific
req = self.request()
req.form = {
'eid': 'A', '__maineid' : 'A',
'__type:A': 'BlogEntry', '_cw_edited_fields:A': 'title-subject,content-subject',
'title-subject:A': u'"13:03:40"',
'content-subject:A': u'"13:03:43"',}
path, params = self.expect_redirect_publish(req, 'edit')
eid = path.split('/')[1]
e = self.execute('Any C, T WHERE C eid %(x)s, C content T', {'x': eid}).get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(e.title, '"13:03:40"')
self.assertEqual(e.content, '"13:03:43"')
def test_nonregr_multiple_empty_email_addr(self):
gueid = self.execute('CWGroup G WHERE G name "users"')[0][0]
req = self.request()
req.form = {'eid': ['X', 'Y'],
'__type:X': 'CWUser',
'_cw_edited_fields:X': 'login-subject,upassword-subject,in_group-subject',
'login-subject:X': u'adim',
'upassword-subject:X': u'toto', 'upassword-subject-confirm:X': u'toto',
'in_group-subject:X': `gueid`,
'__type:Y': 'EmailAddress',
'_cw_edited_fields:Y': 'address-subject,alias-subject,use_email-object',
'address-subject:Y': u'',
'alias-subject:Y': u'',
'use_email-object:Y': 'X',
ex = self.assertRaises(ValidationError, self.ctrl_publish, req)
self.assertEqual(ex.errors, {'address-subject': u'required field'})
def test_nonregr_copy(self):
user = self.user()
req = self.request()
req.form = {'__maineid' : 'X', 'eid': 'X',
'__cloned_eid:X': user.eid, '__type:X': 'CWUser',
'_cw_edited_fields:X': 'login-subject,upassword-subject',
'login-subject:X': u'toto',
'upassword-subject:X': u'toto', 'upassword-subject-confirm:X': u'toto',
path, params = self.expect_redirect_publish(req, 'edit')
self.assertEqual(path, 'cwuser/toto')
e = self.execute('Any X WHERE X is CWUser, X login "toto"').get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(e.login, 'toto')
self.assertEqual(e.in_group[0].name, 'managers')
def test_nonregr_rollback_on_validation_error(self):
p = self.create_user("doe")
# do not try to skip 'primary_email' for this test
old_skips = p.__class__.skip_copy_for
p.__class__.skip_copy_for = ()
e = self.request().create_entity('EmailAddress', address=u'doe@doe.com')
self.execute('SET P use_email E, P primary_email E WHERE P eid %(p)s, E eid %(e)s',
{'p' : p.eid, 'e' : e.eid})
req = self.request()
req.form = {'eid': 'X',
'__cloned_eid:X': p.eid, '__type:X': 'CWUser',
'_cw_edited_fields:X': 'login-subject,surname-subject',
'login-subject': u'dodo',
'surname-subject:X': u'Boom',
'__errorurl' : "whatever but required",
# try to emulate what really happens in the web application
# 1/ validate form => EditController.publish raises a ValidationError
# which fires a Redirect
# 2/ When re-publishing the copy form, the publisher implicitly commits
self.app_publish(req, 'edit')
except Redirect:
req = self.request()
req.form['rql'] = 'Any X WHERE X eid %s' % p.eid
req.form['vid'] = 'copy'
self.app_publish(req, 'view')
rset = self.execute('CWUser P WHERE P surname "Boom"')
self.assertEqual(len(rset), 0)
p.__class__.skip_copy_for = old_skips
class EmbedControllerTC(CubicWebTC):
def test_nonregr_embed_publish(self):
# This test looks a bit stupid but at least it will probably
# fail if the controller API changes and if EmbedController is not
# updated (which is what happened before this test)
req = self.request()
req.form['url'] = 'http://www.logilab.fr/'
controller = self.vreg['controllers'].select('embed', req)
result = controller.publish(rset=None)
class ReportBugControllerTC(CubicWebTC):
def test_usable_by_guets(self):
self.vreg['controllers'].select, 'reportbug', self.request())
self.vreg['controllers'].select('reportbug', self.request(description='hop'))
class SendMailControllerTC(CubicWebTC):
def test_not_usable_by_guets(self):
self.vreg['controllers'].select, 'sendmail', self.request())
self.vreg['controllers'].select, 'sendmail', self.request())
class JSONControllerTC(CubicWebTC):
def ctrl(self, req=None):
req = req or self.request(url='http://whatever.fr/')
return self.vreg['controllers'].select('json', req)
def setup_database(self):
req = self.request()
self.pytag = req.create_entity('Tag', name=u'python')
self.cubicwebtag = req.create_entity('Tag', name=u'cubicweb')
self.john = self.create_user(u'John')
## tests ##################################################################
def test_simple_exec(self):
req = self.request(rql='CWUser P WHERE P login "John"',
pageid='123', fname='view')
ctrl = self.ctrl(req)
rset = self.john.as_rset()
rset.req = req
source = ctrl.publish()
self.failUnless(source.startswith('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n' + STRICT_DOCTYPE +
u'<div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:cubicweb="http://www.logilab.org/2008/cubicweb">')
req.xhtml_browser = lambda: False
source = ctrl.publish()
# def test_json_exec(self):
# rql = 'Any T,N WHERE T is Tag, T name N'
# ctrl = self.ctrl(self.request(mode='json', rql=rql, pageid='123'))
# self.assertEqual(ctrl.publish(),
# json_dumps(self.execute(rql).rows))
def test_remote_add_existing_tag(self):
self.remote_call('tag_entity', self.john.eid, ['python'])
[tname for tname, in self.execute('Any N WHERE T is Tag, T name N')],
['python', 'cubicweb'])
self.execute('Any N WHERE T tags P, P is CWUser, T name N').rows,
def test_remote_add_new_tag(self):
self.remote_call('tag_entity', self.john.eid, ['javascript'])
[tname for tname, in self.execute('Any N WHERE T is Tag, T name N')],
['python', 'cubicweb', 'javascript'])
self.execute('Any N WHERE T tags P, P is CWUser, T name N').rows,
def test_pending_insertion(self):
res, req = self.remote_call('add_pending_inserts', [['12', 'tags', '13']])
deletes = get_pending_deletes(req)
self.assertEqual(deletes, [])
inserts = get_pending_inserts(req)
self.assertEqual(inserts, ['12:tags:13'])
res, req = self.remote_call('add_pending_inserts', [['12', 'tags', '14']])
deletes = get_pending_deletes(req)
self.assertEqual(deletes, [])
inserts = get_pending_inserts(req)
self.assertEqual(inserts, ['12:tags:13', '12:tags:14'])
inserts = get_pending_inserts(req, 12)
self.assertEqual(inserts, ['12:tags:13', '12:tags:14'])
inserts = get_pending_inserts(req, 13)
self.assertEqual(inserts, ['12:tags:13'])
inserts = get_pending_inserts(req, 14)
self.assertEqual(inserts, ['12:tags:14'])
def test_pending_deletion(self):
res, req = self.remote_call('add_pending_delete', ['12', 'tags', '13'])
inserts = get_pending_inserts(req)
self.assertEqual(inserts, [])
deletes = get_pending_deletes(req)
self.assertEqual(deletes, ['12:tags:13'])
res, req = self.remote_call('add_pending_delete', ['12', 'tags', '14'])
inserts = get_pending_inserts(req)
self.assertEqual(inserts, [])
deletes = get_pending_deletes(req)
self.assertEqual(deletes, ['12:tags:13', '12:tags:14'])
deletes = get_pending_deletes(req, 12)
self.assertEqual(deletes, ['12:tags:13', '12:tags:14'])
deletes = get_pending_deletes(req, 13)
self.assertEqual(deletes, ['12:tags:13'])
deletes = get_pending_deletes(req, 14)
self.assertEqual(deletes, ['12:tags:14'])
def test_remove_pending_operations(self):
self.remote_call('add_pending_delete', ['12', 'tags', '13'])
_, req = self.remote_call('add_pending_inserts', [['12', 'tags', '14']])
inserts = get_pending_inserts(req)
self.assertEqual(inserts, ['12:tags:14'])
deletes = get_pending_deletes(req)
self.assertEqual(deletes, ['12:tags:13'])
self.assertEqual(get_pending_deletes(req), [])
self.assertEqual(get_pending_inserts(req), [])
def test_add_inserts(self):
res, req = self.remote_call('add_pending_inserts',
[('12', 'tags', '13'), ('12', 'tags', '14')])
inserts = get_pending_inserts(req)
self.assertEqual(inserts, ['12:tags:13', '12:tags:14'])
# silly tests
def test_external_resource(self):
self.assertEqual(self.remote_call('external_resource', 'RSS_LOGO')[0],
def test_i18n(self):
self.assertEqual(self.remote_call('i18n', ['bimboom'])[0],
def test_format_date(self):
self.assertEqual(self.remote_call('format_date', '2007-01-01 12:00:00')[0],
if __name__ == '__main__':