author Julien Jehannet <Julien Jehannet <>>
Tue, 02 Mar 2010 21:48:36 +0100
changeset 4783 6dc34d4cf892
parent 4212 ab6573088b4a
child 4831 c5aec27c1bf7
child 4893 15ae9a33a7f2
permissions -rw-r--r--
[F] views: fix 2 unicode errors 1. You can now use valid unicode strings in ValidationError exception. Previously, if 'err' contains unicode, UnicodeDecodeError was raised by format_errors() >>> templstr = '<li>%s</li>\n' >>> e = ValidationError(None, {None: u'oué, une exception en unicode!'}) >>> templstr % e '<li>None (None): ou\xc3\xa9, une exception en unicode!</li>\n' >>> templstr = u'<li>%s</li>\n' >>> templstr % e u'<li>None (None): ou\xe9, une exception en unicode!</li>\n' 2. The message of an Exception can contains unicode. But it now properly managed by “informal” string representation. We can easily fix the problem by using the Exception.message attribute that still contains the original message. >>> a = AssertionError(u'séfdsdf') >>> a.message u's\xe9fdsdf' >>> str(a) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' in position 1: ordinal not in range(128) >>> a = ValueError(u'fsdfsdéfsdfs') >>> str(a) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' in position 6: ordinal not in range(128) >>> a ValueError(u'fsdfsd\xe9fsdfs',) >>> unicode(a) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' in position 6: ordinal not in range(128) >>> a.message u'fsdfsd\xe9fsdfs'

"""provide an abstract class for external sources using a sqlite database helper

:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2007-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2.
:contact: --
:license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 -
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

from os.path import join, exists

from cubicweb import server
from cubicweb.server.sqlutils import SQL_PREFIX, SQLAdapterMixIn, sqlexec
from cubicweb.server.sources import native, rql2sql
from cubicweb.server.sources import AbstractSource, dbg_st_search, dbg_results

class ConnectionWrapper(object):
    def __init__(self, source=None):
        self.source = source
        self._cnx = None

    def logged_user(self):
        if self._cnx is None:
            self._cnx = self.source._sqlcnx
        return self._cnx.logged_user

    def cursor(self):
        if self._cnx is None:
            self._cnx = self.source._sqlcnx
            if server.DEBUG & server.DBG_SQL:
                print 'sql cnx OPEN', self._cnx
        return self._cnx.cursor()

    def commit(self):
        if self._cnx is not None:
            if server.DEBUG & (server.DBG_SQL | server.DBG_RQL):
                print 'sql cnx COMMIT', self._cnx

    def rollback(self):
        if self._cnx is not None:
            if server.DEBUG & (server.DBG_SQL | server.DBG_RQL):
                print 'sql cnx ROLLBACK', self._cnx

    def close(self):
        if self._cnx is not None:
            if server.DEBUG & server.DBG_SQL:
                print 'sql cnx CLOSE', self._cnx
            self._cnx = None

class SQLiteAbstractSource(AbstractSource):
    """an abstract class for external sources using a sqlite database helper
    sqlgen_class = rql2sql.SQLGenerator
    def set_nonsystem_types(cls):
        # those entities are only in this source, we don't want them in the
        # system source
        for etype in cls.support_entities:
        for rtype in cls.support_relations:

    options = (
         {'type' : 'string',
          'default': None,
          'help': 'path to the sqlite database file used to do queries on the \
          'inputlevel': 2,

    def __init__(self, repo, appschema, source_config, *args, **kwargs):
        # the helper db is used to easy querying and will store everything but
        # actual file content
        dbpath = source_config.get('helper-db-path')
        if dbpath is None:
            dbpath = join(repo.config.appdatahome,
                          '%(uri)s.sqlite' % source_config)
        self.dbpath = dbpath
        self.sqladapter = SQLAdapterMixIn({'db-driver': 'sqlite',
                                           'db-name': dbpath})
        # those attributes have to be initialized before ancestor's __init__
        # which will call set_schema
        self._need_sql_create = not exists(dbpath)
        self._need_full_import = self._need_sql_create
        AbstractSource.__init__(self, repo, appschema, source_config,
                                *args, **kwargs)

    def backup(self, backupfile):
        """method called to create a backup of the source's data"""

    def restore(self, backupfile, confirm, drop):
        """method called to restore a backup of source's data"""
            self.sqladapter.restore_from_file(backupfile, confirm, drop)

    def _sqlcnx(self):
        # XXX: sqlite connections can only be used in the same thread, so
        #      create a new one each time necessary. If it appears to be time
        #      consuming, find another way
        return self.sqladapter.get_connection()

    def _is_schema_complete(self):
        for etype in self.support_entities:
            if not etype in self.schema:
                self.warning('not ready to generate %s database, %s support missing from schema',
                             self.uri, etype)
                return False
        for rtype in self.support_relations:
            if not rtype in self.schema:
                self.warning('not ready to generate %s database, %s support missing from schema',
                             self.uri, rtype)
                return False
        return True

    def _create_database(self):
        from yams.schema2sql import eschema2sql, rschema2sql
        from cubicweb.toolsutils import restrict_perms_to_user
        self.warning('initializing sqlite database for %s source' % self.uri)
        cnx = self._sqlcnx
        cu = cnx.cursor()
        schema = self.schema
        for etype in self.support_entities:
            eschema = schema.eschema(etype)
            createsqls = eschema2sql(self.sqladapter.dbhelper, eschema,
                                     skip_relations=('data',), prefix=SQL_PREFIX)
            sqlexec(createsqls, cu, withpb=False)
        for rtype in self.support_relations:
            rschema = schema.rschema(rtype)
            if not rschema.inlined:
                sqlexec(rschema2sql(rschema), cu, withpb=False)
        self._need_sql_create = False
        if self.repo.config['uid']:
            from logilab.common.shellutils import chown
            # database file must be owned by the uid of the server process
            self.warning('set %s as owner of the database file',
            chown(self.dbpath, self.repo.config['uid'])

    def set_schema(self, schema):
        super(SQLiteAbstractSource, self).set_schema(schema)
        if self._need_sql_create and self._is_schema_complete() and self.dbpath:
        self.rqlsqlgen = self.sqlgen_class(schema, self.sqladapter.dbhelper)

    def get_connection(self):
        return ConnectionWrapper(self)

    def check_connection(self, cnx):
        """check connection validity, return None if the connection is still valid
        else a new connection (called when the pool using the given connection is
        being attached to a session)

        always return the connection to reset eventually cached cursor
        return cnx

    def pool_reset(self, cnx):
        """the pool using the given connection is being reseted from its current
        attached session: release the connection lock if the connection wrapper
        has a connection set
        # reset _cnx to ensure next thread using cnx will get a new
        # connection

    def syntax_tree_search(self, session, union, args=None, cachekey=None,
        """return result from this source for a rql query (actually from a rql
        syntax tree and a solution dictionary mapping each used variable to a
        possible type). If cachekey is given, the query necessary to fetch the
        results (but not the results themselves) may be cached using this key.
        if self._need_sql_create:
            return []
        assert dbg_st_search(self.uri, union, varmap, args, cachekey)
        sql, query_args = self.rqlsqlgen.generate(union, args)
        args = self.sqladapter.merge_args(args, query_args)
        results = self.sqladapter.process_result(self.doexec(session, sql, args))
        assert dbg_results(results)
        return results

    def local_add_entity(self, session, entity):
        """insert the entity in the local database.

        This is not provided as add_entity implementation since usually source
        don't want to simply do this, so let raise NotImplementedError and the
        source implementor may use this method if necessary
        attrs = self.sqladapter.preprocess_entity(entity)
        sql = self.sqladapter.sqlgen.insert(SQL_PREFIX + str(entity.e_schema), attrs)
        self.doexec(session, sql, attrs)

    def add_entity(self, session, entity):
        """add a new entity to the source"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def local_update_entity(self, session, entity, attrs=None):
        """update an entity in the source

        This is not provided as update_entity implementation since usually
        source don't want to simply do this, so let raise NotImplementedError
        and the source implementor may use this method if necessary
        if attrs is None:
            attrs = self.sqladapter.preprocess_entity(entity)
        sql = self.sqladapter.sqlgen.update(SQL_PREFIX + str(entity.e_schema),
                                            attrs, [SQL_PREFIX + 'eid'])
        self.doexec(session, sql, attrs)

    def update_entity(self, session, entity):
        """update an entity in the source"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def delete_entity(self, session, etype, eid):
        """delete an entity from the source

        this is not deleting a file in the svn but deleting entities from the
        source. Main usage is to delete repository content when a Repository
        entity is deleted.
        attrs = {SQL_PREFIX + 'eid': eid}
        sql = self.sqladapter.sqlgen.delete(SQL_PREFIX + etype, attrs)
        self.doexec(session, sql, attrs)

    def local_add_relation(self, session, subject, rtype, object):
        """add a relation to the source

        This is not provided as add_relation implementation since usually
        source don't want to simply do this, so let raise NotImplementedError
        and the source implementor may use this method if necessary
        attrs = {'eid_from': subject, 'eid_to': object}
        sql = self.sqladapter.sqlgen.insert('%s_relation' % rtype, attrs)
        self.doexec(session, sql, attrs)

    def add_relation(self, session, subject, rtype, object):
        """add a relation to the source"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def delete_relation(self, session, subject, rtype, object):
        """delete a relation from the source"""
        rschema = self.schema.rschema(rtype)
        if rschema.inlined:
            if subject in session.transaction_data.get('pendingeids', ()):
            table = SQL_PREFIX + session.describe(subject)[0]
            column = SQL_PREFIX + rtype
            sql = 'UPDATE %s SET %s=NULL WHERE %seid=%%(eid)s' % (table, column, SQL_PREFIX)
            attrs = {'eid' : subject}
            attrs = {'eid_from': subject, 'eid_to': object}
            sql = self.sqladapter.sqlgen.delete('%s_relation' % rtype, attrs)
        self.doexec(session, sql, attrs)

    def doexec(self, session, query, args=None):
        """Execute a query.
        it's a function just so that it shows up in profiling
        if server.DEBUG:
            print 'exec', query, args
        cursor = session.pool[self.uri]
            # str(query) to avoid error if it's an unicode string
            cursor.execute(str(query), args)
        except Exception, ex:
            self.critical("sql: %r\n args: %s\ndbms message: %r",
                          query, args, ex.args[0])
                self.critical('transaction has been rollbacked')
        return cursor