author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@logilab.fr>
Mon, 24 Jun 2013 14:53:19 +0200
changeset 9042 6cc13a0a9145
parent 8260 5a81fa526b30
child 10279 d7479a5ac553
permissions -rw-r--r--
[dbapi] makes anonymous_connection a computed property The current implementation is a boolean flag set manually by client code after connection creation. This led to different way to decide a anonymous_connection should be True (eg. different in the test than in the actual application code). It should not be client responsibility to set this flag. ``cnx.anonymous_connection`` is now a purely computed property. Connection with user in the "guests" group are anonymous, the other ain't. ``Session.anonymous_session`` is computed from ``cnx.anonymous_connection`` and get the updated behavior transparently. Closes #2953943

cw.reledit = new Namespace('cw.reledit');

jQuery.extend(cw.reledit, {

    /* Unhides the part of reledit div containing the form
     * hides other parts
    showInlineEditionForm: function (divid) {
        jQuery('#' + divid).hide();
        jQuery('#' + divid + '-value').hide();
        jQuery('#' + divid + '-form').show();

    /* Hides and removes edition parts, incl. messages
     * show initial widget state
    cleanupAfterCancel: function (divid) {
        // plus re-set inline style ?
        jQuery('#' + divid).show();
        jQuery('#' + divid + '-value').show();
        jQuery('#' + divid + '-form').hide();

    /* callback used on form validation success
     * refreshes the whole page or just the edited reledit zone
     * @param results: [status, ...]
     * @param formid: the dom id of the reledit form
     * @param cbargs: ...
     onSuccess: function (results, formid, cbargs) {
        var params = {fname: 'reledit_form'};
        jQuery('#' + formid + ' input:hidden').each(function (elt) {
            var name = jQuery(this).attr('name');
            if (name && name.startswith('__reledit|')) {
                params[name.split('|')[1]] = this.value;
        var reload = cw.evalJSON(params.reload);
        if (reload || (params.formid == 'deleteconf')) {
            if (typeof reload == 'string') {
                /* Sometimes we want to reload but the reledit thing
                 * updated a key attribute which was a component of the
                 * url
                document.location.href = reload;
            else {
        jQuery('#'+params.divid+'-reledit').loadxhtml(AJAX_BASE_URL, params, 'post');
        jQuery(cw).trigger('reledit-reloaded', params);

    /* called by reledit forms to submit changes
     * @param formid : the dom id of the form used
     * @param rtype : the attribute being edited
     * @param eid : the eid of the entity being edited
     * @param reload: boolean to reload page if true (when changing URL dependant data)
     * @param default_value : value if the field is empty
    loadInlineEditionForm: function(formid, eid, rtype, role, divid, reload, vid, action) {
        var args = {fname: 'reledit_form', rtype: rtype, role: role,
                    pageid: pageid, action: action,
                    eid: eid, divid: divid, formid: formid,
                    reload: reload, vid: vid};
        var d = jQuery('#'+divid+'-reledit').loadxhtml(AJAX_BASE_URL, args, 'post');
        d.addCallback(function () {cw.reledit.showInlineEditionForm(divid);});