[views] visual refactorings (closes #3803685)
- pageContent:
- remove the shadow
- add a light border
- slightly round the corners
- left column:
- ensure width make it aligned with the logo (header)
- ensure the top border of the first box is aligned with the pageContent div
- do not use serif font for box headers
$(document).ready(function() {
module("module2", {
setup: function() {
$('#main').append('<select id="theselect" multiple="multiple" size="2">' +
test("test first selected", function() {
$('#theselect').append('<option value="foo">foo</option>' +
'<option selected="selected" value="bar">bar</option>' +
'<option value="baz">baz</option>' +
'<option selected="selecetd"value="spam">spam</option>');
var selected = firstSelected(document.getElementById("theselect"));
equals(selected.value, 'bar');
test("test first selected 2", function() {
$('#theselect').append('<option value="foo">foo</option>' +
'<option value="bar">bar</option>' +
'<option value="baz">baz</option>' +
'<option value="spam">spam</option>');
var selected = firstSelected(document.getElementById("theselect"));
equals(selected, null);
test('toggleVisibility', function() {
$('#main').append('<div id="foo"></div>');
ok($('#foo').hasClass('hidden'), 'check hidden class is set');