author Julien Jehannet <julien.jehannet@logilab.fr>
Fri, 05 Feb 2010 17:13:53 +0100
changeset 4527 67ab70e98488
parent 4391 bd8480824e0b
child 4931 92c9d0a5dc11
permissions -rw-r--r--
[R] devtools: improve default data import mechanism Validation chain is now possible with checkers Before that the expected values needed to be coherent. Now, we can use ObjectStore to validate the input data * add new input transformers: - uppercase - lowercase * add new input checkers (raise AssertionError on error): - decimal: take care of possible comma character as number separator - integer: cast to int() - yesno: to validate boolean value - isalpha - required: input value *must* not be empty * new control checker: - optional: block possible exception we delete field in the returned dict instead of raising AssertionError (exclusive with required) Helper methods to manipulate indexes: * build_rqlindex() is used to build index based on already created entities * fetch() replace get_one()/get_many() methods by factorizing code Minor changes in reporting: * use tell() for all printing * let new value for askerrors to display automatically the report (used in crontab)

"""relation tags store

:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2001-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2.
:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
:license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

import logging

from logilab.common.logging_ext import set_log_methods

RTAGS = []
def register_rtag(rtag):

def _ensure_str_key(key):
    return tuple(str(k) for k in key)

class RelationTags(object):
    """a tag store for full relation definitions :

         (subject type, relation type, object type, tagged)

    allowing to set tags using wildcard (eg '*') as subject type / object type

    This class associates a single tag to each key.
    _allowed_values = None
    _initfunc = None
    def __init__(self, name=None, initfunc=None, allowed_values=None):
        self._name = name or '<unknown>'
        self._tagdefs = {}
        if allowed_values is not None:
            self._allowed_values = allowed_values
        if initfunc is not None:
            self._initfunc = initfunc

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s: %s' % (self._name, repr(self._tagdefs))

    # dict compat
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.get(*key)
    __contains__ = __getitem__

    def clear(self):

    def _get_keys(self, stype, rtype, otype, tagged):
        keys = [('*', rtype, '*', tagged),
                ('*', rtype, otype, tagged),
                (stype, rtype, '*', tagged),
                (stype, rtype, otype, tagged)]
        if stype == '*' or otype == '*':
            keys.remove( ('*', rtype, '*', tagged) )
            if stype == '*':
                keys.remove( ('*', rtype, otype, tagged) )
            if otype == '*':
                keys.remove( (stype, rtype, '*', tagged) )
        return keys

    def init(self, schema, check=True):
        # XXX check existing keys against schema
        if check:
            for (stype, rtype, otype, tagged), value in self._tagdefs.items():
                for ertype in (stype, rtype, otype):
                    if ertype != '*' and not ertype in schema:
                        self.warning('removing rtag %s: %s, %s undefined in schema',
                                     (stype, rtype, otype, tagged), value, ertype)
                        self.del_rtag(stype, rtype, otype, tagged)
        if self._initfunc is not None:
            self.apply(schema, self._initfunc)

    def apply(self, schema, func):
        for eschema in schema.entities():
            for rschema, tschemas, role in eschema.relation_definitions(True):
                for tschema in tschemas:
                    if role == 'subject':
                        sschema, oschema = eschema, tschema
                        sschema, oschema = tschema, eschema
                    func(self, sschema, rschema, oschema, role)

    # rtag declaration api ####################################################

    def tag_attribute(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
        key = list(key)
        self.tag_relation(key, *args, **kwargs)

    def tag_subject_of(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
        key = list(key)
        self.tag_relation(key, *args, **kwargs)

    def tag_object_of(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
        key = list(key)
        self.tag_relation(key, *args, **kwargs)

    def tag_relation(self, key, tag):
        assert len(key) == 4, 'bad key: %s' % list(key)
        if self._allowed_values is not None:
            assert tag in self._allowed_values, \
                   '%r is not an allowed tag (should be in %s)' % (
                tag, self._allowed_values)
        self._tagdefs[_ensure_str_key(key)] = tag
        return tag

    # rtag runtime api ########################################################

    def del_rtag(self, *key):
        del self._tagdefs[key]

    def get(self, *key):
        for key in reversed(self._get_keys(*key)):
                return self._tagdefs[key]
            except KeyError:
        return None

    def etype_get(self, etype, rtype, role, ttype='*'):
        if role == 'subject':
            return self.get(etype, rtype, ttype, role)
        return self.get(ttype, rtype, etype, role)

class RelationTagsSet(RelationTags):
    """This class associates a set of tags to each key.
    tag_container_cls = set

    def tag_relation(self, key, tag):
        rtags = self._tagdefs.setdefault(_ensure_str_key(key),
        return rtags

    def get(self, stype, rtype, otype, tagged):
        rtags = self.tag_container_cls()
        for key in self._get_keys(stype, rtype, otype, tagged):
            except KeyError:
        return rtags

class RelationTagsDict(RelationTagsSet):
    """This class associates a set of tags to each key."""
    tag_container_cls = dict

    def tag_relation(self, key, tag):
        key = _ensure_str_key(key)
            rtags = self._tagdefs[key]
            return rtags
        except KeyError:
            self._tagdefs[key] = tag
            return tag

    def setdefault(self, key, tagkey, tagvalue):
        key = _ensure_str_key(key)
            rtags = self._tagdefs[key]
            rtags.setdefault(tagkey, tagvalue)
            return rtags
        except KeyError:
            self._tagdefs[key] = {tagkey: tagvalue}
            return self._tagdefs[key]

class RelationTagsBool(RelationTags):
    _allowed_values = frozenset((True, False))

set_log_methods(RelationTags, logging.getLogger('cubicweb.rtags'))