[book] improve documentation lisibility for cwconfig chapter and fix some references
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Configure an instance
While creating an instance, a configuration file is generated in::
$ (CW_INSTANCES_DIR) / <instance> / <configuration name>.conf
For example::
It is a simple text file in the INI format
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/INI_file). In the following description,
each option name is prefixed with its own section and followed by its
default value if necessary, e.g. "`<section>.<option>` [value]."
Configuring the Web server
:`web.auth-model` [cookie]:
authentication mode, cookie or http
realm of the instance in http authentication mode
:`web.http-session-time` [0]:
period of inactivity of an HTTP session before it closes automatically.
Duration in seconds, 0 meaning no expiration (or more exactly at the
closing of the browser client)
:`main.anonymous-user`, `main.anonymous-password`:
login and password to use to connect to the RQL server with
HTTP anonymous connection. CWUser account should exist.
url base site to be used to generate the urls of web pages
Https configuration
It is possible to make a site accessible for anonymous http connections
and https for authenticated users. This requires to
use apache (for example) for redirection and the variable `main.https-url`
of configuration file.
For an apache redirection of a site accessible via `http://localhost/demo`
and `https://localhost/demo` and actually running on port 8080, it
takes to the http:::
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/demo
RewriteRule ^/demo$ /demo/
RewriteRule ^/demo/(.*)$1 [L,P]
and for the https:::
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/ demo
RewriteRule ^/demo$/demo/
RewriteRule ^/demo/(.*)$1 [L,P]
and we will file in the all-in-one.conf of the instance:::
base-url = http://localhost/demo
https-url = https://localhost/demo
Setting up the web client
regular expression matching sites which could be "embedded" in
the site (controllers 'embed')
url where the bugs encountered in the instance can be mailed to
RQL server configuration
host name if it can not be detected correctly
file where will be written the server pid
user account to use for launching the server when it is
root launched by init
:`main.session-time [30*60]`:
timeout of a RQL session
file where all requests RQL executed by the server are written
Pyro configuration for the instance
Web server side:
pyro identifier of RQL server (e.g. the instance name)
RQL server side:
boolean to switch on/off pyro server-side
pyro host:port number. If no port is specified, it is assigned
RQL and web servers side:
hostname hosting pyro server name. If no value is
specified, it is located by a request from broadcast
pyro group in which to save the instance (will default to 'cubicweb')
Configuring e-mail
RQL and web server side:
:`email.mangle-mails [no]`:
indicates whether the email addresses must be displayed as is or
RQL server side:
:`email.smtp-host [mail]`:
hostname hosting the SMTP server to use for outgoing mail
:`email.smtp-port [25]`:
SMTP server port to use for outgoing mail
name to use for outgoing mail of the instance
address for outgoing mail of the instance
:`email.default dest-addrs`:
destination addresses by default, if used by the configuration of the
dissemination of the model (separated by commas)
destination addresses of e-mails of supervision (separated by
Configuring logging
level of filtering messages (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR)
file to write messages
Configuring persistent properties
Other configuration settings are in the form of entities `CWProperty`
in the database. It must be edited via the web interface or by
RQL queries.
Character encoding to use for the web
number of characters for "short" display
maximum number of entities to show per results page
number of related entities to show up on primary entity view
number of entities unrelated to show up on the drop-down lists of
the sight on an editing entity view