author Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr>
Tue, 21 Jan 2014 17:34:31 +0100
changeset 9445 65d93a4fd11c
parent 9395 96dba2efd16d
child 9406 38debfa8b536
child 9460 a2a0bc984863
permissions -rw-r--r--
[multi-sources-removal] Drop pyrorql and zmqrql sources After a few years experementing "true" multi-sources, we're now moving to "copy-based" source à la datafeed. As pyro and zmq sources have no more known customers and the related code is in the way of future refactoring of cubicweb's core, we decided to drop support for those sources without backward compatibility. If you're still using a zmqrql or pyrorql source and you want to upgrade, ask support to move it to datafeed using a pre-3.19 version first. Related to #2919300 (first step)

driver = config.sources()['system']['db-driver']
if not (driver == 'postgres' or driver.startswith('sqlserver')):
    import sys
    print >>sys.stderr, 'This migration is not supported for backends other than sqlserver or postgres (yet).'


def convert_defaultval(cwattr, default):
    from decimal import Decimal
    import yams
    from cubicweb import Binary
    if default is None:
    atype = cwattr.to_entity[0].name
    if atype == 'Boolean':
        # boolean attributes with default=False were stored as ''
        assert default in ('True', 'False', ''), repr(default)
        default = default == 'True'
    elif atype in ('Int', 'BigInt'):
        default = int(default)
    elif atype == 'Float':
        default = float(default)
    elif atype == 'Decimal':
        default = Decimal(default)
    elif atype in ('Date', 'Datetime', 'TZDatetime', 'Time'):
            # handle NOW and TODAY, keep them stored as strings
            default = default.upper()
        except KeyError:
            # otherwise get an actual date or datetime
            default = yams.DATE_FACTORY_MAP[atype](default)
        assert atype == 'String', atype
        default = unicode(default)
    return Binary.zpickle(default)

dbh = repo.system_source.dbhelper

sql('ALTER TABLE cw_cwattribute ADD new_defaultval %s' % dbh.TYPE_MAPPING['Bytes'])

for cwattr in rql('CWAttribute X').entities():
    olddefault = cwattr.defaultval
    if olddefault is not None:
        req = "UPDATE cw_cwattribute SET new_defaultval = %(val)s WHERE cw_eid = %(eid)s"
        args = {'val': dbh.binary_value(convert_defaultval(cwattr, olddefault).getvalue()), 'eid': cwattr.eid}
        sql(req, args, ask_confirm=False)

sql('ALTER TABLE cw_cwattribute DROP COLUMN cw_defaultval')
if driver == 'postgres':
    sql('ALTER TABLE cw_cwattribute RENAME COLUMN new_defaultval TO cw_defaultval')
else: # sqlserver
    sql("sp_rename 'cw_cwattribute.new_defaultval', 'cw_defaultval', 'COLUMN'")

# Set object type to "Bytes" for CWAttribute's "defaultval" attribute
rql('SET X to_entity B WHERE X is CWAttribute, X from_entity Y, Y name "CWAttribute", '
    'X relation_type Z, Z name "defaultval", B name "Bytes"')

from yams import buildobjs as ybo
schema.add_relation_def(ybo.RelationDefinition('CWAttribute', 'defaultval', 'Bytes'))
schema.del_relation_def('CWAttribute', 'defaultval', 'String')


for rschema in schema.relations():
    if rschema.symmetric:
        subjects = set(repr(e.type) for e in rschema.subjects())
        objects = set(repr(e.type) for e in rschema.objects())
        assert subjects == objects
        martians = set(str(eid) for eid, in sql('SELECT eid_to FROM %s_relation, entities WHERE eid_to = eid AND type NOT IN (%s)' %
                                           (rschema.type, ','.join(subjects))))
        martians |= set(str(eid) for eid, in sql('SELECT eid_from FROM %s_relation, entities WHERE eid_from = eid AND type NOT IN (%s)' %
                                            (rschema.type, ','.join(subjects))))
        if martians:
            martians = ','.join(martians)
            print 'deleting broken relations %s for eids %s' % (rschema.type, martians)
            sql('DELETE FROM %s_relation WHERE eid_from IN (%s) OR eid_to IN (%s)' % (rschema.type, martians, martians))
        with session.deny_all_hooks_but():
            rql('SET X %(r)s Y WHERE Y %(r)s X, NOT X %(r)s Y' % {'r': rschema.type})

# multi columns unique constraints regeneration
from cubicweb.server import schemaserial

# syncschema hooks would try to remove indices but
# 1) we already do that below
# 2) the hook expects the CWUniqueTogetherConstraint.name attribute that hasn't
#    yet been added
with session.allow_all_hooks_but('syncschema'):
    rql('DELETE CWUniqueTogetherConstraint C')

add_attribute('CWUniqueTogetherConstraint', 'name')

# low-level wipe code for postgres & sqlserver, plain sql ...
if driver == 'postgres':
    for indexname, in sql('select indexname from pg_indexes'):
        if indexname.startswith('unique_'):
            print 'dropping index', indexname
            sql('DROP INDEX %s' % indexname)
elif driver.startswith('sqlserver'):
    for viewname, in sql('select name from sys.views'):
        if viewname.startswith('utv_'):
            print 'dropping view (index should be cascade-deleted)', viewname
            sql('DROP VIEW %s' % viewname)

# recreate the constraints, hook will lead to low-level recreation
for eschema in sorted(schema.entities()):
    if eschema._unique_together:
        rql_args = schemaserial.uniquetogether2rqls(eschema)
        for rql, args in rql_args:
            args['x'] = eschema.eid
            session.execute(rql, args)

add_relation_definition('CWAttribute', 'add_permission', 'CWGroup')
add_relation_definition('CWAttribute', 'add_permission', 'RQLExpression')

# all attributes perms have to be refreshed ...
for rschema in schema.relations():
    if relation.final:
        sync_schema_props_perms(rschema.type, syncprops=False)