author Julien Cristau <>
Mon, 18 May 2015 20:00:06 +0200
changeset 10436 6493c8bf521d
parent 10204 f8ccae1e271d
child 10443 2d3834df64ab
permissions -rw-r--r--
[test] don't leave NULL columns around when making an attribute required It doesn't matter on sqlite (it doesn't do ALTER COLUMN), but when running this test on postgresql it fails to add the 'NOT NULL' constraint otherwise.

# copyright 2004-2013 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
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# This file is part of yams.
# yams is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# yams is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
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"""write a schema as sql"""

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

from hashlib import md5

from six.moves import range

from yams.constraints import SizeConstraint, UniqueConstraint

# default are usually not handled at the sql level. If you want them, set

def schema2sql(dbhelper, schema, skip_entities=(), skip_relations=(), prefix=''):
    """write to the output stream a SQL schema to store the objects
    corresponding to the given schema
    output = []
    w = output.append
    for etype in sorted(schema.entities()):
        eschema = schema.eschema(etype)
        if or eschema.type in skip_entities:
        w(eschema2sql(dbhelper, eschema, skip_relations, prefix=prefix))
    for rtype in sorted(schema.relations()):
        rschema = schema.rschema(rtype)
        if or rschema.inlined or rschema.rule:
    return '\n'.join(output)

def dropschema2sql(dbhelper, schema, skip_entities=(), skip_relations=(), prefix=''):
    """write to the output stream a SQL schema to store the objects
    corresponding to the given schema
    output = []
    w = output.append
    for etype in sorted(schema.entities()):
        eschema = schema.eschema(etype)
        if or eschema.type in skip_entities:
        stmts = dropeschema2sql(dbhelper, eschema, skip_relations, prefix=prefix)
        for stmt in stmts:
    for rtype in sorted(schema.relations()):
        rschema = schema.rschema(rtype)
        if or rschema.inlined:
    return '\n'.join(output)

def eschema_attrs(eschema, skip_relations):
    attrs = [attrdef for attrdef in eschema.attribute_definitions()
             if not attrdef[0].type in skip_relations]
    attrs += [(rschema, None)
              for rschema in eschema.subject_relations()
              if not and rschema.inlined]
    return attrs

def unique_index_name(eschema, columns):
    return u'unique_%s' % md5((eschema.type +
                              ',' +

def iter_unique_index_names(eschema):
    for columns in eschema._unique_together or ():
        yield columns, unique_index_name(eschema, columns)

def dropeschema2sql(dbhelper, eschema, skip_relations=(), prefix=''):
    """return sql to drop an entity type's table"""
    # not necessary to drop indexes, that's implictly done when
    # dropping the table, but we need to drop SQLServer views used to
    # create multicol unique indices
    statements = []
    tablename = prefix + eschema.type
    if eschema._unique_together is not None:
        for columns, index_name in iter_unique_index_names(eschema):
            cols  = ['%s%s' % (prefix, col) for col in columns]
            sqls = dbhelper.sqls_drop_multicol_unique_index(tablename, cols, index_name)
            statements += sqls
    statements += ['DROP TABLE %s;' % (tablename)]
    return statements

def eschema2sql(dbhelper, eschema, skip_relations=(), prefix=''):
    """write an entity schema as SQL statements to stdout"""
    output = []
    w = output.append
    table = prefix + eschema.type
    w('CREATE TABLE %s(' % (table))
    attrs = eschema_attrs(eschema, skip_relations)
    # XXX handle objectinline physical mode
    for i in range(len(attrs)):
        rschema, attrschema = attrs[i]
        if attrschema is not None:
            sqltype = aschema2sql(dbhelper, eschema, rschema, attrschema,
                                  indent=' ')
        else: # inline relation
            sqltype = 'integer REFERENCES entities (eid)'
        if i == len(attrs) - 1:
            w(' %s%s %s' % (prefix, rschema.type, sqltype))
            w(' %s%s %s,' % (prefix, rschema.type, sqltype))
    # create indexes
    for i in range(len(attrs)):
        rschema, attrschema = attrs[i]
        if attrschema is None or eschema.rdef(rschema).indexed:
            w(dbhelper.sql_create_index(table, prefix + rschema.type))
    for columns, index_name in iter_unique_index_names(eschema):
        cols  = ['%s%s' % (prefix, col) for col in columns]
        sqls = dbhelper.sqls_create_multicol_unique_index(table, cols, index_name)
        for sql in sqls:
    return '\n'.join(output)

def aschema2sql(dbhelper, eschema, rschema, aschema, creating=True, indent=''):
    """write an attribute schema as SQL statements to stdout"""
    attr = rschema.type
    rdef = rschema.rdef(eschema.type, aschema.type)
    sqltype = type_from_constraints(dbhelper, aschema.type, rdef.constraints,
        default = eschema.default(attr)
        if default is not None:
            if aschema.type == 'Boolean':
                sqltype += ' DEFAULT %s' % dbhelper.boolean_value(default)
            elif aschema.type == 'String':
                sqltype += ' DEFAULT %r' % str(default)
            elif aschema.type in ('Int', 'BigInt', 'Float'):
                sqltype += ' DEFAULT %s' % default
            # XXX ignore default for other type
            # this is expected for NOW / TODAY
    if creating:
        if rdef.uid:
            sqltype += ' PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES entities (eid)'
        elif rdef.cardinality[0] == '1':
            # don't set NOT NULL if backend isn't able to change it later
            if dbhelper.alter_column_support:
                sqltype += ' NOT NULL'
    # else we're getting sql type to alter a column, we don't want key / indexes
    # / null modifiers
    return sqltype

def type_from_constraints(dbhelper, etype, constraints, creating=True):
    """return a sql type string corresponding to the constraints"""
    constraints = list(constraints)
    unique, sqltype = False, None
    size_constrained_string = dbhelper.TYPE_MAPPING.get('SizeConstrainedString', 'varchar(%s)')
    if etype == 'String':
        for constraint in constraints:
            if isinstance(constraint, SizeConstraint):
                if constraint.max is not None:
                    sqltype = size_constrained_string % constraint.max
            elif isinstance(constraint, UniqueConstraint):
                unique = True
    if sqltype is None:
        sqltype = dbhelper.TYPE_MAPPING[etype]
    if creating and unique:
        sqltype += ' UNIQUE'
    return sqltype

CREATE TABLE %(table)s (
  eid_from INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES entities (eid),
  eid_to INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES entities (eid),
  CONSTRAINT %(table)s_p_key PRIMARY KEY(eid_from, eid_to)

CREATE INDEX %(table)s_from_idx ON %(table)s(eid_from);
CREATE INDEX %(table)s_to_idx ON %(table)s(eid_to);"""

def rschema2sql(rschema):
    assert not rschema.rule
    return _SQL_SCHEMA % {'table': '%s_relation' % rschema.type}

def droprschema2sql(rschema):
    """return sql to drop a relation type's table"""
    # not necessary to drop indexes, that's implictly done when dropping
    # the table
    return 'DROP TABLE %s_relation;' % rschema.type

def grant_schema(schema, user, set_owner=True, skip_entities=(), prefix=''):
    """write to the output stream a SQL schema to store the objects
    corresponding to the given schema
    output = []
    w = output.append
    for etype in sorted(schema.entities()):
        eschema = schema.eschema(etype)
        if or etype in skip_entities:
        w(grant_eschema(eschema, user, set_owner, prefix=prefix))
    for rtype in sorted(schema.relations()):
        rschema = schema.rschema(rtype)
        if or rschema.inlined:
        w(grant_rschema(rschema, user, set_owner))
    return '\n'.join(output)

def grant_eschema(eschema, user, set_owner=True, prefix=''):
    output = []
    w = output.append
    etype = eschema.type
    if set_owner:
        w('ALTER TABLE %s%s OWNER TO %s;' % (prefix, etype, user))
    w('GRANT ALL ON %s%s TO %s;' % (prefix, etype, user))
    return '\n'.join(output)

def grant_rschema(rschema, user, set_owner=True):
    output = []
    if set_owner:
        output.append('ALTER TABLE %s_relation OWNER TO %s;' % (rschema.type, user))
    output.append('GRANT ALL ON %s_relation TO %s;' % (rschema.type, user))
    return '\n'.join(output)