[CWEP002] introduce RQLRelationRewriter
Refactor existing RQLRewriter for later reuse of rewriting relation as specified
by CWEP002. Work is different because we simply want to replace a relation by
another rql snippet and we don't have to bother with EXISTS, subqueries and all.
This rewriter is not yet plugged into the querier.
Depends on yams 0.40 API.
Related to #3546717
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"""RQL rewriting utilities : insert rql expression snippets into rql syntax
This is used for instance for read security checking in the repository.
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
from rql import nodes as n, stmts, TypeResolverException
from rql.utils import common_parent
from yams import BadSchemaDefinition
from logilab.common import tempattr
from logilab.common.graph import has_path
from cubicweb import Unauthorized
from cubicweb.schema import RRQLExpression
def cleanup_solutions(rqlst, solutions):
for sol in solutions:
for vname in list(sol):
if not (vname in rqlst.defined_vars or vname in rqlst.aliases):
del sol[vname]
def add_types_restriction(schema, rqlst, newroot=None, solutions=None):
if newroot is None:
assert solutions is None
if hasattr(rqlst, '_types_restr_added'):
solutions = rqlst.solutions
newroot = rqlst
rqlst._types_restr_added = True
assert solutions is not None
rqlst = rqlst.stmt
eschema = schema.eschema
allpossibletypes = {}
for solution in solutions:
for varname, etype in solution.iteritems():
# XXX not considering aliases by design, right ?
if varname not in newroot.defined_vars or eschema(etype).final:
allpossibletypes.setdefault(varname, set()).add(etype)
# XXX could be factorized with add_etypes_restriction from rql 0.31
for varname in sorted(allpossibletypes):
var = newroot.defined_vars[varname]
stinfo = var.stinfo
if stinfo.get('uidrel') is not None:
continue # eid specified, no need for additional type specification
typerel = rqlst.defined_vars[varname].stinfo.get('typerel')
except KeyError:
assert varname in rqlst.aliases
if newroot is rqlst and typerel is not None:
mytyperel = typerel
for vref in var.references():
rel = vref.relation()
if rel and rel.is_types_restriction():
mytyperel = rel
mytyperel = None
possibletypes = allpossibletypes[varname]
if mytyperel is not None:
if mytyperel.r_type == 'is_instance_of':
# turn is_instance_of relation into a is relation since we've
# all possible solutions and don't want to bother with
# potential is_instance_of incompatibility
mytyperel.r_type = 'is'
if len(possibletypes) > 1:
node = n.Function('IN')
for etype in possibletypes:
node.append(n.Constant(etype, 'etype'))
etype = iter(possibletypes).next()
node = n.Constant(etype, 'etype')
comp = mytyperel.children[1]
comp.replace(comp.children[0], node)
# variable has already some strict types restriction. new
# possible types can only be a subset of existing ones, so only
# remove no more possible types
for cst in mytyperel.get_nodes(n.Constant):
if not cst.value in possibletypes:
# we have to add types restriction
if stinfo.get('scope') is not None:
rel = var.scope.add_type_restriction(var, possibletypes)
# tree is not annotated yet, no scope set so add the restriction
# to the root
rel = newroot.add_type_restriction(var, possibletypes)
stinfo['typerel'] = rel
stinfo['possibletypes'] = possibletypes
def remove_solutions(origsolutions, solutions, defined):
"""when a rqlst has been generated from another by introducing security
assertions, this method returns solutions which are contained in orig
newsolutions = []
for origsol in origsolutions:
for newsol in solutions[:]:
for var, etype in origsol.items():
if newsol[var] != etype:
except KeyError:
except KeyError:
# variable has been rewritten
return newsolutions
def _add_noinvariant(noinvariant, restricted, select, nbtrees):
# a variable can actually be invariant if it has not been restricted for
# security reason or if security assertion hasn't modified the possible
# solutions for the query
for vname in restricted:
var = select.defined_vars[vname]
except KeyError:
# this is an alias
if nbtrees != 1 or len(var.stinfo['possibletypes']) != 1:
def _expand_selection(terms, selected, aliases, select, newselect):
for term in terms:
for vref in term.iget_nodes(n.VariableRef):
if not vref.name in selected:
colalias = newselect.get_variable(vref.name, len(aliases))
def _has_multiple_cardinality(etypes, rdef, ttypes_func, cardindex):
"""return True if relation definitions from entity types (`etypes`) to
target types returned by the `ttypes_func` function all have single (1 or ?)
for etype in etypes:
for ttype in ttypes_func(etype):
if rdef(etype, ttype).cardinality[cardindex] in '+*':
return True
return False
def _compatible_relation(relations, stmt, sniprel):
"""Search among given rql relation nodes if there is one 'compatible' with the
snippet relation, and return it if any, else None.
A relation is compatible if it:
* belongs to the currently processed statement,
* isn't negged (i.e. direct parent is a NOT node)
* isn't optional (outer join) or similarly as the snippet relation
for rel in relations:
# don't share if relation's scope is not the current statement
if rel.scope is not stmt:
# don't share neged relation
if rel.neged(strict=True):
# don't share optional relation, unless the snippet relation is
# similarly optional
if rel.optional and rel.optional != sniprel.optional:
return rel
return None
def iter_relations(stinfo):
# this is a function so that test may return relation in a predictable order
return stinfo['relations'] - stinfo['rhsrelations']
class Unsupported(Exception):
"""raised when an rql expression can't be inserted in some rql query
because it create an unresolvable query (eg no solutions found)
class VariableFromSubQuery(Exception):
"""flow control exception to indicate that a variable is coming from a
subquery, and let parent act accordingly
def __init__(self, variable):
self.variable = variable
class RQLRewriter(object):
"""Insert some rql snippets into another rql syntax tree, for security /
relation vocabulary. This implies that it should only restrict results of
the original query, not generate new ones. Hence, inserted snippets are
inserted under an EXISTS node.
This class *isn't thread safe*.
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
vreg = session.vreg
self.schema = vreg.schema
self.annotate = vreg.rqlhelper.annotate
self._compute_solutions = vreg.solutions
def compute_solutions(self):
self._compute_solutions(self.session, self.select, self.kwargs)
except TypeResolverException:
raise Unsupported(str(self.select))
if len(self.select.solutions) < len(self.solutions):
raise Unsupported()
def insert_local_checks(self, select, kwargs,
localchecks, restricted, noinvariant):
select: the rql syntax tree Select node
kwargs: query arguments
localchecks: {(('Var name', (rqlexpr1, rqlexpr2)),
('Var name1', (rqlexpr1, rqlexpr23))): [solution]}
(see querier._check_permissions docstring for more information)
restricted: set of variable names to which an rql expression has to be
noinvariant: set of variable names that can't be considered has
invariant due to security reason (will be filed by this method)
nbtrees = len(localchecks)
myunion = union = select.parent
# transform in subquery when len(localchecks)>1 and groups
if nbtrees > 1 and (select.orderby or select.groupby or
select.having or select.has_aggregat or
select.distinct or
select.limit or select.offset):
newselect = stmts.Select()
# only select variables in subqueries
origselection = select.selection
select.has_aggregat = False
# create subquery first so correct node are used on copy
# (eg ColumnAlias instead of Variable)
aliases = [n.VariableRef(newselect.get_variable(vref.name, i))
for i, vref in enumerate(select.selection)]
selected = set(vref.name for vref in aliases)
# now copy original selection and groups
for term in origselection:
if select.orderby:
sortterms = []
for sortterm in select.orderby:
for fnode in sortterm.get_nodes(n.Function):
if fnode.name == 'FTIRANK':
# we've to fetch the has_text relation as well
var = fnode.children[0].variable
rel = iter(var.stinfo['ftirels']).next()
assert not rel.ored(), 'unsupported'
# remove relation from the orig select and
# cleanup variable stinfo
# XXX not properly re-annotated after security insertion?
newvar = newselect.get_variable(var.name)
newvar.stinfo.setdefault('ftirels', set()).add(rel)
newvar.stinfo.setdefault('relations', set()).add(rel)
_expand_selection(select.orderby, selected, aliases, select, newselect)
select.orderby = () # XXX dereference?
if select.groupby:
newselect.set_groupby([g.copy(newselect) for g in select.groupby])
_expand_selection(select.groupby, selected, aliases, select, newselect)
select.groupby = () # XXX dereference?
if select.having:
newselect.set_having([g.copy(newselect) for g in select.having])
_expand_selection(select.having, selected, aliases, select, newselect)
select.having = () # XXX dereference?
if select.limit:
newselect.limit = select.limit
select.limit = None
if select.offset:
newselect.offset = select.offset
select.offset = 0
myunion = stmts.Union()
newselect.set_with([n.SubQuery(aliases, myunion)], check=False)
newselect.distinct = select.distinct
solutions = [sol.copy() for sol in select.solutions]
cleanup_solutions(newselect, solutions)
# if some solutions doesn't need rewriting, insert original
# select as first union subquery
if () in localchecks:
# we're done, replace original select by the new select with
# subqueries (more added in the loop below)
union.replace(select, newselect)
elif not () in localchecks:
for lcheckdef, lchecksolutions in localchecks.iteritems():
if not lcheckdef:
myrqlst = select.copy(solutions=lchecksolutions)
# in-place rewrite + annotation / simplification
lcheckdef = [({var: 'X'}, rqlexprs) for var, rqlexprs in lcheckdef]
self.rewrite(myrqlst, lcheckdef, kwargs)
_add_noinvariant(noinvariant, restricted, myrqlst, nbtrees)
if () in localchecks:
add_types_restriction(self.schema, select)
_add_noinvariant(noinvariant, restricted, select, nbtrees)
def rewrite(self, select, snippets, kwargs, existingvars=None):
snippets: (varmap, list of rql expression)
with varmap a *dict* {select var: snippet var}
self.select = select
# remove_solutions used below require a copy
self.solutions = solutions = select.solutions[:]
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.u_varname = None
self.removing_ambiguity = False
self.exists_snippet = {}
self.pending_keys = []
self.existingvars = existingvars
# we have to annotate the rqlst before inserting snippets, even though
# we'll have to redo it later
if not self.exists_snippet and self.u_varname:
# U has been inserted than cancelled, cleanup
# clean solutions according to initial solutions
newsolutions = remove_solutions(solutions, select.solutions,
assert len(newsolutions) >= len(solutions), (
'rewritten rql %s has lost some solutions, there is probably '
'something wrong in your schema permission (for instance using a '
'RQLExpression which inserts a relation which doesn\'t exist in '
'the schema)\nOrig solutions: %s\nnew solutions: %s' % (
select, solutions, newsolutions))
if len(newsolutions) > len(solutions):
newsolutions = self.remove_ambiguities(snippets, newsolutions)
assert newsolutions
select.solutions = newsolutions
add_types_restriction(self.schema, select)
def insert_snippets(self, snippets, varexistsmap=None):
self.rewritten = {}
for varmap, rqlexprs in snippets:
if isinstance(varmap, dict):
varmap = tuple(sorted(varmap.items()))
assert isinstance(varmap, tuple), varmap
if varexistsmap is not None and not varmap in varexistsmap:
self.insert_varmap_snippets(varmap, rqlexprs, varexistsmap)
def init_from_varmap(self, varmap, varexistsmap=None):
self.varmap = varmap
self.revvarmap = {}
self.varinfos = []
for i, (selectvar, snippetvar) in enumerate(varmap):
assert snippetvar in 'SOX'
self.revvarmap[snippetvar] = (selectvar, i)
vi = {}
vi['const'] = int(selectvar)
vi['rhs_rels'] = vi['lhs_rels'] = {}
except ValueError:
vi['stinfo'] = sti = self.select.defined_vars[selectvar].stinfo
except KeyError:
vi['stinfo'] = sti = self._subquery_variable(selectvar)
if varexistsmap is None:
# build an index for quick access to relations
vi['rhs_rels'] = {}
for rel in sti.get('rhsrelations', []):
vi['rhs_rels'].setdefault(rel.r_type, []).append(rel)
vi['lhs_rels'] = {}
for rel in sti.get('relations', []):
if not rel in sti.get('rhsrelations', []):
vi['lhs_rels'].setdefault(rel.r_type, []).append(rel)
vi['rhs_rels'] = vi['lhs_rels'] = {}
def _subquery_variable(self, selectvar):
raise VariableFromSubQuery(selectvar)
def insert_varmap_snippets(self, varmap, rqlexprs, varexistsmap):
self.init_from_varmap(varmap, varexistsmap)
except VariableFromSubQuery, ex:
# variable may have been moved to a newly inserted subquery
# we should insert snippet in that subquery
subquery = self.select.aliases[ex.variable].query
assert len(subquery.children) == 1, subquery
subselect = subquery.children[0]
RQLRewriter(self.session).rewrite(subselect, [(varmap, rqlexprs)],
self._insert_scope = None
previous = None
inserted = False
for rqlexpr in rqlexprs:
self.current_expr = rqlexpr
if varexistsmap is None:
new = self.insert_snippet(varmap, rqlexpr.snippet_rqlst, previous)
except Unsupported:
inserted = True
if new is not None and self._insert_scope is None:
self.exists_snippet[rqlexpr] = new
previous = previous or new
# called to reintroduce snippet due to ambiguity creation,
# so skip snippets which are not introducing this ambiguity
exists = varexistsmap[varmap]
if self.exists_snippet.get(rqlexpr) is exists:
self.insert_snippet(varmap, rqlexpr.snippet_rqlst, exists)
if varexistsmap is None and not inserted:
# no rql expression found matching rql solutions. User has no access right
raise Unauthorized() # XXX may also be because of bad constraints in schema definition
def insert_snippet(self, varmap, snippetrqlst, previous=None):
new = snippetrqlst.where.accept(self)
existing = self.existingvars
self.existingvars = None
return self._insert_snippet(varmap, previous, new)
self.existingvars = existing
def _inserted_root(self, new):
if not isinstance(new, (n.Exists, n.Not)):
new = n.Exists(new)
return new
def _insert_snippet(self, varmap, previous, new):
"""insert `new` snippet into the syntax tree, which have been rewritten
using `varmap`. In cases where an action is protected by several rql
expresssion, `previous` will be the first rql expression which has been
inserted, and so should be ORed with the following expressions.
if new is not None:
if self._insert_scope is None:
insert_scope = None
for vi in self.varinfos:
scope = vi.get('stinfo', {}).get('scope', self.select)
if insert_scope is None:
insert_scope = scope
insert_scope = common_parent(scope, insert_scope)
insert_scope = self._insert_scope
if self._insert_scope is None and any(vi.get('stinfo', {}).get('optrelations')
for vi in self.varinfos):
assert previous is None
self._insert_scope, new = self.snippet_subquery(varmap, new)
#self._insert_scope = None
return new
new = self._inserted_root(new)
if previous is None:
grandpa = previous.parent
or_ = n.Or(previous, new)
grandpa.replace(previous, or_)
if not self.removing_ambiguity:
except Unsupported:
# some solutions have been lost, can't apply this rql expr
if previous is None:
self.current_statement().remove_node(new, undefine=True)
grandpa.replace(or_, previous)
with tempattr(self, '_insert_scope', new):
return new
def insert_pending(self):
"""pending_keys hold variable referenced by U has_<action>_permission X
Once the snippet introducing this has been inserted and solutions
recomputed, we have to insert snippet defined for <action> of entity
types taken by X
stmt = self.current_statement()
while self.pending_keys:
key, action = self.pending_keys.pop()
varname = self.rewritten[key]
except KeyError:
varname = self.revvarmap[key[-1]][0]
except KeyError:
# variable isn't used anywhere else, we can't insert security
raise Unauthorized()
ptypes = stmt.defined_vars[varname].stinfo['possibletypes']
if len(ptypes) > 1:
# XXX dunno how to handle this
'cant check security of %s, ambigous type for %s in %s',
stmt, varname, key[0]) # key[0] == the rql expression
raise Unauthorized()
etype = iter(ptypes).next()
eschema = self.schema.eschema(etype)
if not eschema.has_perm(self.session, action):
rqlexprs = eschema.get_rqlexprs(action)
if not rqlexprs:
raise Unauthorized()
self.insert_snippets([({varname: 'X'}, rqlexprs)])
def snippet_subquery(self, varmap, transformedsnippet):
"""introduce the given snippet in a subquery"""
subselect = stmts.Select()
snippetrqlst = n.Exists(transformedsnippet.copy(subselect))
get_rschema = self.schema.rschema
aliases = []
done = set()
for i, (selectvar, _) in enumerate(varmap):
need_null_test = False
subselectvar = subselect.get_variable(selectvar)
todo = [(selectvar, self.varinfos[i]['stinfo'])]
while todo:
varname, stinfo = todo.pop()
for rel in iter_relations(stinfo):
if rel in done:
rschema = get_rschema(rel.r_type)
if rschema.final or rschema.inlined:
rel.children[0].name = varname # XXX explain why
for vref in rel.children[1].iget_nodes(n.VariableRef):
if isinstance(vref.variable, n.ColumnAlias):
# XXX could probably be handled by generating the
# subquery into the detected subquery
raise BadSchemaDefinition(
"cant insert security because of usage two inlined "
"relations in this query. You should probably at "
"least uninline %s" % rel.r_type)
# when some inlined relation has to be copied in the
# subquery and that relation is optional, we need to
# test that either value is NULL or that the snippet
# condition is satisfied
if varname == selectvar and rel.optional and rschema.inlined:
need_null_test = True
# also, if some attributes or inlined relation of the
# object variable are accessed, we need to get all those
# from the subquery as well
if vref.name not in done and rschema.inlined:
# we can use vref here define in above for loop
ostinfo = vref.variable.stinfo
for orel in iter_relations(ostinfo):
orschema = get_rschema(orel.r_type)
if orschema.final or orschema.inlined:
todo.append( (vref.name, ostinfo) )
if need_null_test:
snippetrqlst = n.Or(
n.make_relation(subselect.get_variable(selectvar), 'is',
(None, None), n.Constant,
if self.u_varname:
# generate an identifier for the substitution
argname = subselect.allocate_varname()
while argname in self.kwargs:
argname = subselect.allocate_varname()
'eid', unicode(argname), 'Substitute')
self.kwargs[argname] = self.session.user.eid
add_types_restriction(self.schema, subselect, subselect,
myunion = stmts.Union()
aliases = [n.VariableRef(self.select.get_variable(name, i))
for i, name in enumerate(aliases)]
self.select.add_subquery(n.SubQuery(aliases, myunion), check=False)
except Unsupported:
# some solutions have been lost, can't apply this rql expr
return subselect, snippetrqlst
def remove_ambiguities(self, snippets, newsolutions):
# the snippet has introduced some ambiguities, we have to resolve them
# "manually"
variantes = self.build_variantes(newsolutions)
# insert "is" where necessary
varexistsmap = {}
self.removing_ambiguity = True
for (erqlexpr, varmap, oldvarname), etype in variantes[0].iteritems():
varname = self.rewritten[(erqlexpr, varmap, oldvarname)]
var = self.select.defined_vars[varname]
exists = var.references()[0].scope
exists.add_constant_restriction(var, 'is', etype, 'etype')
varexistsmap[varmap] = exists
# insert ORED exists where necessary
for variante in variantes[1:]:
self.insert_snippets(snippets, varexistsmap)
for key, etype in variante.iteritems():
varname = self.rewritten[key]
var = self.select.defined_vars[varname]
except KeyError:
# not a newly inserted variable
exists = var.references()[0].scope
exists.add_constant_restriction(var, 'is', etype, 'etype')
# recompute solutions
# clean solutions according to initial solutions
return remove_solutions(self.solutions, self.select.solutions,
def build_variantes(self, newsolutions):
variantes = set()
for sol in newsolutions:
variante = []
for key, newvar in self.rewritten.iteritems():
variante.append( (key, sol[newvar]) )
# rebuild variantes as dict
variantes = [dict(variante) for variante in variantes]
# remove variable which have always the same type
for key in self.rewritten:
it = iter(variantes)
etype = it.next()[key]
for variante in it:
if variante[key] != etype:
for variante in variantes:
del variante[key]
return variantes
def _cleanup_inserted(self, node):
# cleanup inserted variable references
removed = set()
for vref in node.iget_nodes(n.VariableRef):
if not vref.variable.stinfo['references']:
# no more references, undefine the variable
del self.select.defined_vars[vref.name]
for key, newvar in self.rewritten.items(): # I mean items we alter it
if newvar in removed:
del self.rewritten[key]
def _may_be_shared_with(self, sniprel, target):
"""if the snippet relation can be skipped to use a relation from the
original query, return that relation node
if sniprel.neged(strict=True):
return None # no way
rschema = self.schema.rschema(sniprel.r_type)
stmt = self.current_statement()
for vi in self.varinfos:
if target == 'object':
orels = vi['lhs_rels'][sniprel.r_type]
cardindex = 0
ttypes_func = rschema.objects
rdef = rschema.rdef
else: # target == 'subject':
orels = vi['rhs_rels'][sniprel.r_type]
cardindex = 1
ttypes_func = rschema.subjects
rdef = lambda x, y: rschema.rdef(y, x)
except KeyError:
# may be raised by vi['xhs_rels'][sniprel.r_type]
# if cardinality isn't in '?1', we can't ignore the snippet relation
# and use variable from the original query
if _has_multiple_cardinality(vi['stinfo']['possibletypes'], rdef,
ttypes_func, cardindex):
orel = _compatible_relation(orels, stmt, sniprel)
if orel is not None:
return orel
return None
def _use_orig_term(self, snippet_varname, term):
key = (self.current_expr, self.varmap, snippet_varname)
if key in self.rewritten:
stmt = self.current_statement()
insertedvar = stmt.defined_vars.pop(self.rewritten[key])
for inserted_vref in insertedvar.references():
inserted_vref.parent.replace(inserted_vref, term.copy(stmt))
self.rewritten[key] = term.name
def _get_varname_or_term(self, vname):
stmt = self.current_statement()
if vname == 'U':
stmt = self.select
if self.u_varname is None:
self.u_varname = stmt.allocate_varname()
# generate an identifier for the substitution
argname = stmt.allocate_varname()
while argname in self.kwargs:
argname = stmt.allocate_varname()
# insert "U eid %(u)s"
'eid', unicode(argname), 'Substitute')
self.kwargs[argname] = self.session.user.eid
return self.u_varname
key = (self.current_expr, self.varmap, vname)
return self.rewritten[key]
except KeyError:
self.rewritten[key] = newvname = stmt.allocate_varname()
return newvname
# visitor methods ##########################################################
def _visit_binary(self, node, cls):
newnode = cls()
for c in node.children:
new = c.accept(self)
if new is None:
if len(newnode.children) == 0:
return None
if len(newnode.children) == 1:
return newnode.children[0]
return newnode
def _visit_unary(self, node, cls):
newc = node.children[0].accept(self)
if newc is None:
return None
newnode = cls()
return newnode
def visit_and(self, node):
return self._visit_binary(node, n.And)
def visit_or(self, node):
return self._visit_binary(node, n.Or)
def visit_not(self, node):
return self._visit_unary(node, n.Not)
def visit_exists(self, node):
return self._visit_unary(node, n.Exists)
def keep_var(self, varname):
if varname in 'SO':
return varname in self.existingvars
if varname == 'U':
return True
vargraph = self.current_expr.vargraph
for existingvar in self.existingvars:
#path = has_path(vargraph, varname, existingvar)
if not varname in vargraph or has_path(vargraph, varname, existingvar):
return True
# no path from this variable to an existing variable
return False
def visit_relation(self, node):
lhs, rhs = node.get_variable_parts()
# remove relations where an unexistant variable and or a variable linked
# to an unexistant variable is used.
if self.existingvars:
if not self.keep_var(lhs.name):
if node.r_type in ('has_add_permission', 'has_update_permission',
'has_delete_permission', 'has_read_permission'):
assert lhs.name == 'U'
action = node.r_type.split('_')[1]
key = (self.current_expr, self.varmap, rhs.name)
self.pending_keys.append( (key, action) )
if isinstance(rhs, n.VariableRef):
if self.existingvars and not self.keep_var(rhs.name):
if lhs.name in self.revvarmap and rhs.name != 'U':
orel = self._may_be_shared_with(node, 'object')
if orel is not None:
self._use_orig_term(rhs.name, orel.children[1].children[0])
elif rhs.name in self.revvarmap and lhs.name != 'U':
orel = self._may_be_shared_with(node, 'subject')
if orel is not None:
self._use_orig_term(lhs.name, orel.children[0])
rel = n.Relation(node.r_type, node.optional)
for c in node.children:
return rel
def visit_comparison(self, node):
cmp_ = n.Comparison(node.operator)
for c in node.children:
return cmp_
def visit_mathexpression(self, node):
cmp_ = n.MathExpression(node.operator)
for c in node.children:
return cmp_
def visit_function(self, node):
"""generate filter name for a function"""
function_ = n.Function(node.name)
for c in node.children:
return function_
def visit_constant(self, node):
"""generate filter name for a constant"""
return n.Constant(node.value, node.type)
def visit_variableref(self, node):
"""get the sql name for a variable reference"""
stmt = self.current_statement()
if node.name in self.revvarmap:
selectvar, index = self.revvarmap[node.name]
vi = self.varinfos[index]
if vi.get('const') is not None:
return n.Constant(vi['const'], 'Int')
return n.VariableRef(stmt.get_variable(selectvar))
vname_or_term = self._get_varname_or_term(node.name)
if isinstance(vname_or_term, basestring):
return n.VariableRef(stmt.get_variable(vname_or_term))
# shared term
return vname_or_term.copy(stmt)
def current_statement(self):
if self._insert_scope is None:
return self.select
return self._insert_scope.stmt
class RQLRelationRewriter(RQLRewriter):
"""Insert some rql snippets into another rql syntax tree, replacing computed
relations by their associated rule.
This class *isn't thread safe*.
def __init__(self, session):
super(RQLRelationRewriter, self).__init__(session)
self.rules = {}
for rschema in self.schema.iter_computed_relations():
self.rules[rschema.type] = RRQLExpression(rschema.rule)
def rewrite(self, union, kwargs=None):
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.removing_ambiguity = False
self.existingvars = None
self.pending_keys = None
for relation in union.iget_nodes(n.Relation):
if relation.r_type in self.rules:
self.select = relation.stmt
self.solutions = solutions = self.select.solutions[:]
self.current_expr = self.rules[relation.r_type]
self._insert_scope = relation.scope
self.rewritten = {}
lhs, rhs = relation.get_variable_parts()
varmap = {lhs.name: 'S', rhs.name: 'O'}
self.insert_snippet(varmap, self.current_expr.snippet_rqlst)
def _subquery_variable(self, selectvar):
return self.select.aliases[selectvar].stinfo
def _inserted_root(self, new):
return new