[repoapi] fold ClientConnection into Connection
Connection replaces ClientConnection everywhere.
Some notes:
* testlib: .client_cnx and .repo_cnx become aliases of .cnx (we might
not want to tell people to update their tests again for just no real
benefit, so we'll live with these aliases for a while)
* entity.as_rset must not be cached because we risk caching result
sets having a Connection object as .req (helps unittest_breadcrumbs)
* entity._cw_dont_cache_attributes loses its repo/request special
paths and only keeps its storage/bfss user (this helps
* moreover, entity.cw_instantiate and .cw_set stop overriding the
attributes cache *after* the before_*_entity hooks have run, because
there is no need to (it is now actually harmful to do it and
unittest_hooks.test_html_tidy* tests remain green because of this)
* rset._build_entity sticks its .req onto the entity just fetched from
the cache, because otherwise it might carry a _cw that is a
Connection object where a Request is expected (helps
* we get overall better cache usages (entity caches were split over
Request + ClientConnection and Connection), hence the changes
unittest_entity and unittest_wfobjs
* void the ecache when providing the cnx to a request object
Having the entity cache pre-filled when we bind it to the request
object hurts because these entities are bound to Connection objects,
that lack e.g. `.form` or `.add_js` and crash the views subsystem.
Thus, the unittest_testlib.test_error_raised test will are kept
Closes #3837233
translations for fullCalendar plugin
$.fullCalendar.regional = function(lng, options){
var defaults = {'fr' : {
monthNamesShort: ['janv.','févr.','mars','avr.','mai','juin','juil.','août','sept.','oct.','nov.','déc.'],
dayNames: ['Dimanche','Lundi','Mardi','Mercredi','Jeudi','Vendredi','Samedi'],
dayNamesShort: ['Dim', 'Lun', 'Mar', 'Mer', 'Jeu', 'Ven', 'Sam'],
titleFormat: {
month: 'MMMM yyyy', // ex : Janvier 2010
week: "d[ MMMM][ yyyy]{ - d MMMM yyyy}", // ex : 10 � 16 Janvier 2010,
day: 'dddd d MMMM yyyy' // ex : Jeudi 14 Janvier 2010
columnFormat: {'month': 'dddd',
'agendaWeek': 'dddd dd/M/yyyy',
'agendaDay': 'dddd dd/M/yyyy'},
axisFormat: 'H:mm',
timeFormat: {
'': 'H:mm',
agenda: 'H:mm{ - H:mm}'},
allDayText: 'journée',
axisFormat: 'H:mm',
buttonText: {
today: "aujourd'hui",
month: 'mois',
week: 'semaine',
day: 'jour'
if(lng in defaults){
return $.extend({}, defaults[lng], options);
else {return options;};