author Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr>
Mon, 21 Jan 2013 18:01:25 +0100
changeset 8669 62213a34726e
parent 8483 4ba11607d84a
child 8694 d901c36bcfce
permissions -rw-r--r--
[db-api/configuration] simplify db-api and configuration so that all the connection information is in the repository url, closes #2521848 eg no more specific option of pyro ns host, group, etc. This also fixes broken ZMQ sources. Changes: * dropped pyro-ns-host, pyro-instance-id, pyro-ns-group from client side config, in favor of repository-uri. No migration done, supposing there is **no web-only config** in the wild. Also stop discovering the connection method through the repo_method class attribute of the configuration, varying according to the configuration class. This is a first step on the way to a simpler configuration handling. Notice those pyro options are still available for repository only / all-in-one configurations as they are needed to configure the pyro server. * stop telling connection method using ConnectionProperties, this is so boring. Also, drop _cnxtype from Connection and cnxtype from Session. The former is replaced by a is_repo_in_memory property and the later is totaly useless. * deprecate in_memory_cnx which becomes useless, use _repo_connect instead

from __future__ import with_statement

from cubicweb.server.session import hooks_control

for uri, cfg in config.sources().items():
    if uri in ('system', 'admin'):
    repo.sources_by_uri[uri] = repo.get_source(cfg['adapter'], uri, cfg.copy())

add_relation_definition('CWSource', 'cw_source', 'CWSource')

with hooks_control(session, session.HOOKS_ALLOW_ALL, 'cw.sources'):
    create_entity('CWSource', type=u'native', name=u'system')

sql('INSERT INTO cw_source_relation(eid_from,eid_to) '
    'SELECT e.eid,s.cw_eid FROM entities as e, cw_CWSource as s '
    'WHERE s.cw_name=e.type')

for uri, cfg in config.sources().items():
    if uri in ('system', 'admin'):
    config = u'\n'.join('%s=%s' % (key, value) for key, value in cfg.items()
                        if key != 'adapter' and value is not None)
    create_entity('CWSource', name=unicode(uri), type=unicode(cfg['adapter']),

# rename cwprops for boxes/contentnavigation
for x in rql('Any X,XK WHERE X pkey XK, '
             'X pkey ~= "boxes.%" OR '
             'X pkey ~= "contentnavigation.%"').entities():
    x.cw_set(pkey=u'ctxcomponents.' + x.pkey.split('.', 1)[1])