ISiocItem is an interface that is implemented by 'post' entities (in sioc specification) i.e blogentry, mail ...
IsiocContainer is an interface that is implemented by 'container' entities (see sioc specification) i.e blog, mailthread ...
"""cubicweb extensions for twill"""
import re
from urllib import quote
from twill import commands as twc
# convenience / consistency renaming
has_text = twc.find
hasnt_text = twc.notfind
# specific commands
_LINK = re.compile('<a.*?href="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)</a>', re.I | re.S)
def has_link(text, url=''):
browser = twc.get_browser()
html = browser.get_html()
if html:
for match in _LINK.finditer(html):
linkurl =
linktext =
if linktext == text:
# if url is specified linkurl must match
if url and linkurl != url:
raise AssertionError('link %s (%s) not found' % (text, url))
def view(rql, vid=''):
>> view 'Project P'
apply <vid> to <rql>'s rset
if vid:
twc.go('view?rql=%s&vid=%s' % (quote(rql), vid))
twc.go('view?rql=%s' % quote(rql))
def create(etype):
>> create Project
go to <etype>'s creation page
twc.go('view?etype=%s&vid=creation' % etype)
def edit(rql):
>> edit "Project P WHERE P eid 123"
calls edition view for <rql>
twc.go('view?rql=%s&vid=edition' % quote(rql))
def setvalue(formname, fieldname, value):
>> setvalue entityForm name pylint
sets the field's value in the form
<forname> should either be the form's index, the form's name
or the form's id
browser = twc.get_browser()
form = browser.get_form(formname)
if form is None:
# try to find if one of the forms has <formname> as id
for index, form in enumerate(browser._browser.forms()):
# forms in cubicweb don't always have a name
if form.attrs.get('id') == formname:
# browser.get_form_field knows how to deal with form index
formname = str(index+1)
raise ValueError('could not find form named <%s>' % formname)
eid = browser.get_form_field(form, 'eid').value
twc.formvalue(formname, '%s:%s' % (fieldname, eid), value)
def submitform(formname, submit_button=None):
>> submitform entityForm
Submit the form named entityForm. This is useful when the form is pre-filed
and we only want to click on submit.
(The original submit command chooses the form to submit according to the last
formvalue instruction)
browser = twc.get_browser()
form = browser.get_form(formname)
if form is None:
# try to find if one of the forms has <formname> as id
for form in browser._browser.forms():
# forms in cubicweb don't always have a name
if form.attrs.get('id') == formname:
raise ValueError('could not find form named <%s>' % formname)
browser._browser.form = form
# missing actions: delete, copy, changeview