author Sylvain Thénault <>
Tue, 09 Mar 2010 14:38:41 +0100
changeset 4853 5dd4a9a46266
parent 4847 9466604ef448
child 4912 9767cc516b4f
permissions -rw-r--r--
[goa] i know goa is broken but that's still that we won't have to fix later :)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module provides tools to import tabular data.

:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2001-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2.
:contact: --
:license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 -

Example of use (run this with `cubicweb-ctl shell instance`):

.. sourcecode:: python

  from cubicweb.devtools.dataimport import *
  # define data generators

  USERS = [('Prenom', 'firstname', ()),
           ('Nom', 'surname', ()),
           ('Identifiant', 'login', ()),

  def gen_users(ctl):
      for row in ctl.get_data('utilisateurs'):
          entity = mk_entity(row, USERS)
          entity['upassword'] = u'motdepasse'
          ctl.check('login', entity['login'], None)
'CWUser', entity)
          email = {'address': row['email']}
'EmailAddress', email)
['eid'], 'use_email', email['eid'])
'SET U in_group G WHERE G name "users", U eid %(x)s', {'x':entity['eid']})

  CHK = [('login', check_doubles, 'Utilisateurs Login',
          'Deux utilisateurs ne devraient pas avoir le même login.'),

  GENERATORS.append( (gen_users, CHK) )

  # create controller
  ctl = CWImportController(RQLObjectStore())
  ctl.askerror = 1
  ctl.generators = GENERATORS = checkpoint = rql['utilisateurs'] = lazytable(utf8csvreader(open('users.csv')))
  # run

.. BUG fichier à une colonne pose un problème de parsing
.. TODO rollback()
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

import sys
import csv
import traceback
import os.path as osp
from StringIO import StringIO
from copy import copy

from logilab.common import shellutils
from import strptime
from logilab.common.decorators import cached
from logilab.common.deprecation import deprecated

def ucsvreader_pb(filepath, encoding='utf-8', separator=',', quote='"',
                  skipfirst=False, withpb=True):
    """same as ucsvreader but a progress bar is displayed as we iter on rows"""
    if not osp.exists(filepath):
        raise Exception("file doesn't exists: %s" % filepath)
    rowcount = int(shellutils.Execute('wc -l "%s"' % filepath).out.strip().split()[0])
    if skipfirst:
        rowcount -= 1
    if withpb:
        pb = shellutils.ProgressBar(rowcount, 50)
    for urow in ucsvreader(file(filepath), encoding, separator, quote, skipfirst):
        yield urow
        if withpb:
    print ' %s rows imported' % rowcount

def ucsvreader(stream, encoding='utf-8', separator=',', quote='"',
    """A csv reader that accepts files with any encoding and outputs unicode
    it = iter(csv.reader(stream, delimiter=separator, quotechar=quote))
    if skipfirst:
    for row in it:
        yield [item.decode(encoding) for item in row]

def commit_every(nbit, store, it):
    for i, x in enumerate(it):
        yield x
        if nbit is not None and i % nbit:
    if nbit is not None:

def lazytable(reader):
    """The first row is taken to be the header of the table and
    used to output a dict for each row of data.

    >>> data = lazytable(utf8csvreader(open(filename)))
    header =
    for row in reader:
        yield dict(zip(header, row))

def mk_entity(row, map):
    """Return a dict made from sanitized mapped values.

    ValidationError can be raised on unexpected values found in checkers

    >>> row = {'myname': u'dupont'}
    >>> map = [('myname', u'name', (capitalize_if_unicase,))]
    >>> mk_entity(row, map)
    {'name': u'Dupont'}
    >>> row = {'myname': u'dupont', 'optname': u''}
    >>> map = [('myname', u'name', (capitalize_if_unicase,)),
    ...        ('optname', u'MARKER', (optional,))]
    >>> mk_entity(row, map)
    {'name': u'Dupont'}
    res = {}
    assert isinstance(row, dict)
    assert isinstance(map, list)
    for src, dest, funcs in map:
        assert not (required in funcs and optional in funcs), \
               "optional and required checks are exclusive"
        res[dest] = row[src]
            for func in funcs:
                res[dest] = func(res[dest])
                if res[dest] is None:
        except ValueError, err:
            raise ValueError('error with %r field: %s' % (src, err))
    return res

# user interactions ############################################################

def tell(msg):
    print msg

def confirm(question):
    """A confirm function that asks for yes/no/abort and exits on abort."""
    answer = shellutils.ASK.ask(question, ('Y', 'n', 'abort'), 'Y')
    if answer == 'abort':
    return answer == 'Y'

class catch_error(object):
    """Helper for @contextmanager decorator."""

    def __init__(self, ctl, key='unexpected error', msg=None):
        self.ctl = ctl
        self.key = key
        self.msg = msg

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        if type is not None:
            if issubclass(type, (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit)):
                return # re-raise
            if self.ctl.catcherrors:
                self.ctl.record_error(self.key, None, type, value, traceback)
                return True # silent

# base sanitizing/coercing functions ###########################################

def optional(value):
    """validation error will not been raised if you add this checker in chain"""
    if value:
        return value
    return None

def required(value):
    """raise ValueError is value is empty

    This check should be often found in last position in the chain.
    if value:
        return value
    raise ValueError("required")

def todatetime(format='%d/%m/%Y'):
    """return a transformation function to turn string input value into a
    `datetime.datetime` instance, using given format.

    Follow it by `todate` or `totime` functions from `` if
    you want a `date`/`time` instance instead of `datetime`.
    def coerce(value):
        return strptime(value, format)
    return coerce

def call_transform_method(methodname, *args, **kwargs):
    """return value returned by calling the given method on input"""
    def coerce(value):
        return getattr(value, methodname)(*args, **kwargs)
    return coerce

def call_check_method(methodname, *args, **kwargs):
    """check value returned by calling the given method on input is true,
    else raise ValueError
    def check(value):
        if getattr(value, methodname)(*args, **kwargs):
            return value
        raise ValueError('%s not verified on %r' % (methodname, value))
    return check

# base integrity checking functions ############################################

def check_doubles(buckets):
    """Extract the keys that have more than one item in their bucket."""
    return [(k, len(v)) for k, v in buckets.items() if len(v) > 1]

def check_doubles_not_none(buckets):
    """Extract the keys that have more than one item in their bucket."""
    return [(k, len(v)) for k, v in buckets.items()
            if k is not None and len(v) > 1]

# object stores #################################################################

class ObjectStore(object):
    """Store objects in memory for *faster* validation (development mode)

    But it will not enforce the constraints of the schema and hence will miss some problems

    >>> store = ObjectStore()
    >>> user = {'login': 'johndoe'}
    >>> store.add('CWUser', user)
    >>> group = {'name': 'unknown'}
    >>> store.add('CWUser', group)
    >>> store.relate(user['eid'], 'in_group', group['eid'])
    def __init__(self):
        self.items = []
        self.eids = {}
        self.types = {}
        self.relations = set()
        self.indexes = {}
        self._rql = None
        self._checkpoint = None

    def _put(self, type, item):
        return len(self.items) - 1

    def add(self, type, item):
        assert isinstance(item, dict), 'item is not a dict but a %s' % type(item)
        eid = item['eid'] = self._put(type, item)
        self.eids[eid] = item
        self.types.setdefault(type, []).append(eid)

    def relate(self, eid_from, rtype, eid_to, inlined=False):
        """Add new relation (reverse type support is available)

        >>> 1,2 = eid_from, eid_to
        >>> self.relate(eid_from, 'in_group', eid_to)
        1, 'in_group', 2
        >>> self.relate(eid_from, 'reverse_in_group', eid_to)
        2, 'in_group', 1
        if rtype.startswith('reverse_'):
            eid_from, eid_to = eid_to, eid_from
            rtype = rtype[8:]
        relation = eid_from, rtype, eid_to
        return relation

    def build_index(self, name, type, func=None):
        index = {}
        if func is None or not callable(func):
            func = lambda x: x['eid']
        for eid in self.types[type]:
            index.setdefault(func(self.eids[eid]), []).append(eid)
        assert index, "new index '%s' cannot be empty" % name
        self.indexes[name] = index

    def build_rqlindex(self, name, type, key, rql, rql_params=False, func=None):
        """build an index by rql query

        rql should return eid in first column'index_name', 'users', 'login', 'Any U WHERE U is CWUser')
        rset = self.rql(rql, rql_params or {})
        for entity in rset.entities():
            getattr(entity, key) # autopopulate entity with key attribute
            self.eids[entity.eid] = dict(entity)
            if entity.eid not in self.types.setdefault(type, []):
        assert self.types[type], "new index type '%s' cannot be empty (0 record found)" % type

        # Build index with specified key
        func = lambda x: x[key]
        self.build_index(name, type, func)

    def fetch(self, name, key, unique=False, decorator=None):
            decorator is a callable method or an iterator of callable methods (usually a lambda function)
            decorator=lambda x: x[:1] (first value is returned)

            We can use validation check function available in _entity
        eids = self.indexes[name].get(key, [])
        if decorator is not None:
            if not hasattr(decorator, '__iter__'):
                decorator = (decorator,)
            for f in decorator:
                eids = f(eids)
        if unique:
            assert len(eids) == 1, u'expected a single one value for key "%s" in index "%s". Got %i' % (key, name, len(eids))
            eids = eids[0] # FIXME maybe it's better to keep an iterator here ?
        return eids

    def find(self, type, key, value):
        for idx in self.types[type]:
            item = self.items[idx]
            if item[key] == value:
                yield item

    def rql(self, *args):
        if self._rql is not None:
            return self._rql(*args)

    def checkpoint(self):

    def nb_inserted_entities(self):
        return len(self.eids)
    def nb_inserted_types(self):
        return len(self.types)
    def nb_inserted_relations(self):
        return len(self.relations)

    @deprecated('[3.6] get_many() deprecated. Use fetch() instead')
    def get_many(self, name, key):
        return self.fetch(name, key, unique=False)

    @deprecated('[3.6] get_one() deprecated. Use fetch(..., unique=True) instead')
    def get_one(self, name, key):
        return self.fetch(name, key, unique=True)

class RQLObjectStore(ObjectStore):
    """ObjectStore that works with an actual RQL repository (production mode)"""
    _rql = None # bw compat

    def __init__(self, session=None, checkpoint=None):
        if session is not None:
            if not hasattr(session, 'set_pool'):
                # connection
                cnx = session
                session = session.request()
                session.set_pool = lambda : None
                checkpoint = checkpoint or cnx.commit
            self.session = session
            self._checkpoint = checkpoint or session.commit
        elif checkpoint is not None:
            self._checkpoint = checkpoint
            # XXX .session

    def checkpoint(self):

    def rql(self, *args):
        if self._rql is not None:
            return self._rql(*args)
        return self.session.execute(*args)

    def create_entity(self, *args, **kwargs):
        entity = self.session.create_entity(*args, **kwargs)
        self.eids[entity.eid] = entity
        self.types.setdefault(args[0], []).append(entity.eid)
        return entity

    def _put(self, type, item):
        query = ('INSERT %s X: ' % type) + ', '.join('X %s %%(%s)s' % (k, k)
                                                     for k in item)
        return self.rql(query, item)[0][0]

    def relate(self, eid_from, rtype, eid_to, inlined=False):
        # if reverse relation is found, eids are exchanged
        eid_from, rtype, eid_to = super(RQLObjectStore, self).relate(
            eid_from, rtype, eid_to)
        self.rql('SET X %s Y WHERE X eid %%(x)s, Y eid %%(y)s' % rtype,
                  {'x': int(eid_from), 'y': int(eid_to)}, ('x', 'y'))

# the import controller ########################################################

class CWImportController(object):
    """Controller of the data import process.

    >>> ctl = CWImportController(store)
    >>> ctl.generators = list_of_data_generators
    >>> = dict_of_data_tables

    def __init__(self, store, askerror=0, catcherrors=None, tell=tell,
                 commitevery=50): = store
        self.generators = None = {}
        self.errors = None
        self.askerror = askerror
        if  catcherrors is None:
            catcherrors = askerror
        self.catcherrors = catcherrors
        self.commitevery = commitevery # set to None to do a single commit
        self._tell = tell

    def check(self, type, key, value):
        self._checks.setdefault(type, {}).setdefault(key, []).append(value)

    def check_map(self, entity, key, map, default):
            entity[key] = map[entity[key]]
        except KeyError:
            self.check(key, entity[key], None)
            entity[key] = default

    def record_error(self, key, msg=None, type=None, value=None, tb=None):
        tmp = StringIO()
        if type is None:
            traceback.print_exception(type, value, tb, file=tmp)
        print tmp.getvalue()
        # use a list to avoid counting a <nb lines> errors instead of one
        errorlog = self.errors.setdefault(key, [])
        if msg is None:
            errorlog.append( (msg, tmp.getvalue().splitlines()) )

    def run(self):
        self.errors = {}
        for func, checks in self.generators:
            self._checks = {}
            func_name = func.__name__[4:]  # XXX
            self.tell("Import '%s'..." % func_name)
                if self.catcherrors:
                    self.record_error(func_name, 'While calling %s' % func.__name__)
            for key, func, title, help in checks:
                buckets = self._checks.get(key)
                if buckets:
                    err = func(buckets)
                    if err:
                        self.errors[title] = (help, err)
        nberrors = sum(len(err[1]) for err in self.errors.values())
        self.tell('\nImport completed: %i entities, %i types, %i relations and %i errors'
                  % (,
        if self.errors:
            if self.askerror == 2 or (self.askerror and confirm('Display errors ?')):
                from pprint import pformat
                for errkey, error in self.errors.items():
                    self.tell("\n%s (%s): %d\n" % (error[0], errkey, len(error[1])))

    def get_data(self, key):

    def index(self, name, key, value, unique=False):
        """create a new index

        If unique is set to True, only first occurence will be kept not the following ones
        if unique:
                if value in[name][key]:
            except KeyError:
                # we're sure that one is the first occurence; so continue...
                pass, {}).setdefault(key, []).append(value)

    def tell(self, msg):

    def iter_and_commit(self, datakey):
        """iter rows, triggering commit every self.commitevery iterations"""
        return commit_every(self.commitevery,, self.get_data(datakey))

from datetime import datetime
from cubicweb.schema import META_RTYPES, VIRTUAL_RTYPES

class NoHookRQLObjectStore(RQLObjectStore):
    """ObjectStore that works with an actual RQL repository (production mode)"""
    _rql = None # bw compat

    def __init__(self, session, metagen=None, baseurl=None):
        super(NoHookRQLObjectStore, self).__init__(session)
        self.source = session.repo.system_source
        self.rschema = session.repo.schema.rschema
        self.add_relation = self.source.add_relation
        if metagen is None:
            metagen = MetaGenerator(session, baseurl)
        self.metagen = metagen
        self._nb_inserted_entities = 0
        self._nb_inserted_types = 0
        self._nb_inserted_relations = 0
        self.rql = session.unsafe_execute

    def create_entity(self, etype, **kwargs):
        for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
            kwargs[k] = getattr(v, 'eid', v)
        entity, rels = self.metagen.base_etype_dicts(etype)
        entity = copy(entity)
        entity._related_cache = {}
        session = self.session
        self.source.add_entity(session, entity)
        self.source.add_info(session, entity, self.source, complete=False)
        for rtype, targeteids in rels.iteritems():
            # targeteids may be a single eid or a list of eids
            inlined = self.rschema(rtype).inlined
                for targeteid in targeteids:
                    self.add_relation(session, entity.eid, rtype, targeteid,
            except TypeError:
                self.add_relation(session, entity.eid, rtype, targeteids,
        self._nb_inserted_entities += 1
        return entity

    def relate(self, eid_from, rtype, eid_to):
        assert not rtype.startswith('reverse_')
        self.add_relation(self.session, eid_from, rtype, eid_to,
        self._nb_inserted_relations += 1

    def nb_inserted_entities(self):
        return self._nb_inserted_entities
    def nb_inserted_types(self):
        return self._nb_inserted_types
    def nb_inserted_relations(self):
        return self._nb_inserted_relations

    def _put(self, type, item):
        raise RuntimeError('use create entity')

class MetaGenerator(object):
    def __init__(self, session, baseurl=None):
        self.session = session
        self.source = session.repo.system_source
        self.time =
        if baseurl is None:
            config = session.vreg.config
            baseurl = config['base-url'] or config.default_base_url()
        if not baseurl[-1] == '/':
            baseurl += '/'
        self.baseurl =  baseurl
        # attributes/relations shared by all entities of the same type
        self.etype_attrs = []
        self.etype_rels = []
        # attributes/relations specific to each entity
        self.entity_attrs = ['eid', 'cwuri']
        #self.entity_rels = [] XXX not handled (YAGNI?)
        schema = session.vreg.schema
        rschema = schema.rschema
        for rtype in META_RTYPES:
            if rtype in ('eid', 'cwuri') or rtype in VIRTUAL_RTYPES:
            if rschema(rtype).final:
        if not schema._eid_index:
            # test schema loaded from the fs
            self.gen_is = self.test_gen_is
            self.gen_is_instance_of = self.test_gen_is_instanceof

    def base_etype_dicts(self, etype):
        entity = self.session.vreg['etypes'].etype_class(etype)(self.session)
        # entity are "surface" copied, avoid shared dict between copies
        del entity.cw_extra_kwargs
        for attr in self.etype_attrs:
            entity[attr] = self.generate(entity, attr)
        rels = {}
        for rel in self.etype_rels:
            rels[rel] = self.generate(entity, rel)
        return entity, rels

    def init_entity(self, entity):
        for attr in self.entity_attrs:
            entity[attr] = self.generate(entity, attr)
        entity.eid = entity['eid']

    def generate(self, entity, rtype):
        return getattr(self, 'gen_%s' % rtype)(entity)

    def gen_eid(self, entity):
        return self.source.create_eid(self.session)

    def gen_cwuri(self, entity):
        return u'%seid/%s' % (self.baseurl, entity['eid'])

    def gen_creation_date(self, entity):
        return self.time
    def gen_modification_date(self, entity):
        return self.time

    def gen_is(self, entity):
        return entity.e_schema.eid
    def gen_is_instance_of(self, entity):
        eids = []
        for etype in entity.e_schema.ancestors() + [entity.e_schema]:
        return eids

    def gen_created_by(self, entity):
        return self.session.user.eid
    def gen_owned_by(self, entity):
        return self.session.user.eid

    # implementations of gen_is / gen_is_instance_of to use during test where
    # schema has been loaded from the fs (hence entity type schema eids are not
    # known)
    def test_gen_is(self, entity):
        from cubicweb.hooks.metadata import eschema_eid
        return eschema_eid(self.session, entity.e_schema)
    def test_gen_is_instanceof(self, entity):
        from cubicweb.hooks.metadata import eschema_eid
        eids = []
        for eschema in entity.e_schema.ancestors() + [entity.e_schema]:
            eids.append(eschema_eid(self.session, eschema))
        return eids


utf8csvreader = deprecated('[3.6] use ucsvreader instead')(ucsvreader)

@deprecated('[3.6] use required')
def nonempty(value):
    return required(value)

@deprecated("[3.6] use call_check_method('isdigit')")
def alldigits(txt):
    if txt.isdigit():
        return txt
        return u''

@deprecated("[3.7] too specific, will move away, copy me")
def capitalize_if_unicase(txt):
    if txt.isupper() or txt.islower():
        return txt.capitalize()
    return txt

@deprecated("[3.7] too specific, will move away, copy me")
def yesno(value):
    """simple heuristic that returns boolean value

    >>> yesno("Yes")
    >>> yesno("oui")
    >>> yesno("1")
    >>> yesno("11")
    >>> yesno("")
    >>> yesno("Non")
    >>> yesno("blablabla")
    if value:
        return value.lower()[0] in 'yo1'
    return False

@deprecated("[3.7] use call_check_method('isalpha')")
def isalpha(value):
    if value.isalpha():
        return value
    raise ValueError("not all characters in the string alphabetic")

@deprecated("[3.7] use call_transform_method('upper')")
def uppercase(txt):
    return txt.upper()

@deprecated("[3.7] use call_transform_method('lower')")
def lowercase(txt):
    return txt.lower()

@deprecated("[3.7] use call_transform_method('replace', ' ', '')")
def no_space(txt):
    return txt.replace(' ','')

@deprecated("[3.7] use call_transform_method('replace', u'\xa0', '')")
def no_uspace(txt):
    return txt.replace(u'\xa0','')

@deprecated("[3.7] use call_transform_method('replace', '-', '')")
def no_dash(txt):
    return txt.replace('-','')

@deprecated("[3.7] use call_transform_method('strip')")
def strip(txt):
    return txt.strip()

@deprecated("[3.7] use call_transform_method('replace', ',', '.'), float")
def decimal(value):
    return comma_float(value)

@deprecated('[3.7] use int builtin')
def integer(value):
    return int(value)