# copyright 2003-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Defines the central class for the CubicWeb RQL server: the repository.
The repository is an abstraction allowing execution of rql queries against
data sources. Most of the work is actually done in helper classes. The
repository mainly:
* brings these classes all together to provide a single access
point to a cubicweb instance.
* handles session management
* provides method for pyro registration, to call if pyro is enabled
from __future__ import with_statement
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
import sys
import threading
import Queue
from os.path import join
from datetime import datetime
from time import time, localtime, strftime
from logilab.common.decorators import cached
from logilab.common.compat import any
from logilab.common import flatten
from yams import BadSchemaDefinition
from yams.schema import role_name
from rql import RQLSyntaxError
from cubicweb import (CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, CW_MIGRATION_MAP, QueryError,
UnknownEid, AuthenticationError, ExecutionError,
ETypeNotSupportedBySources, MultiSourcesError,
BadConnectionId, Unauthorized, ValidationError,
RepositoryError, typed_eid, onevent)
from cubicweb import cwvreg, schema, server
from cubicweb.server import utils, hook, pool, querier, sources
from cubicweb.server.session import Session, InternalSession, InternalManager, \
def del_existing_rel_if_needed(session, eidfrom, rtype, eidto):
"""delete existing relation when adding a new one if card is 1 or ?
have to be done once the new relation has been inserted to avoid having
an entity without a relation for some time
this kind of behaviour has to be done in the repository so we don't have
hooks order hazardness
# skip that for internal session or if integrity explicitly disabled
# XXX we should imo rely on the orm to first fetch existing entity if any
# then delete it.
if session.is_internal_session \
or not session.is_hook_category_activated('activeintegrity'):
card = session.schema_rproperty(rtype, eidfrom, eidto, 'cardinality')
# one may be tented to check for neweids but this may cause more than one
# relation even with '1?' cardinality if thoses relations are added in the
# same transaction where the entity is being created. This never occurs from
# the web interface but may occurs during test or dbapi connection (though
# not expected for this). So: don't do it, we pretend to ensure repository
# consistency.
# XXX we don't want read permissions to be applied but we want delete
# permission to be checked
rschema = session.repo.schema.rschema(rtype)
if card[0] in '1?':
if not rschema.inlined: # inlined relations will be implicitly deleted
with security_enabled(session, read=False):
session.execute('DELETE X %s Y WHERE X eid %%(x)s, '
'NOT Y eid %%(y)s' % rtype,
{'x': eidfrom, 'y': eidto})
if card[1] in '1?':
with security_enabled(session, read=False):
session.execute('DELETE X %sY WHERE Y eid %%(y)s, '
'NOT X eid %%(x)s' % rtype,
{'x': eidfrom, 'y': eidto})
class Repository(object):
"""a repository provides access to a set of persistent storages for
entities and relations
XXX protect pyro access
def __init__(self, config, vreg=None, debug=False):
self.config = config
if vreg is None:
vreg = cwvreg.CubicWebVRegistry(config, debug)
self.vreg = vreg
self.pyro_registered = False
self.info('starting repository from %s', self.config.apphome)
# dictionary of opened sessions
self._sessions = {}
# list of functions to be called at regular interval
self._looping_tasks = []
# list of running threads
self._running_threads = []
# initial schema, should be build or replaced latter
self.schema = schema.CubicWebSchema(config.appid)
self.vreg.schema = self.schema # until actual schema is loaded...
# querier helper, need to be created after sources initialization
self.querier = querier.QuerierHelper(self, self.schema)
# sources
self.sources = []
self.sources_by_uri = {}
# FIXME: store additional sources info in the system database ?
# FIXME: sources should be ordered (add_entity priority)
for uri, source_config in config.sources().items():
if uri == 'admin':
# not an actual source
source = self.get_source(uri, source_config)
self.sources_by_uri[uri] = source
self.system_source = self.sources_by_uri['system']
# ensure system source is the first one
self.sources.insert(0, self.system_source)
# cache eid -> type / source
self._type_source_cache = {}
# cache (extid, source uri) -> eid
self._extid_cache = {}
# open some connections pools
if config.open_connections_pools:
@onevent('after-registry-reload', self)
def fix_user_classes(self):
usercls = self.vreg['etypes'].etype_class('CWUser')
for session in self._sessions.values():
if not isinstance(session.user, InternalManager):
session.user.__class__ = usercls
def _bootstrap_hook_registry(self):
"""called during bootstrap since we need the metadata hooks"""
hooksdirectory = join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, 'hooks')
self.vreg.load_file(join(hooksdirectory, 'metadata.py'),
def open_connections_pools(self):
config = self.config
self._available_pools = Queue.Queue()
if config.quick_start:
# quick start, usually only to get a minimal repository to get cubes
# information (eg dump/restore/...)
config._cubes = ()
# only load hooks and entity classes in the registry
config.cube_appobject_path = set(('hooks', 'entities'))
config.cubicweb_appobject_path = set(('hooks', 'entities'))
config['connections-pool-size'] = 1
# will be reinitialized later from cubes found in the database
config._cubes = None
elif config.creating:
# repository creation
self.set_schema(config.load_schema(), resetvreg=False)
# need to load the Any and CWUser entity types
etdirectory = join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, 'entities')
for modname in ('__init__', 'authobjs', 'wfobjs'):
self.vreg.load_file(join(etdirectory, '%s.py' % modname),
'cubicweb.entities.%s' % modname)
elif config.read_instance_schema:
# normal start: load the instance schema from the database
# test start: use the file system schema (quicker)
self.warning("set fs instance'schema")
if not config.creating:
if 'CWProperty' in self.schema:
# call source's init method to complete their initialisation if
# needed (for instance looking for persistent configuration using an
# internal session, which is not possible until pools have been
# initialized)
for source in self.sources:
# call init_creating so for instance native source can configurate
# tsearch according to postgres version
for source in self.sources:
# close initialization pool and reopen fresh ones for proper
# initialization now that we know cubes
# list of available pools (we can't iterated on Queue instance)
self.pools = []
for i in xrange(config['connections-pool-size']):
self._shutting_down = False
if config.quick_start:
self.hm = hook.HooksManager(self.vreg)
# internals ###############################################################
def get_source(self, uri, source_config):
source_config['uri'] = uri
return sources.get_source(source_config, self.schema, self)
def set_schema(self, schema, resetvreg=True, rebuildinfered=True):
if rebuildinfered:
self.info('set schema %s %#x', schema.name, id(schema))
if resetvreg:
if self.config._cubes is None:
# full reload of all appobjects
for source in self.sources:
self.schema = schema
def fill_schema(self):
"""lod schema from the repository"""
from cubicweb.server.schemaserial import deserialize_schema
self.info('loading schema from the repository')
appschema = schema.CubicWebSchema(self.config.appid)
self.set_schema(self.config.load_bootstrap_schema(), resetvreg=False)
self.debug('deserializing db schema into %s %#x', appschema.name, id(appschema))
session = self.internal_session()
deserialize_schema(appschema, session)
except BadSchemaDefinition:
except Exception, ex:
import traceback
raise Exception('Is the database initialised ? (cause: %s)' %
(ex.args and ex.args[0].strip() or 'unknown')), \
None, sys.exc_info()[-1]
def start_looping_tasks(self):
if not (self.config.creating or self.config.repairing
or self.config.quick_start):
# call instance level initialisation hooks
self.hm.call_hooks('server_startup', repo=self)
# register a task to cleanup expired session
self.looping_task(self.config['session-time']/3., self.clean_sessions)
assert isinstance(self._looping_tasks, list), 'already started'
for i, (interval, func, args) in enumerate(self._looping_tasks):
self._looping_tasks[i] = task = utils.LoopTask(interval, func, args)
self.info('starting task %s with interval %.2fs', task.name,
# ensure no tasks will be further added
self._looping_tasks = tuple(self._looping_tasks)
def looping_task(self, interval, func, *args):
"""register a function to be called every `interval` seconds.
looping tasks can only be registered during repository initialization,
once done this method will fail.
self._looping_tasks.append( (interval, func, args) )
except AttributeError:
raise RuntimeError("can't add looping task once the repository is started")
def threaded_task(self, func):
"""start function in a separated thread"""
t = utils.RepoThread(func, self._running_threads)
def _get_pool(self):
return self._available_pools.get(True, timeout=5)
except Queue.Empty:
raise Exception('no pool available after 5 secs, probably either a '
'bug in code (too many uncommited/rollbacked '
'connections) or too much load on the server (in '
'which case you can try to set a bigger '
'connections pools size)')
def _free_pool(self, pool):
def pinfo(self):
# XXX: session.pool is accessed from a local storage, would be interesting
# to see if there is a pool set in any thread specific data)
return '%s: %s (%s)' % (self._available_pools.qsize(),
','.join(session.user.login for session in self._sessions.values()
if session.pool),
def shutdown(self):
"""called on server stop event to properly close opened sessions and
assert not self._shutting_down, 'already shutting down'
self._shutting_down = True
if isinstance(self._looping_tasks, tuple): # if tasks have been started
for looptask in self._looping_tasks:
self.info('canceling task %s...', looptask.name)
self.info('task %s finished', looptask.name)
for thread in self._running_threads:
self.info('waiting thread %s...', thread.getName())
self.info('thread %s finished', thread.getName())
if not (self.config.creating or self.config.repairing
or self.config.quick_start):
self.hm.call_hooks('server_shutdown', repo=self)
while not self._available_pools.empty():
pool = self._available_pools.get_nowait()
self.exception('error while closing %s' % pool)
if self.pyro_registered:
hits, misses = self.querier.cache_hit, self.querier.cache_miss
self.info('rqlt st cache hit/miss: %s/%s (%s%% hits)', hits, misses,
(hits * 100) / (hits + misses))
hits, misses = self.system_source.cache_hit, self.system_source.cache_miss
self.info('sql cache hit/miss: %s/%s (%s%% hits)', hits, misses,
(hits * 100) / (hits + misses))
nocache = self.system_source.no_cache
self.info('sql cache usage: %s/%s (%s%%)', hits+ misses, nocache,
((hits + misses) * 100) / (hits + misses + nocache))
except ZeroDivisionError:
def _login_from_email(self, login):
session = self.internal_session()
rset = session.execute('Any L WHERE U login L, U primary_email M, '
'M address %(login)s', {'login': login},
if rset.rowcount == 1:
login = rset[0][0]
return login
def authenticate_user(self, session, login, **kwargs):
"""validate login / password, raise AuthenticationError on failure
return associated CWUser instance on success
if self.vreg.config['allow-email-login'] and '@' in login:
login = self._login_from_email(login)
for source in self.sources:
if source.support_entity('CWUser'):
eid = source.authenticate(session, login, **kwargs)
except AuthenticationError:
raise AuthenticationError('authentication failed with all sources')
cwuser = self._build_user(session, eid)
if self.config.consider_user_state and \
not cwuser.state in cwuser.AUTHENTICABLE_STATES:
raise AuthenticationError('user is not in authenticable state')
return cwuser
def _build_user(self, session, eid):
"""return a CWUser entity for user with the given eid"""
cls = self.vreg['etypes'].etype_class('CWUser')
rql = cls.fetch_rql(session.user, ['X eid %(x)s'])
rset = session.execute(rql, {'x': eid})
assert len(rset) == 1, rset
cwuser = rset.get_entity(0, 0)
# pylint: disable-msg=W0104
# prefetch / cache cwuser's groups and properties. This is especially
# useful for internal sessions to avoid security insertions
return cwuser
# public (dbapi) interface ################################################
def stats(self): # XXX restrict to managers session?
results = {}
querier = self.querier
source = self.system_source
for size, maxsize, hits, misses, title in (
(len(querier._rql_cache), self.config['rql-cache-size'],
querier.cache_hit, querier.cache_miss, 'rqlt_st'),
(len(source._cache), self.config['rql-cache-size'],
source.cache_hit, source.cache_miss, 'sql'),
results['%s_cache_size' % title] = '%s / %s' % (size, maxsize)
results['%s_cache_hit' % title] = hits
results['%s_cache_miss' % title] = misses
results['%s_cache_hit_percent' % title] = (hits * 100) / (hits + misses)
results['sql_no_cache'] = self.system_source.no_cache
results['nb_open_sessions'] = len(self._sessions)
results['nb_active_threads'] = threading.activeCount()
results['looping_tasks'] = ', '.join(str(t) for t in self._looping_tasks)
results['available_pools'] = self._available_pools.qsize()
results['threads'] = ', '.join(sorted(str(t) for t in threading.enumerate()))
return results
def get_schema(self):
"""return the instance schema. This is a public method, not
requiring a session id
# necessary to support pickling used by pyro
self.schema.__hashmode__ = 'pickle'
return self.schema
self.schema.__hashmode__ = None
def get_cubes(self):
"""return the list of cubes used by this instance. This is a
public method, not requiring a session id.
versions = self.get_versions(not (self.config.creating
or self.config.repairing
or self.config.quick_start
or self.config.mode == 'test'))
cubes = list(versions)
return cubes
def get_versions(self, checkversions=False):
"""return the a dictionary containing cubes used by this instance
as key with their version as value, including cubicweb version. This is a
public method, not requiring a session id.
from logilab.common.changelog import Version
vcconf = {}
session = self.internal_session()
for pk, version in session.execute(
'Any K,V WHERE P is CWProperty, P value V, P pkey K, '
'P pkey ~="system.version.%"', build_descr=False):
cube = pk.split('.')[-1]
# XXX cubicweb migration
if cube in CW_MIGRATION_MAP:
cube = CW_MIGRATION_MAP[cube]
version = Version(version)
vcconf[cube] = version
if checkversions:
if cube != 'cubicweb':
fsversion = self.config.cube_version(cube)
fsversion = self.config.cubicweb_version()
if version < fsversion:
msg = ('instance has %s version %s but %s '
'is installed. Run "cubicweb-ctl upgrade".')
raise ExecutionError(msg % (cube, version, fsversion))
return vcconf
def source_defs(self):
sources = self.config.sources().copy()
# remove manager information
sources.pop('admin', None)
# remove sensitive information
for uri, sourcedef in sources.iteritems():
sourcedef = sourcedef.copy()
sources[uri] = sourcedef
return sources
def properties(self):
"""return a result set containing system wide properties"""
session = self.internal_session()
return session.execute('Any K,V WHERE P is CWProperty,'
'P pkey K, P value V, NOT P for_user U',
# XXX protect this method: anonymous should be allowed and registration
# plugged
def register_user(self, login, password, email=None, **kwargs):
"""check a user with the given login exists, if not create it with the
given password. This method is designed to be used for anonymous
registration on public web site.
session = self.internal_session()
# for consistency, keep same error as unique check hook (although not required)
errmsg = session._('the value "%s" is already used, use another one')
if (session.execute('CWUser X WHERE X login %(login)s', {'login': login},
or session.execute('CWUser X WHERE X use_email C, C address %(login)s',
{'login': login}, build_descr=False)):
qname = role_name('login', 'subject')
raise ValidationError(None, {qname: errmsg % login})
# we have to create the user
user = self.vreg['etypes'].etype_class('CWUser')(session)
if isinstance(password, unicode):
# password should *always* be utf8 encoded
password = password.encode('UTF8')
kwargs['login'] = login
kwargs['upassword'] = password
self.glob_add_entity(session, user)
session.execute('SET X in_group G WHERE X eid %(x)s, G name "users"',
{'x': user.eid})
if email or '@' in login:
d = {'login': login, 'email': email or login}
if session.execute('EmailAddress X WHERE X address %(email)s', d,
qname = role_name('address', 'subject')
raise ValidationError(None, {qname: errmsg % d['email']})
session.execute('INSERT EmailAddress X: X address %(email)s, '
'U primary_email X, U use_email X '
'WHERE U login %(login)s', d, build_descr=False)
return True
def connect(self, login, **kwargs):
"""open a connection for a given user
base_url may be needed to send mails
cnxtype indicate if this is a pyro connection or a in-memory connection
raise `AuthenticationError` if the authentication failed
raise `ConnectionError` if we can't open a connection
# use an internal connection
session = self.internal_session()
# try to get a user object
cnxprops = kwargs.pop('cnxprops', None)
user = self.authenticate_user(session, login, **kwargs)
session = Session(user, self, cnxprops)
user._cw = user.cw_rset.req = session
self._sessions[session.id] = session
self.info('opened %s', session)
self.hm.call_hooks('session_open', session)
# commit session at this point in case write operation has been done
# during `session_open` hooks
return session.id
def execute(self, sessionid, rqlstring, args=None, build_descr=True):
"""execute a RQL query
* rqlstring should be an unicode string or a plain ascii string
* args the optional parameters used in the query
* build_descr is a flag indicating if the description should be
built on select queries
session = self._get_session(sessionid, setpool=True)
return self.querier.execute(session, rqlstring, args,
except (Unauthorized, RQLSyntaxError):
except ValidationError, ex:
# need ValidationError normalization here so error may pass
# through pyro
if hasattr(ex.entity, 'eid'):
ex.entity = ex.entity.eid # error raised by yams
args = list(ex.args)
args[0] = ex.entity
ex.args = tuple(args)
# FIXME: check error to catch internal errors
self.exception('unexpected error while executing %s with %s', rqlstring, args)
def describe(self, sessionid, eid):
"""return a tuple (type, source, extid) for the entity with id <eid>"""
session = self._get_session(sessionid, setpool=True)
return self.type_and_source_from_eid(eid, session)
def check_session(self, sessionid):
"""raise `BadConnectionId` if the connection is no more valid"""
self._get_session(sessionid, setpool=False)
def get_shared_data(self, sessionid, key, default=None, pop=False):
"""return the session's data dictionary"""
session = self._get_session(sessionid, setpool=False)
return session.get_shared_data(key, default, pop)
def set_shared_data(self, sessionid, key, value, querydata=False):
"""set value associated to `key` in shared data
if `querydata` is true, the value will be added to the repository
session's query data which are cleared on commit/rollback of the current
transaction, and won't be available through the connexion, only on the
repository side.
session = self._get_session(sessionid, setpool=False)
session.set_shared_data(key, value, querydata)
def commit(self, sessionid):
"""commit transaction for the session with the given id"""
self.debug('begin commit for session %s', sessionid)
return self._get_session(sessionid).commit()
except (ValidationError, Unauthorized):
self.exception('unexpected error')
def rollback(self, sessionid):
"""commit transaction for the session with the given id"""
self.debug('begin rollback for session %s', sessionid)
self.exception('unexpected error')
def close(self, sessionid, checkshuttingdown=True):
"""close the session with the given id"""
session = self._get_session(sessionid, setpool=True,
# operation uncommited before close are rollbacked before hook is called
self.hm.call_hooks('session_close', session)
# commit session at this point in case write operation has been done
# during `session_close` hooks
del self._sessions[sessionid]
self.info('closed session %s for user %s', sessionid, session.user.login)
def user_info(self, sessionid, props=None):
"""this method should be used by client to:
* check session id validity
* update user information on each user's request (i.e. groups and
custom properties)
session = self._get_session(sessionid, setpool=False)
if props is not None:
self.set_session_props(sessionid, props)
user = session.user
return user.eid, user.login, user.groups, user.properties
def set_session_props(self, sessionid, props):
"""this method should be used by client to:
* check session id validity
* update user information on each user's request (i.e. groups and
custom properties)
session = self._get_session(sessionid, setpool=False)
for prop, value in props.items():
session.change_property(prop, value)
def undoable_transactions(self, sessionid, ueid=None, **actionfilters):
"""See :class:`cubicweb.dbapi.Connection.undoable_transactions`"""
session = self._get_session(sessionid, setpool=True)
return self.system_source.undoable_transactions(session, ueid,
def transaction_info(self, sessionid, txuuid):
"""See :class:`cubicweb.dbapi.Connection.transaction_info`"""
session = self._get_session(sessionid, setpool=True)
return self.system_source.tx_info(session, txuuid)
def transaction_actions(self, sessionid, txuuid, public=True):
"""See :class:`cubicweb.dbapi.Connection.transaction_actions`"""
session = self._get_session(sessionid, setpool=True)
return self.system_source.tx_actions(session, txuuid, public)
def undo_transaction(self, sessionid, txuuid):
"""See :class:`cubicweb.dbapi.Connection.undo_transaction`"""
session = self._get_session(sessionid, setpool=True)
return self.system_source.undo_transaction(session, txuuid)
# public (inter-repository) interface #####################################
def entities_modified_since(self, etypes, mtime):
"""function designed to be called from an external repository which
is using this one as a rql source for synchronization, and return a
3-uple containing :
* the local date
* list of (etype, eid) of entities of the given types which have been
modified since the given timestamp (actually entities whose full text
index content has changed)
* list of (etype, eid) of entities of the given types which have been
deleted since the given timestamp
session = self.internal_session()
updatetime = datetime.now()
modentities, delentities = self.system_source.modified_entities(
session, etypes, mtime)
return updatetime, modentities, delentities
# session handling ########################################################
def close_sessions(self):
"""close every opened sessions"""
for sessionid in self._sessions.keys():
self.close(sessionid, checkshuttingdown=False)
self.exception('error while closing session %s' % sessionid)
def clean_sessions(self):
"""close sessions not used since an amount of time specified in the
mintime = time() - self.config['session-time']
self.debug('cleaning session unused since %s',
strftime('%T', localtime(mintime)))
nbclosed = 0
for session in self._sessions.values():
if session.timestamp < mintime:
nbclosed += 1
return nbclosed
def internal_session(self, cnxprops=None):
"""return a dbapi like connection/cursor using internal user which
have every rights on the repository. You'll *have to* commit/rollback
or close (rollback implicitly) the session once the job's done, else
you'll leak connections pool up to the time where no more pool is
available, causing irremediable freeze...
session = InternalSession(self, cnxprops)
return session
def _get_session(self, sessionid, setpool=False, checkshuttingdown=True):
"""return the user associated to the given session identifier"""
if checkshuttingdown and self._shutting_down:
raise Exception('Repository is shutting down')
session = self._sessions[sessionid]
except KeyError:
raise BadConnectionId('No such session %s' % sessionid)
if setpool:
return session
# data sources handling ###################################################
# * correspondance between eid and (type, source)
# * correspondance between eid and local id (i.e. specific to a given source)
def type_and_source_from_eid(self, eid, session=None):
"""return a tuple (type, source, extid) for the entity with id <eid>"""
eid = typed_eid(eid)
except ValueError:
raise UnknownEid(eid)
return self._type_source_cache[eid]
except KeyError:
if session is None:
session = self.internal_session()
reset_pool = True
reset_pool = False
etype, uri, extid = self.system_source.eid_type_source(session,
if reset_pool:
self._type_source_cache[eid] = (etype, uri, extid)
if uri != 'system':
self._extid_cache[(extid, uri)] = eid
return etype, uri, extid
def clear_caches(self, eids):
etcache = self._type_source_cache
extidcache = self._extid_cache
rqlcache = self.querier._rql_cache
for eid in eids:
etype, uri, extid = etcache.pop(typed_eid(eid)) # may be a string in some cases
rqlcache.pop('%s X WHERE X eid %s' % (etype, eid), None)
extidcache.pop((extid, uri), None)
except KeyError:
etype = None
rqlcache.pop('Any X WHERE X eid %s' % eid, None)
for source in self.sources:
source.clear_eid_cache(eid, etype)
def type_from_eid(self, eid, session=None):
"""return the type of the entity with id <eid>"""
return self.type_and_source_from_eid(eid, session)[0]
def source_from_eid(self, eid, session=None):
"""return the source for the given entity's eid"""
return self.sources_by_uri[self.type_and_source_from_eid(eid, session)[1]]
def querier_cache_key(self, session, rql, args, eidkeys):
cachekey = [rql]
for key in sorted(eidkeys):
etype = self.type_from_eid(args[key], session)
except KeyError:
raise QueryError('bad cache key %s (no value)' % key)
except TypeError:
raise QueryError('bad cache key %s (value: %r)' % (
key, args[key]))
# ensure eid is correctly typed in args
args[key] = typed_eid(args[key])
return tuple(cachekey)
def eid2extid(self, source, eid, session=None):
"""get local id from an eid"""
etype, uri, extid = self.type_and_source_from_eid(eid, session)
if source.uri != uri:
# eid not from the given source
raise UnknownEid(eid)
return extid
def extid2eid(self, source, extid, etype, session=None, insert=True,
"""get eid from a local id. An eid is attributed if no record is found"""
cachekey = (extid, source.uri)
return self._extid_cache[cachekey]
except KeyError:
reset_pool = False
if session is None:
session = self.internal_session()
reset_pool = True
eid = self.system_source.extid2eid(session, source, extid)
if eid is not None:
self._extid_cache[cachekey] = eid
self._type_source_cache[eid] = (etype, source.uri, extid)
# XXX used with extlite (eg vcsfile), probably not needed anymore
if recreate:
entity = source.before_entity_insertion(session, extid, etype, eid)
entity._cw_recreating = True
if source.should_call_hooks:
self.hm.call_hooks('before_add_entity', session, entity=entity)
# XXX add fti op ?
source.after_entity_insertion(session, extid, entity)
if source.should_call_hooks:
self.hm.call_hooks('after_add_entity', session, entity=entity)
if reset_pool:
return eid
if not insert:
# no link between extid and eid, create one using an internal session
# since the current session user may not have required permissions to
# do necessary stuff and we don't want to commit user session.
# Moreover, even if session is already an internal session but is
# processing a commit, we have to use another one
if not session.is_internal_session:
session = self.internal_session()
reset_pool = True
eid = self.system_source.create_eid(session)
self._extid_cache[cachekey] = eid
self._type_source_cache[eid] = (etype, source.uri, extid)
entity = source.before_entity_insertion(session, extid, etype, eid)
entity.edited_attributes = set(entity)
if source.should_call_hooks:
self.hm.call_hooks('before_add_entity', session, entity=entity)
# XXX call add_info with complete=False ?
self.add_info(session, entity, source, extid)
source.after_entity_insertion(session, extid, entity)
if source.should_call_hooks:
self.hm.call_hooks('after_add_entity', session, entity=entity)
# minimal meta-data
session.execute('SET X is E WHERE X eid %(x)s, E name %(name)s',
{'x': entity.eid, 'name': entity.__regid__})
return eid
def add_info(self, session, entity, source, extid=None, complete=True):
"""add type and source info for an eid into the system table,
and index the entity with the full text index
# begin by inserting eid/type/source/extid into the entities table
hook.set_operation(session, 'neweids', entity.eid,
self.system_source.add_info(session, entity, source, extid, complete)
def delete_info(self, session, entity, sourceuri, extid):
"""called by external source when some entity known by the system source
has been deleted in the external source
# mark eid as being deleted in session info and setup cache update
# operation
hook.set_operation(session, 'pendingeids', entity.eid,
self._delete_info(session, entity, sourceuri, extid)
def _delete_info(self, session, entity, sourceuri, extid):
# attributes=None, relations=None):
"""delete system information on deletion of an entity:
* delete all remaining relations from/to this entity
* call delete info on the system source which will transfer record from
the entities table to the deleted_entities table
pendingrtypes = session.transaction_data.get('pendingrtypes', ())
# delete remaining relations: if user can delete the entity, he can
# delete all its relations without security checking
with security_enabled(session, read=False, write=False):
eid = entity.eid
for rschema, _, role in entity.e_schema.relation_definitions():
rtype = rschema.type
if rtype in schema.VIRTUAL_RTYPES or rtype in pendingrtypes:
if role == 'subject':
# don't skip inlined relation so they are regularly
# deleted and so hooks are correctly called
rql = 'DELETE X %s Y WHERE X eid %%(x)s' % rtype
rql = 'DELETE Y %s X WHERE X eid %%(x)s' % rtype
session.execute(rql, {'x': eid}, build_descr=False)
self.system_source.delete_info(session, entity, sourceuri, extid)
def locate_relation_source(self, session, subject, rtype, object):
subjsource = self.source_from_eid(subject, session)
objsource = self.source_from_eid(object, session)
if not subjsource is objsource:
source = self.system_source
if not (subjsource.may_cross_relation(rtype)
and objsource.may_cross_relation(rtype)):
raise MultiSourcesError(
"relation %s can't be crossed among sources"
% rtype)
elif not subjsource.support_relation(rtype):
source = self.system_source
source = subjsource
if not source.support_relation(rtype, True):
raise MultiSourcesError(
"source %s doesn't support write of %s relation"
% (source.uri, rtype))
return source
def locate_etype_source(self, etype):
for source in self.sources:
if source.support_entity(etype, 1):
return source
raise ETypeNotSupportedBySources(etype)
def init_entity_caches(self, session, entity, source):
"""add entity to session entities cache and repo's extid cache.
Return entity's ext id if the source isn't the system source.
suri = source.uri
if suri == 'system':
extid = None
extid = source.get_extid(entity)
self._extid_cache[(str(extid), suri)] = entity.eid
self._type_source_cache[entity.eid] = (entity.__regid__, suri, extid)
return extid
def glob_add_entity(self, session, entity):
"""add an entity to the repository
the entity eid should originaly be None and a unique eid is assigned to
the entity instance
# init edited_attributes before calling before_add_entity hooks
entity._is_saved = False # entity has an eid but is not yet saved
entity.edited_attributes = set(entity)
entity_ = entity.pre_add_hook()
# XXX kill that transmutation feature !
if not entity_ is entity:
entity.__class__ = entity_.__class__
eschema = entity.e_schema
source = self.locate_etype_source(entity.__regid__)
# allocate an eid to the entity before calling hooks
# set caches asap
extid = self.init_entity_caches(session, entity, source)
if server.DEBUG & server.DBG_REPO:
print 'ADD entity', entity.__regid__, entity.eid, dict(entity)
relations = []
if source.should_call_hooks:
self.hm.call_hooks('before_add_entity', session, entity=entity)
# XXX use entity.keys here since edited_attributes is not updated for
# inline relations XXX not true, right? (see edited_attributes
# affectation above)
for attr in entity.iterkeys():
rschema = eschema.subjrels[attr]
if not rschema.final: # inlined relation
relations.append((attr, entity[attr]))
if session.is_hook_category_activated('integrity'):
source.add_entity(session, entity)
self.add_info(session, entity, source, extid, complete=False)
entity._is_saved = True # entity has an eid and is saved
# prefill entity relation caches
for rschema in eschema.subject_relations():
rtype = str(rschema)
if rtype in schema.VIRTUAL_RTYPES:
if rschema.final:
entity.setdefault(rtype, None)
entity.set_related_cache(rtype, 'subject', session.empty_rset())
for rschema in eschema.object_relations():
rtype = str(rschema)
if rtype in schema.VIRTUAL_RTYPES:
entity.set_related_cache(rtype, 'object', session.empty_rset())
# set inline relation cache before call to after_add_entity
for attr, value in relations:
session.update_rel_cache_add(entity.eid, attr, value)
# trigger after_add_entity after after_add_relation
if source.should_call_hooks:
self.hm.call_hooks('after_add_entity', session, entity=entity)
# call hooks for inlined relations
for attr, value in relations:
self.hm.call_hooks('before_add_relation', session,
eidfrom=entity.eid, rtype=attr, eidto=value)
self.hm.call_hooks('after_add_relation', session,
eidfrom=entity.eid, rtype=attr, eidto=value)
return entity.eid
def glob_update_entity(self, session, entity, edited_attributes):
"""replace an entity in the repository
the type and the eid of an entity must not be changed
if server.DEBUG & server.DBG_REPO:
print 'UPDATE entity', entity.__regid__, entity.eid, \
dict(entity), edited_attributes
hm = self.hm
eschema = entity.e_schema
orig_edited_attributes = getattr(entity, 'edited_attributes', None)
entity.edited_attributes = edited_attributes
if session.is_hook_category_activated('integrity'):
only_inline_rels, need_fti_update = True, False
relations = []
source = self.source_from_eid(entity.eid, session)
for attr in list(edited_attributes):
if attr == 'eid':
rschema = eschema.subjrels[attr]
if rschema.final:
if getattr(eschema.rdef(attr), 'fulltextindexed', False):
need_fti_update = True
only_inline_rels = False
# inlined relation
previous_value = entity.related(attr) or None
if previous_value is not None:
previous_value = previous_value[0][0] # got a result set
if previous_value == entity[attr]:
previous_value = None
elif source.should_call_hooks:
hm.call_hooks('before_delete_relation', session,
eidfrom=entity.eid, rtype=attr,
relations.append((attr, entity[attr], previous_value))
if source.should_call_hooks:
# call hooks for inlined relations
for attr, value, _ in relations:
hm.call_hooks('before_add_relation', session,
eidfrom=entity.eid, rtype=attr, eidto=value)
if not only_inline_rels:
hm.call_hooks('before_update_entity', session, entity=entity)
source.update_entity(session, entity)
self.system_source.update_info(session, entity, need_fti_update)
if source.should_call_hooks:
if not only_inline_rels:
hm.call_hooks('after_update_entity', session, entity=entity)
for attr, value, prevvalue in relations:
# if the relation is already cached, update existant cache
relcache = entity.relation_cached(attr, 'subject')
if prevvalue is not None:
hm.call_hooks('after_delete_relation', session,
eidfrom=entity.eid, rtype=attr, eidto=prevvalue)
if relcache is not None:
session.update_rel_cache_del(entity.eid, attr, prevvalue)
del_existing_rel_if_needed(session, entity.eid, attr, value)
if relcache is not None:
session.update_rel_cache_add(entity.eid, attr, value)
entity.set_related_cache(attr, 'subject',
hm.call_hooks('after_add_relation', session,
eidfrom=entity.eid, rtype=attr, eidto=value)
if orig_edited_attributes is not None:
entity.edited_attributes = orig_edited_attributes
def glob_delete_entity(self, session, eid):
"""delete an entity and all related entities from the repository"""
entity = session.entity_from_eid(eid)
etype, sourceuri, extid = self.type_and_source_from_eid(eid, session)
if server.DEBUG & server.DBG_REPO:
print 'DELETE entity', etype, eid
source = self.sources_by_uri[sourceuri]
if source.should_call_hooks:
self.hm.call_hooks('before_delete_entity', session, entity=entity)
self._delete_info(session, entity, sourceuri, extid)
source.delete_entity(session, entity)
if source.should_call_hooks:
self.hm.call_hooks('after_delete_entity', session, entity=entity)
# don't clear cache here this is done in a hook on commit
def glob_add_relation(self, session, subject, rtype, object):
"""add a relation to the repository"""
if server.DEBUG & server.DBG_REPO:
print 'ADD relation', subject, rtype, object
source = self.locate_relation_source(session, subject, rtype, object)
if source.should_call_hooks:
del_existing_rel_if_needed(session, subject, rtype, object)
self.hm.call_hooks('before_add_relation', session,
eidfrom=subject, rtype=rtype, eidto=object)
source.add_relation(session, subject, rtype, object)
rschema = self.schema.rschema(rtype)
session.update_rel_cache_add(subject, rtype, object, rschema.symmetric)
if source.should_call_hooks:
self.hm.call_hooks('after_add_relation', session,
eidfrom=subject, rtype=rtype, eidto=object)
def glob_delete_relation(self, session, subject, rtype, object):
"""delete a relation from the repository"""
if server.DEBUG & server.DBG_REPO:
print 'DELETE relation', subject, rtype, object
source = self.locate_relation_source(session, subject, rtype, object)
if source.should_call_hooks:
self.hm.call_hooks('before_delete_relation', session,
eidfrom=subject, rtype=rtype, eidto=object)
source.delete_relation(session, subject, rtype, object)
rschema = self.schema.rschema(rtype)
session.update_rel_cache_del(subject, rtype, object, rschema.symmetric)
if rschema.symmetric:
# on symmetric relation, we can't now in which sense it's
# stored so try to delete both
source.delete_relation(session, object, rtype, subject)
if source.should_call_hooks:
self.hm.call_hooks('after_delete_relation', session,
eidfrom=subject, rtype=rtype, eidto=object)
# pyro handling ###########################################################
def pyro_register(self, host=''):
"""register the repository as a pyro object"""
import tempfile
from logilab.common.pyro_ext import register_object, config
config.PYRO_STORAGE = tempfile.gettempdir() # XXX until lgc > 0.45.1 is out
appid = self.config['pyro-instance-id'] or self.config.appid
daemon = register_object(self, appid, self.config['pyro-ns-group'],
msg = 'repository registered as a pyro object using group %s and id %s'
self.info(msg, self.config['pyro-ns-group'], appid)
self.pyro_registered = True
return daemon
# multi-sources planner helpers ###########################################
def rel_type_sources(self, rtype):
return [source for source in self.sources
if source.support_relation(rtype)
or rtype in source.dont_cross_relations]
def can_cross_relation(self, rtype):
return [source for source in self.sources
if source.support_relation(rtype)
and rtype in source.cross_relations]
def is_multi_sources_relation(self, rtype):
return any(source for source in self.sources
if not source is self.system_source
and source.support_relation(rtype))
def pyro_unregister(config):
"""unregister the repository from the pyro name server"""
from logilab.common.pyro_ext import ns_unregister
appid = config['pyro-instance-id'] or config.appid
ns_unregister(appid, config['pyro-ns-group'], config['pyro-ns-host'])
from logging import getLogger
from cubicweb import set_log_methods
set_log_methods(Repository, getLogger('cubicweb.repository'))