replaced hardcoded 'web/view' by os.path.join('web', 'view') so views path is also valid under windows
# copyright 2003-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
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# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb. If not, see <>.
"""user authentication component
from __future__ import with_statement
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
from threading import Lock
from logilab.common.decorators import clear_cache
from cubicweb import AuthenticationError, BadConnectionId
from cubicweb.view import Component
from cubicweb.dbapi import repo_connect, ConnectionProperties
from cubicweb.web import InvalidSession
from cubicweb.web.application import AbstractAuthenticationManager
class NoAuthInfo(Exception): pass
class WebAuthInfoRetreiver(Component):
__registry__ = 'webauth'
order = None
def authentication_information(self, req):
"""retreive authentication information from the given request, raise
NoAuthInfo if expected information is not found.
raise NotImplementedError()
def authenticated(self, retreiver, req, cnx, login, authinfo):
"""callback when return authentication information have opened a
repository connection successfully. Take care req has no session
attached yet, hence req.execute isn't available.
class LoginPasswordRetreiver(WebAuthInfoRetreiver):
__regid__ = 'loginpwdauth'
order = 10
def authentication_information(self, req):
"""retreive authentication information from the given request, raise
NoAuthInfo if expected information is not found.
login, password = req.get_authorization()
if not login:
raise NoAuthInfo()
return login, {'password': password}
class RepositoryAuthenticationManager(AbstractAuthenticationManager):
"""authenticate user associated to a request and check session validity"""
def __init__(self, vreg):
super(RepositoryAuthenticationManager, self).__init__(vreg)
self.repo = vreg.config.repository(vreg)
self.log_queries = vreg.config['query-log-file']
self.authinforetreivers = sorted(vreg['webauth'].possible_objects(vreg),
key=lambda x: x.order)
# 2-uple login / password, login is None when no anonymous access
# configured
self.anoninfo = vreg.config.anonymous_user()
if self.anoninfo[0]:
self.anoninfo = (self.anoninfo[0], {'password': self.anoninfo[1]})
def validate_session(self, req, session):
"""check session validity, reconnecting it to the repository if the
associated connection expired in the repository side (hence the
necessity for this method). Return the connected user on success.
raise :exc:`InvalidSession` if session is corrupted for a reason or
another and should be closed
# with this authentication manager, session is actually a dbapi
# connection
login = req.get_authorization()[0]
# check session.login and not user.login, since in case of login by
# email, login and cnx.login are the email while user.login is the
# actual user login
if login and session.login != login:
raise InvalidSession('login mismatch')
lock = session.reconnection_lock
except AttributeError:
lock = session.reconnection_lock = Lock()
# need to be locked two avoid duplicated reconnections on concurrent
# requests
with lock:
cnx = session.cnx
# calling cnx.user() check connection validity, raise
# BadConnectionId on failure
user = cnx.user(req)
except BadConnectionId:
# check if a connection should be automatically restablished
if (login is None or login == session.login):
cnx = self._authenticate(session.login, session.authinfo)
user = cnx.user(req)
session.cnx = cnx
raise InvalidSession('bad connection id')
return user
def authenticate(self, req):
"""authenticate user using connection information found in the request,
and return corresponding a :class:`~cubicweb.dbapi.Connection` instance,
as well as login and authentication information dictionary used to open
the connection.
raise :exc:`cubicweb.AuthenticationError` if authentication failed
(no authentication info found or wrong user/password)
for retreiver in self.authinforetreivers:
login, authinfo = retreiver.authentication_information(req)
except NoAuthInfo:
cnx = self._authenticate(login, authinfo)
except AuthenticationError:
continue # the next one may succeed
for retreiver_ in self.authinforetreivers:
retreiver_.authenticated(retreiver, req, cnx, login, authinfo)
return cnx, login, authinfo
# false if no authentication info found, eg this is not an
# authentication failure
if 'login' in locals():
req.set_message(req._('authentication failure'))
login, authinfo = self.anoninfo
if login:
cnx = self._authenticate(login, authinfo)
cnx.anonymous_connection = True
return cnx, login, authinfo
raise AuthenticationError()
def _authenticate(self, login, authinfo):
cnxprops = ConnectionProperties(self.vreg.config.repo_method,
close=False, log=self.log_queries)
cnx = repo_connect(self.repo, login, cnxprops=cnxprops, **authinfo)
# decorate connection
cnx.vreg = self.vreg
return cnx