[entity] ensure the .related(entities=False) parameter is honored all the way down (closes #2755994)
As of today, such a call will always fill the relation cache by
calling .entities() on every single related rset entry.
As a consequence, the `limit` parameter handling also had to be fixed.
It was bogus in the following ways:
* not used in the related_rql, hence potentially huge database
requests, but also actually
* foolishly used in the .entities()-calling cache routine we now
bypass (this changeset ticket's main topic)
* we set a limit on the rql expression, and
* forbid caching if given a non-None limit (as we don't want to make
the cache handling code more complicated than it is already)
With this, entity.unrelated gets a better limit implementation (so the
code in related/unrelated is nice and symmetric)
* _cw_relation_cache disappears completely, which is good, but this is
Python, so you never know ...
# copyright 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
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# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Defines the diferent querier steps usable in plans.
FIXME : this code needs refactoring. Some problems :
* get data from the parent plan, the latest step, temporary table...
* each step has is own members (this is not necessarily bad, but a bit messy
for now)
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
from rql.nodes import VariableRef, Variable, Function
from cubicweb.server.ssplanner import (LimitOffsetMixIn, Step, OneFetchStep,
varmap_test_repr, offset_result)
class remove_and_restore_clauses(object):
def __init__(self, union, keepgroup):
self.union = union
self.keepgroup = keepgroup
self.clauses = None
def __enter__(self):
self.clauses = clauses = []
for select in self.union.children:
if self.keepgroup:
having, orderby = select.having, select.orderby
select.having, select.orderby = (), ()
clauses.append( (having, orderby) )
groupby, having, orderby = select.groupby, select.having, select.orderby
select.groupby, select.having, select.orderby = (), (), ()
clauses.append( (groupby, having, orderby) )
def __exit__(self, exctype, exc, traceback):
for i, select in enumerate(self.union.children):
if self.keepgroup:
select.having, select.orderby = self.clauses[i]
select.groupby, select.having, select.orderby = self.clauses[i]
class FetchStep(OneFetchStep):
"""step consisting in fetching data from sources, and storing result in
a temporary table
def __init__(self, plan, union, sources, table, keepgroup, inputmap=None):
OneFetchStep.__init__(self, plan, union, sources)
# temporary table to store step result
self.table = table
# should groupby clause be kept or not
self.keepgroup = keepgroup
# variables mapping to use as input
self.inputmap = inputmap
# output variable mapping
srqlst = union.children[0] # sample select node
# add additional information to the output mapping
self.outputmap = plan.init_temp_table(table, srqlst.selection,
for vref in srqlst.selection:
if not isinstance(vref, VariableRef):
var = vref.variable
if var.stinfo.get('attrvars'):
for lhsvar, rtype in var.stinfo['attrvars']:
if lhsvar.name in srqlst.defined_vars:
key = '%s.%s' % (lhsvar.name, rtype)
self.outputmap[key] = self.outputmap[var.name]
rschema = self.plan.schema.rschema
for rel in var.stinfo['rhsrelations']:
if rschema(rel.r_type).inlined:
lhsvar = rel.children[0]
if lhsvar.name in srqlst.defined_vars:
key = '%s.%s' % (lhsvar.name, rel.r_type)
self.outputmap[key] = self.outputmap[var.name]
def execute(self):
"""execute this step"""
plan = self.plan
union = self.union
with remove_and_restore_clauses(union, self.keepgroup):
for source in self.sources:
source.flying_insert(self.table, plan.session, union, plan.args,
def mytest_repr(self):
"""return a representation of this step suitable for test"""
with remove_and_restore_clauses(self.union, self.keepgroup):
inputmap = varmap_test_repr(self.inputmap, self.plan.tablesinorder)
outputmap = varmap_test_repr(self.outputmap, self.plan.tablesinorder)
except AttributeError:
inputmap = self.inputmap
outputmap = self.outputmap
return (self.__class__.__name__,
sorted((r.as_string(kwargs=self.plan.args), r.solutions)
for r in self.union.children),
sorted(self.sources), inputmap, outputmap)
class AggrStep(LimitOffsetMixIn, Step):
"""step consisting in making aggregat from temporary data in the system
def __init__(self, plan, selection, select, table, outputtable=None):
Step.__init__(self, plan)
# original selection
self.selection = selection
# original Select RQL tree
self.select = select
# table where are located temporary results
self.table = table
# optional table where to write results
self.outputtable = outputtable
if outputtable is not None:
plan.init_temp_table(outputtable, selection, select.solutions[0])
#self.inputmap = inputmap
def mytest_repr(self):
"""return a representation of this step suitable for test"""
# rely on a monkey patch (cf unittest_querier)
table = self.plan.tablesinorder[self.table]
outputtable = self.outputtable and self.plan.tablesinorder[self.outputtable]
except AttributeError:
# not monkey patched
table = self.table
outputtable = self.outputtable
sql = self.get_sql().replace(self.table, table)
return (self.__class__.__name__, sql, outputtable)
def execute(self):
"""execute this step"""
sql = self.get_sql()
if self.outputtable:
sql = 'INSERT INTO %s %s' % (self.outputtable, sql)
self.plan.syssource.doexec(self.plan.session, sql, self.plan.args)
return self.plan.sqlexec(sql, self.plan.args)
def get_sql(self):
self.inputmap = inputmap = self.children[-1].outputmap
# get the select clause
clause = []
for i, term in enumerate(self.selection):
var_name = inputmap[term.as_string()]
except KeyError:
var_name = 'C%s' % i
if isinstance(term, Function):
# we have to translate some aggregat function
# (for instance COUNT -> SUM)
orig_name = term.name
term.name = AGGR_TRANSFORMS[term.name]
# backup and reduce children
orig_children = term.children
term.children = [VariableRef(Variable(var_name))]
# restaure the tree XXX necessary?
term.name = orig_name
term.children = orig_children
except KeyError:
for vref in term.iget_nodes(VariableRef):
inputmap[vref.name] = var_name
# XXX handle distinct with non selected sort term
if self.select.distinct:
sql = ['SELECT DISTINCT %s' % ', '.join(clause)]
sql = ['SELECT %s' % ', '.join(clause)]
sql.append("FROM %s" % self.table)
# get the group/having clauses
if self.select.groupby:
clause = [inputmap[var.name] for var in self.select.groupby]
grouped = set(var.name for var in self.select.groupby)
sql.append('GROUP BY %s' % ', '.join(clause))
grouped = None
if self.select.having:
clause = [term.accept(self) for term in self.select.having]
sql.append('HAVING %s' % ', '.join(clause))
# get the orderby clause
if self.select.orderby:
clause = []
for sortterm in self.select.orderby:
sqlterm = sortterm.term.accept(self)
if sortterm.asc:
clause.append('%s DESC' % sqlterm)
if grouped is not None:
for vref in sortterm.iget_nodes(VariableRef):
if not vref.name in grouped:
sql[-1] += ', ' + self.inputmap[vref.name]
sql = dbhelper.sql_add_order_by(' '.join(sql),
None, False,
self.limit or self.offset)
sql = ' '.join(sql)
clause = None
sql = dbhelper.sql_add_limit_offset(sql, self.limit, self.offset, clause)
return sql
def visit_function(self, function):
"""generate SQL name for a function"""
return self.children[0].outputmap[str(function)]
except KeyError:
return '%s(%s)' % (function.name,
','.join(c.accept(self) for c in function.children))
def visit_variableref(self, variableref):
"""get the sql name for a variable reference"""
return self.inputmap[variableref.name]
except KeyError: # XXX duh? explain
return variableref.variable.name
def visit_constant(self, constant):
"""generate SQL name for a constant"""
assert constant.type == 'Int'
return str(constant.value)
class UnionStep(LimitOffsetMixIn, Step):
"""union results of child in-memory steps (e.g. OneFetchStep / AggrStep)"""
def execute(self):
"""execute this step"""
result = []
limit = olimit = self.limit
offset = self.offset
assert offset != 0
if offset is not None:
limit = limit + offset
for step in self.children:
if limit is not None:
if offset is None:
limit = olimit - len(result)
step.set_limit_offset(limit, None)
result_ = step.execute()
if offset is not None:
offset, result_ = offset_result(offset, result_)
result += result_
if limit is not None:
if len(result) >= olimit:
return result[:olimit]
return result
def mytest_repr(self):
"""return a representation of this step suitable for test"""
return (self.__class__.__name__, self.limit, self.offset)
class IntersectStep(UnionStep):
"""return intersection of results of child in-memory steps (e.g. OneFetchStep / AggrStep)"""
def execute(self):
"""execute this step"""
result = set()
for step in self.children:
result &= frozenset(step.execute())
result = list(result)
if self.offset:
result = result[self.offset:]
if self.limit:
result = result[:self.limit]
return result
class UnionFetchStep(Step):
"""union results of child steps using temporary tables (e.g. FetchStep)"""
def execute(self):
"""execute this step"""
__all__ = ('FetchStep', 'AggrStep', 'UnionStep', 'UnionFetchStep', 'IntersectStep')