[web] put a fake object that raise Unauthorized on any attribute access as req.cnx and req._user, so we are properly asked to authenticated on any view that tries to do something with one of those attributes (instead of doing defensive programming everywhere we're doing that)
"""Specific views for users and groups
:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2001-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2.
:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
:license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
from logilab.mtconverter import xml_escape
from cubicweb.selectors import one_line_rset, implements, match_user_groups
from cubicweb.view import EntityView
from cubicweb.web import action, uicfg
from cubicweb.web.views import tabs
_pvs = uicfg.primaryview_section
_pvs.tag_attribute(('CWUser', 'login'), 'hidden')
_pvs.tag_attribute(('CWGroup', 'name'), 'hidden')
_pvs.tag_subject_of(('CWGroup', 'read_permission', '*'), 'relations')
_pvs.tag_subject_of(('CWGroup', 'add_permission', '*'), 'relations')
_pvs.tag_subject_of(('CWGroup', 'delete_permission', '*'), 'relations')
_pvs.tag_subject_of(('CWGroup', 'update_permission', '*'), 'relations')
_pvs.tag_object_of(('*', 'in_group', 'CWGroup'), 'relations')
_pvs.tag_object_of(('*', 'require_group', 'CWGroup'), 'relations')
class UserPreferencesEntityAction(action.Action):
__regid__ = 'prefs'
__select__ = (one_line_rset() & implements('CWUser') &
match_user_groups('owners', 'managers'))
title = _('preferences')
category = 'mainactions'
def url(self):
login = self.cw_rset.get_entity(self.cw_row or 0, self.cw_col or 0).login
return self._cw.build_url('cwuser/%s'%login, vid='propertiesform')
class FoafView(EntityView):
__regid__ = 'foaf'
__select__ = implements('CWUser')
title = _('foaf')
templatable = False
content_type = 'text/xml'
def call(self):
self.w(u'''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
xmlns:foaf="http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"> '''% self._cw.encoding)
for i in xrange(self.cw_rset.rowcount):
self.cell_call(i, 0)
def cell_call(self, row, col):
entity = self.cw_rset.complete_entity(row, col)
self.w(u'''<foaf:PersonalProfileDocument rdf:about="">
<foaf:maker rdf:resource="%s"/>
<foaf:primaryTopic rdf:resource="%s"/>
</foaf:PersonalProfileDocument>''' % (entity.absolute_url(), entity.absolute_url()))
self.w(u'<foaf:Person rdf:ID="%s">\n' % entity.eid)
self.w(u'<foaf:name>%s</foaf:name>\n' % xml_escape(entity.dc_long_title()))
if entity.surname:
% xml_escape(entity.surname))
if entity.firstname:
% xml_escape(entity.firstname))
emailaddr = entity.get_email()
if emailaddr:
self.w(u'<foaf:mbox>%s</foaf:mbox>\n' % xml_escape(emailaddr))
# group views ##################################################################
_pvs.tag_object_of(('CWUser', 'in_group', 'CWGroup'), 'hidden')
_pvs.tag_object_of(('*', 'require_group', 'CWGroup'), 'hidden')
class CWGroupPrimaryView(tabs.TabbedPrimaryView):
__select__ = implements('CWGroup')
tabs = [_('cwgroup-main'), _('cwgroup-permissions')]
default_tab = 'cwgroup-main'
class CWGroupMainTab(tabs.PrimaryTab):
__regid__ = 'cwgroup-main'
__select__ = tabs.PrimaryTab.__select__ & implements('CWGroup')
def render_entity_attributes(self, entity):
rql = 'Any U, FN, LN, CD, LL ORDERBY L WHERE U in_group G, ' \
'U login L, U firstname FN, U surname LN, U creation_date CD, ' \
'U last_login_time LL, G eid %(x)s'
rset = self._cw.execute(rql, {'x': entity.eid})
headers = (_(u'user'), _(u'first name'), _(u'last name'),
_(u'creation date'), _(u'last login time'))
self.wview('editable-table', rset, 'null', displayfilter=True,
displaycols=range(5), mainindex=0, headers=headers)
class CWGroupPermTab(EntityView):
__regid__ = 'cwgroup-permissions'
__select__ = implements('CWGroup')
def cell_call(self, row, col):
access_types = ('read', 'delete', 'add', 'update')
w = self.w
entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col)
objtype_access = {'CWEType': ('read', 'delete', 'add', 'update'),
'CWRelation': ('add', 'delete')}
rql_cwetype = 'DISTINCT Any X WHERE X %s_permission CWG, X is CWEType, ' \
'CWG eid %%(e)s'
rql_cwrelation = 'DISTINCT Any RT WHERE X %s_permission CWG, X is CWRelation, ' \
'X relation_type RT, CWG eid %%(e)s'
self.render_objtype_access(entity, 'CWEType', objtype_access, rql_cwetype)
self.render_objtype_access(entity, 'CWRelation', objtype_access, rql_cwrelation)
def render_objtype_access(self, entity, objtype, objtype_access, rql):
self.w(u'<h4>%s</h4>' % self._cw._(objtype))
for access_type in objtype_access[objtype]:
rset = self._cw.execute(rql % access_type, {'e': entity.eid})
if rset:
self.w(u'<div>%s:</div>' % self._cw.__(access_type + '_permission'))
self.w(u'<div>%s</div><br/>' % self._cw.view('csv', rset, 'null'))
class CWGroupInContextView(EntityView):
__regid__ = 'incontext'
__select__ = implements('CWGroup')
def cell_call(self, row, col):
entity = self.cw_rset.complete_entity(row, col)
self.w(u'<a href="%s" class="%s">%s</a>' % (
entity.absolute_url(), entity.name, entity.printable_value('name')))