author sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr
Wed, 11 Mar 2009 11:13:41 +0100
changeset 1046 52ee022d87e3
parent 838 f2c56312b03a
child 1149 1e19b6ef53a1
permissions -rw-r--r--
simplify registry options to disable some appobjects to use a single option

"""abstract box classes for CubicWeb web client

:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2001-2009 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

from logilab.common.decorators import cached
from logilab.mtconverter import html_escape

from cubicweb import Unauthorized, role as get_role
from cubicweb.selectors import (one_line_rset,  primary_view,
                                match_context_prop, partial_has_related_entities,
                                accepts_compat, has_relation_compat,
                                condition_compat, require_group_compat)
from cubicweb.view import View, ReloadableMixIn

from cubicweb.web.htmlwidgets import (BoxLink, BoxWidget, SideBoxWidget,
                                      RawBoxItem, BoxSeparator)
from cubicweb.web.action import UnregisteredAction

_ = unicode

class BoxTemplate(View):
    """base template for boxes, usually a (contextual) list of possible
    actions. Various classes attributes may be used to control the box
    You may override on of the formatting callbacks is this is not necessary
    for your custom box.
    Classes inheriting from this class usually only have to override call
    to fetch desired actions, and then to do something like  ::

    __registry__ = 'boxes'
    __select__ = match_context_prop()
    registered = require_group_compat(View.registered)
    categories_in_order = ()
    property_defs = {
        _('visible'): dict(type='Boolean', default=True,
                           help=_('display the box or not')),
        _('order'):   dict(type='Int', default=99,
                           help=_('display order of the box')),
        # XXX 'incontext' boxes are handled by the default primary view
        _('context'): dict(type='String', default='left',
                           vocabulary=(_('left'), _('incontext'), _('right')),
                           help=_('context where this box should be displayed')),
    context = 'left'
    htmlitemclass = 'boxItem'

    def sort_actions(self, actions):
        """return a list of (category, actions_sorted_by_title)"""
        result = []
        actions_by_cat = {}
        for action in actions:
            actions_by_cat.setdefault(action.category, []).append((action.title, action))
        for key, values in actions_by_cat.items():
            actions_by_cat[key] = [act for title, act in sorted(values)]
        for cat in self.categories_in_order:
            if cat in actions_by_cat:
                result.append( (cat, actions_by_cat[cat]) )
        for item in sorted(actions_by_cat.items()):
        return result

    def mk_action(self, title, path, escape=True, **kwargs):
        """factory function to create dummy actions compatible with the
        .format_actions method
        if escape:
            title = html_escape(title)
        return self.box_action(self._action(title, path, **kwargs))
    def _action(self, title, path, **kwargs):
        return UnregisteredAction(self.req, self.rset, title, path, **kwargs)        

    # formating callbacks

    def boxitem_link_tooltip(self, action):
        if action.id:
            return u'keyword: %s' % action.id
        return u''

    def box_action(self, action):
        cls = getattr(action, 'html_class', lambda: None)() or self.htmlitemclass
        return BoxLink(action.url(), self.req._(action.title),
                       cls, self.boxitem_link_tooltip(action))

class RQLBoxTemplate(BoxTemplate):
    """abstract box for boxes displaying the content of a rql query not
    related to the current result set.
    It rely on etype, rtype (both optional, usable to control registration
    according to application schema and display according to connected
    user's rights) and rql attributes
#XXX    __selectors__ = BoxTemplate.__selectors__ + (etype_rtype_selector,)

    rql  = None
    def to_display_rql(self):
        assert self.rql is not None, self.id
        return (self.rql,)
    def call(self, **kwargs):
            rset = self.req.execute(*self.to_display_rql())
        except Unauthorized:
            # can't access to something in the query, forget this box
        if len(rset) == 0:
        box = BoxWidget(self.req._(self.title), self.id)
        for i, (teid, tname) in enumerate(rset):
            entity = rset.get_entity(i, 0)
            box.append(self.mk_action(tname, entity.absolute_url()))

class UserRQLBoxTemplate(RQLBoxTemplate):
    """same as rql box template but the rql is build using the eid of the
    request's user

    def to_display_rql(self):
        assert self.rql is not None, self.id
        return (self.rql, {'x': self.req.user.eid}, 'x')

class EntityBoxTemplate(BoxTemplate):
    """base class for boxes related to a single entity"""
    __select__ = BoxTemplate.__select__ & one_line_rset() & primary_view()
    registered = accepts_compat(has_relation_compat(condition_compat(BoxTemplate.registered)))
    context = 'incontext'
    def call(self, row=0, col=0, **kwargs):
        """classes inheriting from EntityBoxTemplate should define cell_call"""
        self.cell_call(row, col, **kwargs)

class RelatedEntityBoxTemplate(EntityBoxTemplate):
    __select__ = EntityBoxTemplate.__select__ & partial_has_related_entities()

    def cell_call(self, row, col, **kwargs):
        entity = self.entity(row, col)
        limit = self.req.property_value('navigation.related-limit') + 1
        role = get_role(self)
        self.w(u'<div class="sideRelated">')
        self.wview('sidebox', entity.related(self.rtype, role, limit=limit),
                   title=display_name(self.req, self.rtype, role))

class EditRelationBoxTemplate(ReloadableMixIn, EntityBoxTemplate):
    """base class for boxes which let add or remove entities linked
    by a given relation

    subclasses should define at least id, rtype and target
    class attributes.
    def cell_call(self, row, col, view=None):
        entity = self.entity(row, col)
        box = SideBoxWidget(display_name(self.req, self.rtype), self.id)
        count = self.w_related(box, entity)
        if count:
        self.w_unrelated(box, entity)

    def div_id(self):
        return self.id

    def xtarget(self):
        if self.target == 'subject':
            return 'object', 'subject'
        return 'subject', 'object'
    def box_item(self, entity, etarget, rql, label):
        """builds HTML link to edit relation between `entity` and `etarget`
        x, target = self.xtarget()
        args = {x[0] : entity.eid, target[0] : etarget.eid}
        url = self.user_rql_callback((rql, args))
        # for each target, provide a link to edit the relation
        label = u'[<a href="%s">%s</a>] %s' % (url, label,
        return RawBoxItem(label, liclass=u'invisible')
    def w_related(self, box, entity):
        """appends existing relations to the `box`"""
        rql = 'DELETE S %s O WHERE S eid %%(s)s, O eid %%(o)s' % self.rtype
        related = self.related_entities(entity)
        for etarget in related:
            box.append(self.box_item(entity, etarget, rql, u'-'))
        return len(related)
    def w_unrelated(self, box, entity):
        """appends unrelated entities to the `box`"""
        rql = 'SET S %s O WHERE S eid %%(s)s, O eid %%(o)s' % self.rtype
        for etarget in self.unrelated_entities(entity):
            box.append(self.box_item(entity, etarget, rql, u'+'))

    def unrelated_entities(self, entity):
        """returns the list of unrelated entities

        if etype is not defined on the Box's class, the default
        behaviour is to use the entity's appropraite vocabulary function
        x, target = self.xtarget()
        # use entity.unrelated if we've been asked for a particular etype
        if hasattr(self, 'etype'):
            return entity.unrelated(self.rtype, self.etype, x).entities()
        # in other cases, use vocabulary functions
        entities = []
        for _, eid in entity.vocabulary(self.rtype, x):
            if eid is not None:
                rset = self.req.eid_rset(eid)
                entities.append(rset.get_entity(0, 0))
        return entities
    def related_entities(self, entity):
        x, target = self.xtarget()
        return entity.related(self.rtype, x, entities=True)