author Philippe Pepiot <>
Thu, 22 Mar 2018 14:45:11 +0100
changeset 12285 512536a40993
parent 11057 0b59724cb3f2
permissions -rw-r--r--
[server] set PGPASSWORD when running pg commands for backup and restore For db-dump (implied by upgrade) and db-restore with postgres with non-trusted authentication, the db password is asked by pg tools (pg_dump, pg_restore, createdb, dropdb). Avoid this behavior by setting the PGPASSWORD environment variable when database driver is postgres and db-password is set in sources file.

"""This module compare the Schema on the file system to the one in the database"""

from cStringIO import StringIO
from cubicweb.web.schemaviewer import SchemaViewer
from logilab.common.ureports import TextWriter
import difflib

viewer = SchemaViewer()
layout_db = viewer.visit_schema(schema, display_relations=True)
layout_fs = viewer.visit_schema(fsschema, display_relations=True)
writer = TextWriter()
stream_db = StringIO()
stream_fs = StringIO()
writer.format(layout_db, stream=stream_db)
writer.format(layout_fs, stream=stream_fs)
db = stream_db.getvalue().splitlines()
fs = stream_fs.getvalue().splitlines()
open('db_schema.txt', 'w').write(stream_db.getvalue())
open('fs_schema.txt', 'w').write(stream_fs.getvalue())
#for diff in difflib.ndiff(fs, db):
#    print diff