closes #345410: two_lines_rset, two_cols_rset, two_etypes_rset are badly named
replaced by multi_lines_rset, multi_columns_rset, multi_etypes_rset,
all taking optional 'nb' argument allowing to specify and exact count.
Bw compat is kept, usage of deprecated function updated in cw itself.
Also drop custom at_least_two_columns selector (in views.plots) since
it was the same as multi_columns_rset. Hopefuly the renaming will help
in avoid such pb...
We should now decide if we want to deprecate one_* selector in favor
of multi_*(nb=1). See note on this at then end of
This directory contains extra libraries which are needed
to make cubicweb work.
The mx.DateTime python implementation is directly taken from
the mx.DateTime distribution. The only modification is the
strptime function which has been mocked using the standard
``datetime`` module. (as provided by the python2.5's stdlib)