[tests/checkintegrity] use the new connection api
* serverctl: the db-check command also uses an internal connection
object, which makes more sense in the context of `checkintegrity`.
* checkintegrity: rename srvcnx to just cnx (a bit because in the near
future, there will be one cnx to rule them all)
/* -*- sql -*- mysql specific registered procedures, *//* XXX limit_size version dealing with format as postgres version does. XXX mysql doesn't support overloading, each function should have a different name NOTE: fulltext renamed since it cause a mysql name conflict */CREATEFUNCTIONtext_limit_size(vfulltextTEXT,maxsizeINT)RETURNSTEXTNOSQLBEGINIFLENGTH(vfulltext)<maxsizeTHENRETURNvfulltext;ELSERETURNSUBSTRING(vfulltextfrom1formaxsize)||'...';ENDIF;END;;