[test] Fix the query-log-file test
Testing this functionality in a CubicWebTC is awkward because the
wrapping happens in handle_request, which tests basically bypass (they
call core_handle directly, and do their own magic for linking the
request with a cnx). The test method worked when ran on its own, but
not together with the rest of the test class. So use a CubicWebServerTC
instead, which goes through the whole stack.
.. role:: raw-html(raw)
:format: html
RSS driven
RSS is a pretty useful technology that can be widely used on this
site. Any set of data can be presented as RSS. You can then plug in
an RSS reader into that and follow the site activity. For example :
:raw-html:`<p><a class="reference"
alt="rss" src="data/rss.png"> latest changes</a></p>`