fix failures introduced by recent refactoring
* * *
[testlib, realdb] we should close connections prior to create a new db using current db as template
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# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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"""generic table view, including filtering abilities"""
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
_ = unicode
from logilab.mtconverter import xml_escape
from cubicweb.selectors import nonempty_rset, match_form_params
from cubicweb.utils import make_uid, json_dumps
from cubicweb.view import EntityView, AnyRsetView
from cubicweb import tags
from cubicweb.uilib import toggle_action, limitsize, htmlescape
from cubicweb.web import jsonize
from cubicweb.web.component import Link
from cubicweb.web.htmlwidgets import (TableWidget, TableColumn, MenuWidget,
from cubicweb.web.facet import prepare_facets_rqlst, filter_hiddens
class TableView(AnyRsetView):
"""The table view accepts any non-empty rset. It uses
introspection on the result set to compute column names and the
proper way to display the cells.
It is however highly configurable and accepts a wealth of options.
__regid__ = 'table'
title = _('table')
finalview = 'final'
def form_filter(self, divid, displaycols, displayactions, displayfilter,
paginate, hidden=True):
rqlst = self.cw_rset.syntax_tree()
# union not yet supported
if len(rqlst.children) != 1:
return ()
rqlst = rqlst.copy()
mainvar, baserql = prepare_facets_rqlst(rqlst, self.cw_rset.args)
wdgs = [facet.get_widget() for facet in self._cw.vreg['facets'].poss_visible_objects(
self._cw, rset=self.cw_rset, rqlst=rqlst.children[0], context='tablefilter',
wdgs = [wdg for wdg in wdgs if wdg is not None]
if wdgs:
self._generate_form(divid, baserql, wdgs, hidden,
vidargs={'paginate': paginate,
'displaycols': displaycols,
'displayactions': displayactions,
'displayfilter': displayfilter})
return self.show_hide_actions(divid, not hidden)
return ()
def _generate_form(self, divid, baserql, fwidgets, hidden=True, vidargs={}):
"""display a form to filter table's content. This should only
occur when a context eid is given
w = self.w
self._cw.add_js( ('cubicweb.ajax.js', 'cubicweb.facets.js'))
# drop False / None values from vidargs
vidargs = dict((k, v) for k, v in vidargs.iteritems() if v)
w(u'<form method="post" cubicweb:facetargs="%s" action="">' %
xml_escape(json_dumps([divid, self.__regid__, False, vidargs])))
w(u'<fieldset id="%sForm" class="%s">' % (divid, hidden and 'hidden' or ''))
w(u'<input type="hidden" name="divid" value="%s" />' % divid)
w(u'<input type="hidden" name="fromformfilter" value="1" />')
filter_hiddens(w, facets=','.join(wdg.facet.__regid__ for wdg in fwidgets),
w(u'<table class="filter">\n')
for wdg in fwidgets:
def main_var_index(self):
"""returns the index of the first non-attribute variable among the RQL
selected variables
eschema = self._cw.vreg.schema.eschema
for i, etype in enumerate(self.cw_rset.description[0]):
if not eschema(etype).final:
return i
except KeyError: # XXX possible?
return None
def displaycols(self, displaycols, headers):
if displaycols is None:
if 'displaycols' in self._cw.form:
displaycols = [int(idx) for idx in self._cw.form['displaycols']]
elif headers is not None:
displaycols = range(len(headers))
displaycols = range(len(self.cw_rset.syntax_tree().children[0].selection))
return displaycols
def call(self, title=None, subvid=None, displayfilter=None, headers=None,
displaycols=None, displayactions=None, actions=(), divid=None,
cellvids=None, cellattrs=None, mainindex=None,
paginate=False, page_size=None):
"""Produces a table displaying a composite query
:param title: title added before table
:param subvid: cell view
:param displayfilter: filter that selects rows to display
:param headers: columns' titles
req = self._cw
req.add_css(('cubicweb.tablesorter.css', 'cubicweb.tableview.css'))
# compute label first since the filter form may remove some necessary
# information from the rql syntax tree
if mainindex is None:
mainindex = self.main_var_index()
computed_labels = self.columns_labels(mainindex)
hidden = True
if not subvid and 'subvid' in req.form:
subvid = req.form.pop('subvid')
divid = divid or req.form.get('divid') or 'rs%s' % make_uid(id(self.cw_rset))
actions = list(actions)
if mainindex is None:
displayfilter, displayactions = False, False
if displayfilter is None and req.form.get('displayfilter'):
displayfilter = True
if req.form['displayfilter'] == 'shown':
hidden = False
if displayactions is None and req.form.get('displayactions'):
displayactions = True
displaycols = self.displaycols(displaycols, headers)
fromformfilter = 'fromformfilter' in req.form
# if fromformfilter is true, this is an ajax call and we only want to
# replace the inner div, so don't regenerate everything under the if
# below
if not fromformfilter:
self.w(u'<div class="section">')
if not title and 'title' in req.form:
title = req.form['title']
if title:
self.w(u'<h2 class="tableTitle">%s</h2>\n' % title)
if displayfilter:
actions += self.form_filter(divid, displaycols, displayfilter,
displayactions, paginate)
elif displayfilter:
actions += self.show_hide_actions(divid, True)
self.w(u'<div id="%s">' % divid)
if displayactions:
actionsbycat = self._cw.vreg['actions'].possible_actions(req, self.cw_rset)
for action in actionsbycat.get('mainactions', ()):
for action in action.actual_actions():
actions.append( (action.url(), req._(action.title),
action.html_class(), None) )
# render actions menu
if actions:
self.render_actions(divid, actions)
# render table
if paginate:
self.divid = divid # XXX iirk (see usage in page_navigation_url)
self.paginate(page_size=page_size, show_all_option=False)
table = TableWidget(self)
for column in self.get_columns(computed_labels, displaycols, headers,
subvid, cellvids, cellattrs, mainindex):
if not fromformfilter:
def page_navigation_url(self, navcomp, path, params):
if hasattr(self, 'divid'):
params['divid'] = self.divid
params['vid'] = self.__regid__
return navcomp.ajax_page_url(**params)
def show_hide_actions(self, divid, currentlydisplayed=False):
showhide = u';'.join(toggle_action('%s%s' % (divid, what))[11:]
for what in ('Form', 'Show', 'Hide', 'Actions'))
showhide = 'javascript:' + showhide
showlabel = self._cw._('show filter form')
hidelabel = self._cw._('hide filter form')
if currentlydisplayed:
return [(showhide, showlabel, 'hidden', '%sShow' % divid),
(showhide, hidelabel, None, '%sHide' % divid)]
return [(showhide, showlabel, None, '%sShow' % divid),
(showhide, hidelabel, 'hidden', '%sHide' % divid)]
def render_actions(self, divid, actions):
box = MenuWidget('', 'tableActionsBox', _class='', islist=False)
label = tags.img(src=self._cw.uiprops['PUCE_DOWN'],
alt=xml_escape(self._cw._('action(s) on this selection')))
menu = PopupBoxMenu(label, isitem=False, link_class='actionsBox',
ident='%sActions' % divid)
for url, label, klass, ident in actions:
menu.append(Link(url, label, klass=klass, id=ident))
self.w(u'<div class="clear"/>')
def get_columns(self, computed_labels, displaycols, headers, subvid,
cellvids, cellattrs, mainindex):
columns = []
eschema = self._cw.vreg.schema.eschema
for colindex, label in enumerate(computed_labels):
if colindex not in displaycols:
# compute column header
if headers is not None:
label = headers[displaycols.index(colindex)]
if colindex == mainindex and label is not None:
label += ' (%s)' % self.cw_rset.rowcount
column = TableColumn(label, colindex)
coltype = self.cw_rset.description[0][colindex]
# compute column cell view (if coltype is None, it's a left outer
# join, use the default non final subvid)
if cellvids and colindex in cellvids:
column.append_renderer(cellvids[colindex], colindex)
elif coltype is not None and eschema(coltype).final:
column.append_renderer(self.finalview, colindex)
column.append_renderer(subvid or 'incontext', colindex)
if cellattrs and colindex in cellattrs:
for name, value in cellattrs[colindex].iteritems():
column.add_attr(name, value)
# add column
return columns
def render_cell(self, cellvid, row, col, w):
self._cw.view('cell', self.cw_rset, row=row, col=col, cellvid=cellvid, w=w)
def get_rows(self):
return self.cw_rset
def sortvalue(self, row, col):
# XXX it might be interesting to try to limit value's
# length as much as possible (e.g. by returning the 10
# first characters of a string)
val = self.cw_rset[row][col]
if val is None:
return u''
etype = self.cw_rset.description[row][col]
if etype is None:
return u''
if self._cw.vreg.schema.eschema(etype).final:
entity, rtype = self.cw_rset.related_entity(row, col)
if entity is None:
return val # remove_html_tags() ?
return entity.sortvalue(rtype)
entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col)
return entity.sortvalue()
class EditableTableView(TableView):
__regid__ = 'editable-table'
finalview = 'editable-final'
title = _('editable-table')
class CellView(EntityView):
__regid__ = 'cell'
__select__ = nonempty_rset()
def cell_call(self, row, col, cellvid=None):
:param row, col: indexes locating the cell value in view's result set
:param cellvid: cell view (defaults to 'outofcontext')
etype, val = self.cw_rset.description[row][col], self.cw_rset[row][col]
if val is not None and etype is not None and not self._cw.vreg.schema.eschema(etype).final:
self.wview(cellvid or 'outofcontext', self.cw_rset, row=row, col=col)
elif val is None:
# This is usually caused by a left outer join and in that case,
# regular views will most certainly fail if they don't have
# a real eid
self.wview('final', self.cw_rset, row=row, col=col)
self.wview(cellvid or 'final', self.cw_rset, 'null', row=row, col=col)
class InitialTableView(TableView):
"""same display as table view but consider two rql queries :
* the default query (ie `rql` form parameter), which is only used to select
this view and to build the filter form. This query should have the same
structure as the actual without actual restriction (but link to
restriction variables) and usually with a limit for efficiency (limit set
to 2 is advised)
* the actual query (`actualrql` form parameter) whose results will be
displayed with default restrictions set
__regid__ = 'initialtable'
__select__ = nonempty_rset()
# should not be displayed in possible view since it expects some specific
# parameters
title = None
def call(self, title=None, subvid=None, headers=None, divid=None,
paginate=False, displaycols=None, displayactions=None,
"""Dumps a table displaying a composite query"""
actrql = self._cw.form['actualrql']
except KeyError:
actrql = self.cw_rset.printable_rql()
displaycols = self.displaycols(displaycols, headers)
if displayactions is None and 'displayactions' in self._cw.form:
displayactions = True
if divid is None and 'divid' in self._cw.form:
divid = self._cw.form['divid']
self.w(u'<div class="section">')
if not title and 'title' in self._cw.form:
# pop title so it's not displayed by the table view as well
title = self._cw.form.pop('title')
if title:
self.w(u'<h2>%s</h2>\n' % title)
if mainindex is None:
mainindex = self.main_var_index()
if mainindex is not None:
actions = self.form_filter(divid, displaycols, displayactions,
displayfilter=True, paginate=paginate,
actions = ()
if not subvid and 'subvid' in self._cw.form:
subvid = self._cw.form.pop('subvid')
self._cw.view('table', self._cw.execute(actrql),
'noresult', w=self.w, displayfilter=False, subvid=subvid,
displayactions=displayactions, displaycols=displaycols,
actions=actions, headers=headers, divid=divid)
class EditableInitialTableTableView(InitialTableView):
__regid__ = 'editable-initialtable'
finalview = 'editable-final'
class EntityAttributesTableView(EntityView):
"""This table displays entity attributes in a table and allow to set a
specific method to help building cell content for each attribute as well as
column header.
Table will render entity cell by using the appropriate build_COLNAME_cell
methods if defined otherwise cell content will be entity.COLNAME.
Table will render column header using the method header_for_COLNAME if
defined otherwise COLNAME will be used.
__abstract__ = True
columns = ()
table_css = "listing"
css_files = ()
def call(self, columns=None):
if self.css_files:
_ = self._cw._
self.columns = columns or self.columns
sample = self.cw_rset.get_entity(0, 0)
self.w(u'<table class="%s">' % self.table_css)
for row in xrange(self.cw_rset.rowcount):
self.cell_call(row=row, col=0)
def cell_call(self, row, col):
_ = self._cw._
entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col)
infos = {}
for col in self.columns:
meth = getattr(self, 'build_%s_cell' % col, None)
# find the build method or try to find matching attribute
if meth:
content = meth(entity)
content = entity.printable_value(col)
infos[col] = content
self.w(u"""<tr onmouseover="$(this).addClass('highlighted');"
line = u''.join(u'<td>%%(%s)s</td>' % col for col in self.columns)
self.w(line % infos)
def table_header(self, sample):
"""builds the table's header"""
for column in self.columns:
meth = getattr(self, 'header_for_%s' % column, None)
if meth:
colname = meth(sample)
colname = self._cw._(column)
self.w(u'<th>%s</th>' % xml_escape(colname))