author Rémi Cardona <remi.cardona@logilab.fr>
Wed, 16 Sep 2015 17:22:41 +0200
changeset 10696 4ba4be5553cf
parent 10666 7f6b5f023884
permissions -rw-r--r--
[py3k] unicode vs str vs bytes vs the world

# copyright 2003-2012 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""the facets box and some basic facets"""

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
from cubicweb import _

from warnings import warn

from logilab.mtconverter import xml_escape
from logilab.common.decorators import cachedproperty
from logilab.common.registry import objectify_predicate, yes

from cubicweb import tags
from cubicweb.predicates import (non_final_entity, multi_lines_rset,
                                 match_context_prop, relation_possible)
from cubicweb.utils import json_dumps
from cubicweb.uilib import css_em_num_value
from cubicweb.view import AnyRsetView
from cubicweb.web import component, facet as facetbase
from cubicweb.web.views.ajaxcontroller import ajaxfunc

def facets(req, rset, context, mainvar=None, **kwargs):
    """return the base rql and a list of widgets for facets applying to the
    given rset/context (cached version of :func:`_facet`)

    :param req: A :class:`~cubicweb.req.RequestSessionBase` object
    :param rset: A :class:`~cubicweb.rset.ResultSet`
    :param context: A string that match the ``__regid__`` of a ``FacetFilter``
    :param mainvar: A string that match a select var from the rset
        cache = req.__rset_facets
    except AttributeError:
        cache = req.__rset_facets = {}
        return cache[(rset, context, mainvar)]
    except KeyError:
        facets = _facets(req, rset, context, mainvar, **kwargs)
        cache[(rset, context, mainvar)] = facets
        return facets

def _facets(req, rset, context, mainvar, **kwargs):
    """return the base rql and a list of widgets for facets applying to the
    given rset/context

    :param req: A :class:`~cubicweb.req.RequestSessionBase` object
    :param rset: A :class:`~cubicweb.rset.ResultSet`
    :param context: A string that match the ``__regid__`` of a ``FacetFilter``
    :param mainvar: A string that match a select var from the rset
    ### initialisation
    # XXX done by selectors, though maybe necessary when rset has been hijacked
    # (e.g. contextview_selector matched)
    origqlst = rset.syntax_tree()
    # union not yet supported
    if len(origqlst.children) != 1:
        req.debug('facette disabled on union request %s', origqlst)
        return None, ()
    rqlst = origqlst.copy()
    select = rqlst.children[0]
    filtered_variable, baserql = facetbase.init_facets(rset, select, mainvar)
    ### Selection
    possible_facets = req.vreg['facets'].poss_visible_objects(
        req, rset=rset, rqlst=origqlst, select=select,
        context=context, filtered_variable=filtered_variable, **kwargs)
    wdgs = [(facet, facet.get_widget()) for facet in possible_facets]
    return baserql, [wdg for facet, wdg in wdgs if wdg is not None]

def contextview_selector(cls, req, rset=None, row=None, col=None, view=None,
    if view:
            getcontext = getattr(view, 'filter_box_context_info')
        except AttributeError:
            return 0
        rset = getcontext()[0]
        if rset is None or rset.rowcount < 2:
            return 0
        wdgs = facets(req, rset, cls.__regid__, view=view)[1]
        return len(wdgs)
    return 0

def has_facets(cls, req, rset=None, **kwargs):
    if rset is None or rset.rowcount < 2:
        return 0
    wdgs = facets(req, rset, cls.__regid__, **kwargs)[1]
    return len(wdgs)

def filter_hiddens(w, baserql, wdgs, **kwargs):
    kwargs['facets'] = ','.join(wdg.facet.__regid__ for wdg in wdgs)
    kwargs['baserql'] = baserql
    for key, val in kwargs.items():
        w(u'<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />' % (
            key, xml_escape(val)))

class FacetFilterMixIn(object):
    """Mixin Class to generate Facet Filter Form

    To generate the form, you need to explicitly call the following method:

    .. automethod:: generate_form

    The most useful function to override is:

    .. automethod:: layout_widgets

    needs_js = ['cubicweb.ajax.js', 'cubicweb.facets.js']
    needs_css = ['cubicweb.facets.css']

    def generate_form(self, w, rset, divid, vid, vidargs=None, mainvar=None,
                      paginate=False, cssclass='', hiddens=None, **kwargs):
        """display a form to filter some view's content

        :param w:        Write function

        :param rset:     ResultSet to be filtered

        :param divid:    Dom ID of the div where the rendering of the view is done.
        :type divid:     string

        :param vid:      ID of the view display in the div
        :type vid:       string

        :param paginate: Is the view paginated?
        :type paginate:  boolean

        :param cssclass: Additional css classes to put on the form.
        :type cssclass:  string

        :param hiddens:  other hidden parametters to include in the forms.
        :type hiddens:   dict from extra keyword argument
        # XXX Facet.context property hijacks an otherwise well-behaved
        #     vocabulary with its own notions
        #     Hence we whack here to avoid a clash
        kwargs.pop('context', None)
        baserql, wdgs = facets(self._cw, rset, context=self.__regid__,
                               mainvar=mainvar, **kwargs)
        assert wdgs
        if vidargs is not None:
            warn("[3.14] vidargs is deprecated. Maybe you're using some TableView?",
                 DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
            vidargs = {}
        vidargs = dict((k, v) for k, v in vidargs.items() if v)
        facetargs = xml_escape(json_dumps([divid, vid, paginate, vidargs]))
        w(u'<form id="%sForm" class="%s" method="post" action="" '
          'cubicweb:facetargs="%s" >' % (divid, cssclass, facetargs))
        if hiddens is None:
            hiddens = {}
        if mainvar:
            hiddens['mainvar'] = mainvar
        filter_hiddens(w, baserql, wdgs, **hiddens)
        self.layout_widgets(w, self.sorted_widgets(wdgs))

        # <Enter> is supposed to submit the form only if there is a single
        # input:text field. However most browsers will submit the form
        # on <Enter> anyway if there is an input:submit field.
        # see: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/html-spec/html-spec_8.html#SEC8.2
        # Firefox 7.0.1 does not submit form on <Enter> if there is more than a
        # input:text field and not input:submit but does it if there is an
        # input:submit.
        # IE 6 or Firefox 2 behave the same way.
        w(u'<input type="submit" class="hidden" />')

    def sorted_widgets(self, wdgs):
        """sort widgets: by default sort by widget height, then according to
        widget.order (the original widgets order)
        return sorted(wdgs, key=lambda x: 99 * (not x.facet.start_unfolded) or x.height )

    def layout_widgets(self, w, wdgs):
        """layout widgets: by default simply render each of them
        (i.e. succession of <div>)
        for wdg in wdgs:

class FilterBox(FacetFilterMixIn, component.CtxComponent):
    """filter results of a query"""
    __regid__ = 'facet.filterbox'
    __select__ = ((non_final_entity() & has_facets())
                  | contextview_selector()) # can't use has_facets because of
                                            # contextview mecanism
    context = 'left' # XXX doesn't support 'incontext', only 'left' or 'right'
    title = _('facet.filters')
    visible = True # functionality provided by the search box by default
    order = 1

    bk_linkbox_template = u'<div class="facetTitle">%s</div>'

    def render_body(self, w, **kwargs):
        req = self._cw
        rset, vid, divid, paginate = self._get_context()
        assert len(rset) > 1
        if vid is None:
            vid = req.form.get('vid')
        if self.bk_linkbox_template and req.vreg.schema['Bookmark'].has_perm(req, 'add'):
        hiddens = {}
        for param in ('subvid', 'vtitle'):
            if param in req.form:
                hiddens[param] = req.form[param]
        self.generate_form(w, rset, divid, vid, paginate=paginate,
                           hiddens=hiddens, **self.cw_extra_kwargs)

    def _get_context(self):
        view = self.cw_extra_kwargs.get('view')
        context = getattr(view, 'filter_box_context_info', lambda: None)()
        if context:
            rset, vid, divid, paginate = context
            rset = self.cw_rset
            vid, divid = None, 'pageContent'
            paginate = view and view.paginable
        return rset, vid, divid, paginate

    def bookmark_link(self, rset):
        req = self._cw
        bk_path = u'rql=%s' % req.url_quote(rset.printable_rql())
        if req.form.get('vid'):
            bk_path += u'&vid=%s' % req.url_quote(req.form['vid'])
        bk_path = u'view?' + bk_path
        bk_title = req._('my custom search')
        linkto = u'bookmarked_by:%s:subject' % req.user.eid
        bkcls = req.vreg['etypes'].etype_class('Bookmark')
        bk_add_url = bkcls.cw_create_url(req, path=bk_path, title=bk_title,
        bk_base_url = bkcls.cw_create_url(req, title=bk_title, __linkto=linkto)
        bk_link = u'<a cubicweb:target="%s" id="facetBkLink" href="%s">%s</a>' % (
                xml_escape(bk_base_url), xml_escape(bk_add_url),
                req._('bookmark this search'))
        return self.bk_linkbox_template % bk_link

    def focus_link(self, rset):
        return self.bk_linkbox_template % tags.a(self._cw._('focus on this selection'),
                                                 href=self._cw.url(), id='focusLink')

class FilterTable(FacetFilterMixIn, AnyRsetView):
    __regid__ = 'facet.filtertable'
    __select__ = has_facets()
    average_perfacet_uncomputable_overhead = .3

    def call(self, vid, divid, vidargs=None, cssclass=''):
        hiddens = self.cw_extra_kwargs.setdefault('hiddens', {})
        hiddens['fromformfilter'] = '1'
        self.generate_form(self.w, self.cw_rset, divid, vid, vidargs=vidargs,
                           cssclass=cssclass, **self.cw_extra_kwargs)

    def per_facet_height_overhead(self):
        return (css_em_num_value(self._cw.vreg, 'facet_MarginBottom', .2) +
                css_em_num_value(self._cw.vreg, 'facet_Padding', .2) +

    def layout_widgets(self, w, wdgs):
        """layout widgets: put them in a table where each column should have
        sum(wdg.height) < wdg_stack_size.
        w(u'<div class="filter">\n')
        widget_queue = []
        queue_height = 0
        wdg_stack_size = facetbase._DEFAULT_FACET_GROUP_HEIGHT
        for wdg in wdgs:
            height = wdg.height + self.per_facet_height_overhead
            if queue_height + height <= wdg_stack_size:
                queue_height += height
            w(u'<div class="facetGroup">')
            for queued in widget_queue:
            widget_queue = [wdg]
            queue_height = height
        if widget_queue:
            w(u'<div class="facetGroup">')
            for queued in widget_queue:

# python-ajax remote functions used by facet widgets #########################

def filter_build_rql(self, names, values):
    form = self._rebuild_posted_form(names, values)
    self._cw.form = form
    builder = facetbase.FilterRQLBuilder(self._cw)
    return builder.build_rql()

def filter_select_content(self, facetids, rql, mainvar):
    # Union unsupported yet
    select = self._cw.vreg.parse(self._cw, rql).children[0]
    filtered_variable = facetbase.get_filtered_variable(select, mainvar)
    facetbase.prepare_select(select, filtered_variable)
    update_map = {}
    for fid in facetids:
        fobj = facetbase.get_facet(self._cw, fid, select, filtered_variable)
        update_map[fid] = fobj.possible_values()
    return update_map

# facets ######################################################################

class CWSourceFacet(facetbase.RelationFacet):
    __regid__ = 'cw_source-facet'
    rtype = 'cw_source'
    target_attr = 'name'

class CreatedByFacet(facetbase.RelationFacet):
    __regid__ = 'created_by-facet'
    rtype = 'created_by'
    target_attr = 'login'

class InGroupFacet(facetbase.RelationFacet):
    __regid__ = 'in_group-facet'
    rtype = 'in_group'
    target_attr = 'name'

class InStateFacet(facetbase.RelationAttributeFacet):
    __regid__ = 'in_state-facet'
    rtype = 'in_state'
    target_attr = 'name'

# inherit from RelationFacet to benefit from its possible_values implementation
class ETypeFacet(facetbase.RelationFacet):
    __regid__ = 'etype-facet'
    __select__ = yes()
    order = 1
    rtype = 'is'
    target_attr = 'name'

    def title(self):
        return self._cw._('entity type')

    def vocabulary(self):
        """return vocabulary for this facet, eg a list of 2-uple (label, value)
        etypes = self.cw_rset.column_types(0)
        return sorted((self._cw._(etype), etype) for etype in etypes)

    def add_rql_restrictions(self):
        """add restriction for this facet into the rql syntax tree"""
        value = self._cw.form.get(self.__regid__)
        if not value:
        self.select.add_type_restriction(self.filtered_variable, value)

    def possible_values(self):
        """return a list of possible values (as string since it's used to
        compare to a form value in javascript) for this facet
        select = self.select
            facetbase.cleanup_select(select, self.filtered_variable)
            etype_var = facetbase.prepare_vocabulary_select(
                select, self.filtered_variable, self.rtype, self.role)
            attrvar = select.make_variable()
            select.add_relation(etype_var, 'name', attrvar)
            return [etype for _, etype in self.rqlexec(select.as_string())]

class HasTextFacet(facetbase.AbstractFacet):
    __select__ = relation_possible('has_text', 'subject') & match_context_prop()
    __regid__ = 'has_text-facet'
    rtype = 'has_text'
    role = 'subject'
    order = 0

    def wdgclass(self):
        return facetbase.FacetStringWidget

    def title(self):
        return self._cw._('has_text')

    def get_widget(self):
        """return the widget instance to use to display this facet

        default implentation expects a .vocabulary method on the facet and
        return a combobox displaying this vocabulary
        return self.wdgclass(self)

    def add_rql_restrictions(self):
        """add restriction for this facet into the rql syntax tree"""
        value = self._cw.form.get(self.__regid__)
        if not value:
        self.select.add_constant_restriction(self.filtered_variable, 'has_text', value, 'String')