author Alexandre Fayolle <>
Wed, 02 Jun 2010 16:12:18 +0000
changeset 5639 4acb860159e4
parent 5512 e23d681193cd
child 5556 9ab2b4c74baf
permissions -rw-r--r--
[win32] fix deadlock occuring on the sequence tables with SQLServer actually, this deadlock would occur with any db backend other that PostgreSQL as the previous code was heavily relying on PG's SEQUENCE facility, not available elsewhere. Deadlock description: Thread1 starts creating entities (and therefore calls create_eid): -> this creates a DB-level lock on the entities_id_seq table, which will last until end of transaction Thread2 calls create_eid, which acquires the Python lock object, but updating the entities_id_seq is held by the DB lock Thread1 wants to create a new entity, calls create_eid, and is stuck by the Python lock object held by Thread2. Solution: use a separate connection to read and write the entities_id_seq table.

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"""some views to handle notification on data changes"""

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
_ = unicode

from itertools import repeat

from logilab.common.textutils import normalize_text
from logilab.common.deprecation import class_renamed, class_moved, deprecated

from cubicweb.selectors import yes
from cubicweb.view import Component
from cubicweb.mail import NotificationView, SkipEmail
from cubicweb.server.hook import SendMailOp

class RecipientsFinder(Component):
    """this component is responsible to find recipients of a notification

    by default user's with their email set are notified if any, else the default
    email addresses specified in the configuration are used
    __regid__ = 'recipients_finder'
    __select__ = yes()
    user_rql = ('Any X,E,A WHERE X is CWUser, X in_state S, S name "activated",'
                'X primary_email E, E address A')

    def recipients(self):
        mode = self._cw.vreg.config['default-recipients-mode']
        if mode == 'users':
            execute = self._cw.execute
            dests = [(u.get_email(), u.property_value('ui.language'))
                     for u in execute(self.user_rql, build_descr=True).entities()]
        elif mode == 'default-dest-addrs':
            lang = self._cw.vreg.property_value('ui.language')
            dests = zip(self._cw.vreg.config['default-dest-addrs'], repeat(lang))
        else: # mode == 'none'
            dests = []
        return dests

# abstract or deactivated notification views and mixin ########################

class NotificationView(NotificationView):
    """overriden to delay actual sending of mails to a commit operation by
    def send_on_commit(self, recipients, msg):
        SendMailOp(self._cw, recipients=recipients, msg=msg)
    send = send_on_commit

class StatusChangeMixIn(object):
    __regid__ = 'notif_status_change'
    msgid_timestamp = True
    message = _('status changed')
    content = _("""
%(user)s changed status from <%(previous_state)s> to <%(current_state)s> for entity


url: %(url)s

# Actual notification views.                                                  #
#                                                                             #
# disable them at the recipients_finder level if you don't want them          #

# XXX should be based on dc_title/dc_description, no?

class ContentAddedView(NotificationView):
    """abstract class for notification on entity/relation

    all you have to do by default is :
    * set id and __select__ attributes to match desired events and entity types
    * set a content attribute to define the content of the email (unless you
      override call)
    __abstract__ = True
    __regid__ = 'notif_after_add_entity'
    msgid_timestamp = False
    message = _('new')
    content = """


url: %(url)s

    def context(self, **kwargs):
        entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(self.cw_row or 0, self.cw_col or 0)
        content = entity.printable_value(self.content_attr, format='text/plain')
        if content:
            contentformat = getattr(entity, self.content_attr + '_format',
            # XXX don't try to wrap rest until we've a proper transformation (see
            # #103822)
            if contentformat != 'text/rest':
                content = normalize_text(content, 80)
        return super(ContentAddedView, self).context(content=content, **kwargs)

    def subject(self):
        entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(self.cw_row or 0, self.cw_col or 0)
        return  u'%s #%s (%s)' % (self._cw.__('New %s' % entity.e_schema),
                                  entity.eid, self.user_data['login'])

def format_value(value):
    if isinstance(value, unicode):
        return u'"%s"' % value
    return value

class EntityUpdatedNotificationView(NotificationView):
    """abstract class for notification on entity/relation

    all you have to do by default is :
    * set id and __select__ attributes to match desired events and entity types
    * set a content attribute to define the content of the email (unless you
      override call)
    __abstract__ = True
    __regid__ = 'notif_entity_updated'
    msgid_timestamp = False
    message = _('updated')
    no_detailed_change_attrs = ()
    content = """
Properties have been updated by %(user)s:


url: %(url)s

    def context(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(EntityUpdatedNotificationView, self).context(**kwargs)
        changes = self._cw.transaction_data['changes'][self.cw_rset[0][0]]
        _ = self._cw._
        formatted_changes = []
        entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(self.cw_row or 0, self.cw_col or 0)
        for attr, oldvalue, newvalue in sorted(changes):
            # check current user has permission to see the attribute
            rschema = self._cw.vreg.schema[attr]
                rdef = entity.e_schema.rdef(rschema)
                if not rdef.has_perm(self._cw, 'read', eid=self.cw_rset[0][0]):
            # XXX suppose it's a subject relation...
            elif not rschema.has_perm(self._cw, 'read',
            if attr in self.no_detailed_change_attrs:
                msg = _('%s updated') % _(attr)
            elif oldvalue not in (None, ''):
                msg = _('%(attr)s updated from %(oldvalue)s to %(newvalue)s') % {
                    'attr': _(attr),
                    'oldvalue': format_value(oldvalue),
                    'newvalue': format_value(newvalue)}
                msg = _('%(attr)s set to %(newvalue)s') % {
                    'attr': _(attr), 'newvalue': format_value(newvalue)}
            formatted_changes.append('* ' + msg)
        if not formatted_changes:
            # current user isn't allowed to see changes, skip this notification
            raise SkipEmail()
        context['changes'] = '\n'.join(formatted_changes)
        return context

    def subject(self):
        entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(self.cw_row or 0, self.cw_col or 0)
        return  u'%s #%s (%s)' % (self._cw.__('Updated %s' % entity.e_schema),
                                  entity.eid, self.user_data['login'])

from cubicweb.hooks.notification import RenderAndSendNotificationView
from cubicweb.mail import parse_message_id

NormalizedTextView = class_renamed('NormalizedTextView', ContentAddedView)
RenderAndSendNotificationView = class_moved(RenderAndSendNotificationView)
parse_message_id = deprecated('parse_message_id is now defined in cubicweb.mail')(parse_message_id)