[server/session] add missing rollback when freeing a db connection
When we let go of a cnxset and give it back to the pool, we need to make
sure it's not in the middle of a transaction.
We got bitten by a migration where the connection used by admin's
repo.connect was not rolled back before attempting the migration,
causing a deadlock because it had a lock on a table. This could
potentially also be an issue for e.g. hooks or looping tasks that didn't
explicitly rollback before calling free_cnxset or moving out of a
ensure_cnx_set block.
from cubicweb.devtools.testlib import CubicWebTC
from cubicweb.web.views.xmlrss import SERIALIZERS
class EntityXMLViewTC(CubicWebTC):
"""see also cw.sobjects.test.unittest_parsers"""
def test(self):
req = self.request(relation=['tags-object', 'in_group-subject',
'in_state-subject', 'use_email-subject'])
<CWUser eid="6" cwuri="None6" cwsource="system">
<tags role="object">
<in_group role="subject">
<CWGroup eid="%(group_eid)s" cwuri="None%(group_eid)s"/>
<in_state role="subject">
<State eid="%(state_eid)s" cwuri="None%(state_eid)s" name="activated"/>
<use_email role="subject">
''' % {'cdate': SERIALIZERS['Datetime'](req.user.creation_date),
'mdate': SERIALIZERS['Datetime'](req.user.modification_date),
'state_eid': req.user.in_state[0].eid,
'group_eid': req.user.in_group[0].eid})
if __name__ == '__main__':
from logilab.common.testlib import unittest_main