[server/session] add missing rollback when freeing a db connection
When we let go of a cnxset and give it back to the pool, we need to make
sure it's not in the middle of a transaction.
We got bitten by a migration where the connection used by admin's
repo.connect was not rolled back before attempting the migration,
causing a deadlock because it had a lock on a table. This could
potentially also be an issue for e.g. hooks or looping tasks that didn't
explicitly rollback before calling free_cnxset or moving out of a
ensure_cnx_set block.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# copyright 2003-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Unit tests for cw.web.views.magicsearch"""
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
from logilab.common.testlib import TestCase, unittest_main
from rql import BadRQLQuery, RQLSyntaxError
from cubicweb.devtools.testlib import CubicWebTC
translations = {
u'CWUser' : u"Utilisateur",
u'EmailAddress' : u"Adresse",
u'name' : u"nom",
u'alias' : u"nom",
u'surname' : u"nom",
u'firstname' : u"prénom",
u'state' : u"état",
u'address' : u"adresse",
u'use_email' : u"adel",
def _translate(msgid):
return translations.get(msgid, msgid)
def _ctxtranslate(ctx, msgid):
return _translate(msgid)
from cubicweb.web.views.magicsearch import translate_rql_tree, QSPreProcessor, QueryTranslator
class QueryTranslatorTC(CubicWebTC):
"""test suite for QueryTranslatorTC"""
def proc(self):
with self.admin_access.web_request() as req:
self.vreg.config.translations = {'en': (_translate, _ctxtranslate)}
proc = self.vreg['components'].select('magicsearch', req)
proc = [p for p in proc.processors if isinstance(p, QueryTranslator)][0]
yield proc
def test_basic_translations(self):
"""tests basic translations (no ambiguities)"""
with self.proc() as proc:
rql = "Any C WHERE C is Adresse, P adel C, C adresse 'Logilab'"
rql, = proc.preprocess_query(rql)
self.assertEqual(rql, "Any C WHERE C is EmailAddress, P use_email C, C address 'Logilab'")
def test_ambiguous_translations(self):
"""tests possibly ambiguous translations"""
with self.proc() as proc:
rql = "Any P WHERE P adel C, C is EmailAddress, C nom 'Logilab'"
rql, = proc.preprocess_query(rql)
self.assertEqual(rql, "Any P WHERE P use_email C, C is EmailAddress, C alias 'Logilab'")
rql = "Any P WHERE P is Utilisateur, P adel C, P nom 'Smith'"
rql, = proc.preprocess_query(rql)
self.assertEqual(rql, "Any P WHERE P is CWUser, P use_email C, P surname 'Smith'")
class QSPreProcessorTC(CubicWebTC):
"""test suite for QSPreProcessor"""
def proc(self):
self.vreg.config.translations = {'en': (_translate, _ctxtranslate)}
with self.admin_access.web_request() as req:
proc = self.vreg['components'].select('magicsearch', req)
proc = [p for p in proc.processors if isinstance(p, QSPreProcessor)][0]
proc._cw = req
yield proc
def test_entity_translation(self):
"""tests QSPreProcessor._get_entity_name()"""
with self.proc() as proc:
translate = proc._get_entity_type
self.assertEqual(translate(u'EmailAddress'), "EmailAddress")
self.assertEqual(translate(u'emailaddress'), "EmailAddress")
self.assertEqual(translate(u'Adresse'), "EmailAddress")
self.assertEqual(translate(u'adresse'), "EmailAddress")
self.assertRaises(BadRQLQuery, translate, 'whatever')
def test_attribute_translation(self):
"""tests QSPreProcessor._get_attribute_name"""
with self.proc() as proc:
translate = proc._get_attribute_name
eschema = self.schema.eschema('CWUser')
self.assertEqual(translate(u'prénom', eschema), "firstname")
self.assertEqual(translate(u'nom', eschema), 'surname')
eschema = self.schema.eschema('EmailAddress')
self.assertEqual(translate(u'adresse', eschema), "address")
self.assertEqual(translate(u'nom', eschema), 'alias')
# should fail if the name is not an attribute for the given entity schema
self.assertRaises(BadRQLQuery, translate, 'whatever', eschema)
self.assertRaises(BadRQLQuery, translate, 'prénom', eschema)
def test_one_word_query(self):
"""tests the 'one word shortcut queries'"""
with self.proc() as proc:
transform = proc._one_word_query
('Any X WHERE X eid %(x)s', {'x': 123}, 'x'))
('CWUser C',))
('CWUser C',))
('EmailAddress E',))
('EmailAddress E',))
self.assertRaises(BadRQLQuery, transform, 'Workcases')
def test_two_words_query(self):
"""tests the 'two words shortcut queries'"""
with self.proc() as proc:
transform = proc._two_words_query
self.assertEqual(transform('CWUser', 'E'),
("CWUser E",))
self.assertEqual(transform('CWUser', 'Smith'),
('CWUser C ORDERBY FTIRANK(C) DESC WHERE C has_text %(text)s', {'text': 'Smith'}))
self.assertEqual(transform('utilisateur', 'Smith'),
('CWUser C ORDERBY FTIRANK(C) DESC WHERE C has_text %(text)s', {'text': 'Smith'}))
self.assertEqual(transform(u'adresse', 'Logilab'),
('EmailAddress E ORDERBY FTIRANK(E) DESC WHERE E has_text %(text)s', {'text': 'Logilab'}))
self.assertEqual(transform(u'adresse', 'Logi%'),
('EmailAddress E WHERE E alias LIKE %(text)s', {'text': 'Logi%'}))
self.assertRaises(BadRQLQuery, transform, "pers", "taratata")
def test_three_words_query(self):
"""tests the 'three words shortcut queries'"""
with self.proc() as proc:
transform = proc._three_words_query
self.assertEqual(transform('utilisateur', u'prénom', 'cubicweb'),
('CWUser C WHERE C firstname %(text)s', {'text': 'cubicweb'}))
self.assertEqual(transform('utilisateur', 'nom', 'cubicweb'),
('CWUser C WHERE C surname %(text)s', {'text': 'cubicweb'}))
self.assertEqual(transform(u'adresse', 'nom', 'cubicweb'),
('EmailAddress E WHERE E alias %(text)s', {'text': 'cubicweb'}))
self.assertEqual(transform('EmailAddress', 'nom', 'cubicweb'),
('EmailAddress E WHERE E alias %(text)s', {'text': 'cubicweb'}))
self.assertEqual(transform('utilisateur', u'prénom', 'cubicweb%'),
('CWUser C WHERE C firstname LIKE %(text)s', {'text': 'cubicweb%'}))
# expanded shortcuts
self.assertEqual(transform('CWUser', 'use_email', 'Logilab'),
('CWUser C ORDERBY FTIRANK(C1) DESC WHERE C use_email C1, C1 has_text %(text)s', {'text': 'Logilab'}))
self.assertEqual(transform('CWUser', 'use_email', '%Logilab'),
('CWUser C WHERE C use_email C1, C1 alias LIKE %(text)s', {'text': '%Logilab'}))
self.assertRaises(BadRQLQuery, transform, 'word1', 'word2', 'word3')
def test_quoted_queries(self):
"""tests how quoted queries are handled"""
queries = [
(u'Adresse "My own EmailAddress"', ('EmailAddress E ORDERBY FTIRANK(E) DESC WHERE E has_text %(text)s', {'text': u'My own EmailAddress'})),
(u'Utilisateur prénom "Jean Paul"', ('CWUser C WHERE C firstname %(text)s', {'text': 'Jean Paul'})),
(u'Utilisateur firstname "Jean Paul"', ('CWUser C WHERE C firstname %(text)s', {'text': 'Jean Paul'})),
(u'CWUser firstname "Jean Paul"', ('CWUser C WHERE C firstname %(text)s', {'text': 'Jean Paul'})),
with self.proc() as proc:
transform = proc._quoted_words_query
for query, expected in queries:
self.assertEqual(transform(query), expected)
self.assertRaises(BadRQLQuery, transform, "unquoted rql")
self.assertRaises(BadRQLQuery, transform, 'pers "Jean Paul"')
self.assertRaises(BadRQLQuery, transform, 'CWUser firstname other "Jean Paul"')
def test_process_query(self):
"""tests how queries are processed"""
queries = [
(u'Utilisateur', (u"CWUser C",)),
(u'Utilisateur P', (u"CWUser P",)),
(u'Utilisateur cubicweb', (u'CWUser C ORDERBY FTIRANK(C) DESC WHERE C has_text %(text)s', {'text': u'cubicweb'})),
(u'CWUser prénom cubicweb', (u'CWUser C WHERE C firstname %(text)s', {'text': 'cubicweb'},)),
with self.proc() as proc:
for query, expected in queries:
self.assertEqual(proc.preprocess_query(query), expected)
proc.preprocess_query, 'Any X WHERE X is Something')
## Processor Chains tests ############################################
class ProcessorChainTC(CubicWebTC):
"""test suite for magic_search's processor chains"""
def proc(self):
self.vreg.config.translations = {'en': (_translate, _ctxtranslate)}
with self.admin_access.web_request() as req:
proc = self.vreg['components'].select('magicsearch', req)
yield proc
def test_main_preprocessor_chain(self):
queries = [
("Any X ORDERBY FTIRANK(X) DESC WHERE X has_text %(text)s", {'text': u'foo'})),
# XXX this sounds like a language translator test...
# and it fails
(u'Utilisateur Smith',
('CWUser C ORDERBY FTIRANK(C) DESC WHERE C has_text %(text)s', {'text': u'Smith'})),
(u'utilisateur nom Smith',
('CWUser C WHERE C surname %(text)s', {'text': u'Smith'})),
(u'Any P WHERE P is Utilisateur, P nom "Smith"',
('Any P WHERE P is CWUser, P surname "Smith"', None)),
with self.proc() as proc:
for query, expected in queries:
rset = proc.process_query(query)
self.assertEqual((rset.rql, rset.args), expected)
def test_accentuated_fulltext(self):
"""we must be able to type accentuated characters in the search field"""
with self.proc() as proc:
rset = proc.process_query(u'écrire')
self.assertEqual(rset.rql, "Any X ORDERBY FTIRANK(X) DESC WHERE X has_text %(text)s")
self.assertEqual(rset.args, {'text': u'écrire'})
def test_explicit_component(self):
with self.proc() as proc:
proc.process_query, u'rql: CWUser E WHERE E noattr "Smith",')
proc.process_query, u'rql: CWUser E WHERE E noattr "Smith"')
rset = proc.process_query(u'text: utilisateur Smith')
self.assertEqual(rset.rql, 'Any X ORDERBY FTIRANK(X) DESC WHERE X has_text %(text)s')
self.assertEqual(rset.args, {'text': u'utilisateur Smith'})
class RQLSuggestionsBuilderTC(CubicWebTC):
def suggestions(self, rql):
with self.admin_access.web_request() as req:
rbs = self.vreg['components'].select('rql.suggestions', req)
return rbs.build_suggestions(rql)
def test_no_restrictions_rql(self):
self.assertListEqual([], self.suggestions(''))
self.assertListEqual([], self.suggestions('An'))
self.assertListEqual([], self.suggestions('Any X'))
self.assertListEqual([], self.suggestions('Any X, Y'))
def test_invalid_rql(self):
self.assertListEqual([], self.suggestions('blabla'))
self.assertListEqual([], self.suggestions('Any X WHERE foo, bar'))
def test_is_rql(self):
self.assertListEqual(['Any X WHERE X is %s' % eschema
for eschema in sorted(self.vreg.schema.entities())
if not eschema.final],
self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is'))
self.assertListEqual(['Any X WHERE X is Personne', 'Any X WHERE X is Project'],
self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is P'))
self.assertListEqual(['Any X WHERE X is Personne, Y is Personne',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, Y is Project'],
self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, Y is P'))
def test_relations_rql(self):
self.assertListEqual(['Any X WHERE X is Personne, X ass A',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X datenaiss A',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X description A',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X fax A',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom A',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X prenom A',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X promo A',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X salary A',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X sexe A',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X tel A',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X test A',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X titre A',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X travaille A',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X web A',
self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, X '))
self.assertListEqual(['Any X WHERE X is Personne, X tel A',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X test A',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X titre A',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X travaille A',
self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, X t'))
# try completion on selected
self.assertListEqual(['Any X WHERE X is Personne, Y is Societe, X tel A',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, Y is Societe, X test A',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, Y is Societe, X titre A',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, Y is Societe, X travaille Y',
self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, Y is Societe, X t'))
# invalid relation should not break
self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, X asdasd'))
def test_attribute_vocabulary_rql(self):
self.assertListEqual(['Any X WHERE X is Personne, X promo "bon"',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X promo "pasbon"',
self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, X promo "'))
self.assertListEqual(['Any X WHERE X is Personne, X promo "pasbon"',
self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, X promo "p'))
# "bon" should be considered complete, hence no suggestion
self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, X promo "bon"'))
# no valid vocabulary starts with "po"
self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, X promo "po'))
def test_attribute_value_rql(self):
# suggestions should contain any possible value for
# a given attribute (limited to 10)
with self.admin_access.web_request() as req:
for i in xrange(15):
req.create_entity('Personne', nom=u'n%s' % i, prenom=u'p%s' % i)
self.assertListEqual(['Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n0"',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n1"',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n10"',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n11"',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n12"',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n13"',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n14"',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n2"',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n3"',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n4"',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n5"',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n6"',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n7"',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n8"',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n9"',
self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "'))
self.assertListEqual(['Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n1"',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n10"',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n11"',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n12"',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n13"',
'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n14"',
self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n1'))
if __name__ == '__main__':