[ldap test] move the slapd database directory to a tempdir (closes #2583993)
This is required to be sure we are not hurt by NFS or such...
# copyright 2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""This module provide highlevel helpers to avoid uicfg boilerplate
for most common tasks such as fields ordering, widget customization, etc.
Here are a few helpers to customize *action box* rendering:
.. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.append_to_addmenu
.. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.remove_from_addmenu
and a few other ones for *form configuration*:
.. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.set_fields_order
.. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.hide_field
.. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.hide_fields
.. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.set_field_kwargs
.. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.set_field
.. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.edit_inline
.. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.edit_as_attr
.. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.set_muledit_editable
The module also provides a :class:`FormConfig` base class that lets you gather
uicfg declaration in the scope of a single class, which can sometimes
be clearer to read than a bunch of sequential function calls.
.. autoclass:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.FormConfig
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
from cubicweb.web import uicfg
from functools import partial
def _tag_rel(rtag, etype, attr, desttype='*', *args, **kwargs):
if isinstance(attr, basestring):
attr, role = attr, 'subject'
attr, role = attr
if role == 'subject':
rtag.tag_subject_of((etype, attr, desttype), *args, **kwargs)
rtag.tag_object_of((desttype, attr, etype), *args, **kwargs)
## generic uicfg helpers ######################################################
def append_to_addmenu(etype, attr, createdtype='*'):
"""adds `attr` in the actions box *addrelated* submenu of `etype`.
:param etype: the entity type as a string
:param attr: the name of the attribute or relation to hide
`attr` can be a string or 2-tuple (relname, role_of_etype_in_the_relation)
_tag_rel(uicfg.actionbox_appearsin_addmenu, etype, attr, createdtype, True)
def remove_from_addmenu(etype, attr, createdtype='*'):
"""removes `attr` from the actions box *addrelated* submenu of `etype`.
:param etype: the entity type as a string
:param attr: the name of the attribute or relation to hide
`attr` can be a string or 2-tuple (relname, role_of_etype_in_the_relation)
_tag_rel(uicfg.actionbox_appearsin_addmenu, etype, attr, createdtype, False)
## form uicfg helpers ##########################################################
def set_fields_order(etype, attrs):
"""specify the field order in `etype` main edition form.
:param etype: the entity type as a string
:param attrs: the ordered list of attribute names (or relations)
`attrs` can be strings or 2-tuples (relname, role_of_etype_in_the_relation)
Unspecified fields will be displayed after specified ones, their
order being consistent with the schema definition.
.. sourcecode:: python
from cubicweb.web import uihelper
uihelper.set_fields_order('CWUser', ('firstname', 'surname', 'login'))
uihelper.set_fields_order('CWUser', ('firstname', ('in_group', 'subject'), 'surname', 'login'))
afk = uicfg.autoform_field_kwargs
for index, attr in enumerate(attrs):
_tag_rel(afk, etype, attr, '*', {'order': index})
def hide_field(etype, attr, desttype='*', formtype='main'):
"""hide `attr` in `etype` forms.
:param etype: the entity type as a string
:param attr: the name of the attribute or relation to hide
:param formtype: which form will be affected ('main', 'inlined', etc.), *main* by default.
`attr` can be a string or 2-tuple (relname, role_of_etype_in_the_relation)
.. sourcecode:: python
from cubicweb.web import uihelper
uihelper.hide_field('CWUser', 'login')
uihelper.hide_field('*', 'name')
uihelper.hide_field('CWUser', 'use_email', formtype='inlined')
_tag_rel(uicfg.autoform_section, etype, attr, desttype,
formtype=formtype, section='hidden')
def hide_fields(etype, attrs, formtype='main'):
"""simple for-loop wrapper around :func:`hide_field`.
:param etype: the entity type as a string
:param attrs: the ordered list of attribute names (or relations)
:param formtype: which form will be affected ('main', 'inlined', etc.), *main* by default.
`attrs` can be strings or 2-tuples (relname, role_of_etype_in_the_relation)
.. sourcecode:: python
from cubicweb.web import uihelper
uihelper.hide_fields('CWUser', ('login', ('use_email', 'subject')), formtype='inlined')
for attr in attrs:
hide_field(etype, attr, formtype=formtype)
def set_field_kwargs(etype, attr, **kwargs):
"""tag `attr` field of `etype` with additional named paremeters.
:param etype: the entity type as a string
:param attr: the name of the attribute or relation
`attr` can be a string or 2-tuple (relname, role_of_etype_in_the_relation)
.. sourcecode:: python
from cubicweb.web import uihelper, formwidgets as fwdgs
uihelper.set_field_kwargs('Person', 'works_for', widget=fwdgs.AutoCompletionWidget())
uihelper.set_field_kwargs('CWUser', 'login', label=_('login or email address'),
widget=fwdgs.TextInput(attrs={'size': 30}))
_tag_rel(uicfg.autoform_field_kwargs, etype, attr, '*', kwargs)
def set_field(etype, attr, field):
"""sets the `attr` field of `etype`.
:param etype: the entity type as a string
:param attr: the name of the attribute or relation
`attr` can be a string or 2-tuple (relname, role_of_etype_in_the_relation)
_tag_rel(uicfg.autoform_field, etype, attr, '*', field)
def edit_inline(etype, attr, desttype='*', formtype=('main', 'inlined')):
"""edit `attr` with and inlined form.
:param etype: the entity type as a string
:param attr: the name of the attribute or relation
:param desttype: the destination type(s) concerned, default is everything
:param formtype: which form will be affected ('main', 'inlined', etc.), *main* and *inlined* by default.
`attr` can be a string or 2-tuple (relname, role_of_etype_in_the_relation)
.. sourcecode:: python
from cubicweb.web import uihelper
uihelper.edit_inline('*', 'use_email')
_tag_rel(uicfg.autoform_section, etype, attr, desttype,
formtype=formtype, section='inlined')
def edit_as_attr(etype, attr, desttype='*', formtype=('main', 'muledit')):
"""make `attr` appear in the *attributes* section of `etype` form.
:param etype: the entity type as a string
:param attr: the name of the attribute or relation
:param desttype: the destination type(s) concerned, default is everything
:param formtype: which form will be affected ('main', 'inlined', etc.), *main* and *muledit* by default.
`attr` can be a string or 2-tuple (relname, role_of_etype_in_the_relation)
.. sourcecode:: python
from cubicweb.web import uihelper
uihelper.edit_as_attr('CWUser', 'in_group')
_tag_rel(uicfg.autoform_section, etype, attr, desttype,
formtype=formtype, section='attributes')
def set_muledit_editable(etype, attrs):
"""make `attrs` appear in muledit form of `etype`.
:param etype: the entity type as a string
:param attrs: the ordered list of attribute names (or relations)
`attrs` can be strings or 2-tuples (relname, role_of_etype_in_the_relation)
.. sourcecode:: python
from cubicweb.web import uihelper
uihelper.set_muledit_editable('CWUser', ('firstname', 'surname', 'in_group'))
for attr in attrs:
edit_as_attr(etype, attr, formtype='muledit')
class meta_formconfig(type):
"""metaclass of FormConfig classes, only for easier declaration purpose"""
def __init__(cls, name, bases, classdict):
if cls.etype is None:
for attr_role in cls.hidden:
hide_field(cls.etype, attr_role, formtype=cls.formtype)
for attr_role in cls.rels_as_attrs:
edit_as_attr(cls.etype, attr_role, formtype=cls.formtype)
for attr_role in cls.inlined:
edit_inline(cls.etype, attr_role, formtype=cls.formtype)
for rtype, widget in cls.widgets.items():
set_field_kwargs(cls.etype, rtype, widget=widget)
for rtype, field in cls.fields.items():
set_field(cls.etype, rtype, field)
set_fields_order(cls.etype, cls.fields_order)
super(meta_formconfig, cls).__init__(name, bases, classdict)
class FormConfig:
"""helper base class to define uicfg rules on a given entity type.
In all descriptions below, attributes list can either be a list of
attribute names of a list of 2-tuples (relation name, role of
the edited entity in the relation).
which entity type the form config is for. This attribute is **mandatory**
the formtype the class tries toc customize (i.e. *main*, *inlined*, or *muledit*),
default is *main*.
the list of attributes or relations to hide.
the list of attributes to edit in the *attributes* section.
the list of attributes to edit in the *inlined* section.
the list of attributes to edit, in the desired order. Unspecified
fields will be displayed after specified ones, their order
being consistent with the schema definition.
a dictionary mapping attribute names to widget instances.
a dictionary mapping attribute names to field instances.
.. sourcecode:: python
from cubicweb.web import uihelper, formwidgets as fwdgs
class LinkFormConfig(uihelper.FormConfig):
etype = 'Link'
hidden = ('title', 'description', 'embed')
widgets = dict(
class UserFormConfig(uihelper.FormConfig):
etype = 'CWUser'
hidden = ('login',)
rels_as_attrs = ('in_group',)
fields_order = ('firstname', 'surname', 'in_group', 'use_email')
inlined = ('use_email',)
__metaclass__ = meta_formconfig
formtype = 'main'
etype = None # must be defined in concrete subclasses
hidden = ()
rels_as_attrs = ()
inlined = ()
fields_order = ()
widgets = {}
fields = {}