move all schema related views where they belong (eg not startup), fix schema graph views
.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-Base views (:mod:`cubicweb.web.views.baseviews`)------------------------------------------------*CubicWeb* provides a lot of standard views. You can find them in``cubicweb/web/views/``.A certain number of views are used to build the web interface, which applyto one or more entities. Their identifier is what distinguish them fromeach others and the main ones are:HTML views~~~~~~~~~~*oneline* This is a hyper linked *text* view. Similar to the `secondary` view, but called when we want the view to stand on a single line, or just get a brief view. By default this view uses the parameter `MAX_LINE_CHAR` to control the result size.*secondary* This is a combinaison of an icon and a *oneline* view. By default it renders the two first attributes of the entity as a clickable link redirecting to the primary view.*incontext, outofcontext* Similar to the `secondary` view, but called when an entity is considered as in or out of context. By default it respectively returns the result of`textincontext` and `textoutofcontext` wrapped in a link leading to the primary view of the entity.List`````*list* This view displays a list of entities by creating a HTML list (`<ul>`) and call the view `listitem` for each entity of the result set.*listitem* This view redirects by default to the `outofcontext` view.Special views`````````````*noresult* This view is the default view used when no result has been found (e.g. empty result set).*final* Display the value of a cell without trasnformation (in case of a non final entity, we see the eid). Applicable on any result set.*null* This view is the default view used when nothing needs to be rendered. It is always applicable and it does not return anythingText views~~~~~~~~~~*text* This is the simplest text view for an entity. It displays the title of an entity. It should not contain HTML.*textincontext, textoutofcontext* Similar to the `text` view, but called when an entity is considered out or in context. By default it returns respectively the result of the methods `.dc_title` and `.dc_long_title` of the entity.