author Rémi Cardona <>
Mon, 21 Dec 2015 12:47:35 +0100
changeset 11017 3dfed980071c
parent 10214 88f60d4b9952
permissions -rw-r--r--
[devtools] Use super() in TestServerConfiguration.__init__() While cleaning up the use of init_config() in WSGIAppTC, I wondered why the method was trying to set the 'https_uiprops' and 'https_datadir_url' attributes on the config, when WebConfiguration's __init__ should be taking care of setting them. WSGIAppTC uses the default configuration - one that derives from ApptestConfiguration (noted as G below). The issue is that the class hierarchy of ApptestConfiguration includes TestServerConfiguration (C in the graph below) which calls ServerConfiguration's __init__ directly (B below). As B does not have an __init__ method, CubicWebConfiguration's __init__ is called directly (A below). This has the unintended consequence of preventing WebConfiguration's __init__ from being called. A / \ B D | | C E \ / F | G | ... A: cwconfig.CubicWebConfiguration B: server.serverconfig.ServerConfiguration C: devtools.TestServerConfiguration D: web.webconfig.WebConfiguration E: etwist.twconfig.WebConfigurationBase F: devtools.BaseApptestConfiguration G: devtools.ApptestConfiguration NB: unittest_wsgi wasn't really broken, as it's the only test in wsgi/test/, but I figured I might as well clean it up. Related to #9297611.

# pylint: disable=W0622
"""%(distname)s application packaging information"""

modname = '%(cubename)s'
distname = '%(distname)s'

numversion = (0, 1, 0)
version = '.'.join(str(num) for num in numversion)

license = '%(license)s'
author = '%(author)s'
author_email = '%(author-email)s'
description = '%(shortdesc)s'
web = '' %% distname

__depends__ = %(dependencies)s
__recommends__ = {}

classifiers = [
    'Environment :: Web Environment',
    'Framework :: CubicWeb',
    'Programming Language :: Python',
    'Programming Language :: JavaScript',

from os import listdir as _listdir
from os.path import join, isdir
from glob import glob

THIS_CUBE_DIR = join('share', 'cubicweb', 'cubes', modname)

def listdir(dirpath):
    return [join(dirpath, fname) for fname in _listdir(dirpath)
            if fname[0] != '.' and not fname.endswith('.pyc')
            and not fname.endswith('~')
            and not isdir(join(dirpath, fname))]

data_files = [
    # common files
    [THIS_CUBE_DIR, [fname for fname in glob('*.py') if fname != '']],
# check for possible extended cube layout
for dname in ('entities', 'views', 'sobjects', 'hooks', 'schema', 'data',
              'wdoc', 'i18n', 'migration'):
    if isdir(dname):
        data_files.append([join(THIS_CUBE_DIR, dname), listdir(dname)])
# Note: here, you'll need to add subdirectories if you want
# them to be included in the debian package