author Rémi Cardona <>
Mon, 21 Dec 2015 12:47:35 +0100
changeset 11017 3dfed980071c
parent 10328 d7ff46d958f4
permissions -rw-r--r--
[devtools] Use super() in TestServerConfiguration.__init__() While cleaning up the use of init_config() in WSGIAppTC, I wondered why the method was trying to set the 'https_uiprops' and 'https_datadir_url' attributes on the config, when WebConfiguration's __init__ should be taking care of setting them. WSGIAppTC uses the default configuration - one that derives from ApptestConfiguration (noted as G below). The issue is that the class hierarchy of ApptestConfiguration includes TestServerConfiguration (C in the graph below) which calls ServerConfiguration's __init__ directly (B below). As B does not have an __init__ method, CubicWebConfiguration's __init__ is called directly (A below). This has the unintended consequence of preventing WebConfiguration's __init__ from being called. A / \ B D | | C E \ / F | G | ... A: cwconfig.CubicWebConfiguration B: server.serverconfig.ServerConfiguration C: devtools.TestServerConfiguration D: web.webconfig.WebConfiguration E: etwist.twconfig.WebConfigurationBase F: devtools.BaseApptestConfiguration G: devtools.ApptestConfiguration NB: unittest_wsgi wasn't really broken, as it's the only test in wsgi/test/, but I figured I might as well clean it up. Related to #9297611.

/* -*- sql -*-

   postgres specific registered procedures,
   require the plpgsql language installed


DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS comma_join (anyarray) CASCADE;
CREATE FUNCTION comma_join (anyarray) RETURNS text AS $$
    SELECT array_to_string($1, ', ')

DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS cw_array_append_unique (anyarray, anyelement) CASCADE;
CREATE FUNCTION cw_array_append_unique (anyarray, anyelement) RETURNS anyarray AS $$
    SELECT array_append($1, (SELECT $2 WHERE $2 <> ALL($1)))

DROP AGGREGATE IF EXISTS group_concat (anyelement) CASCADE;
CREATE AGGREGATE group_concat (
  basetype = anyelement,
  sfunc = cw_array_append_unique,
  stype = anyarray,
  finalfunc = comma_join,
  initcond = '{}'

DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS limit_size (fulltext text, format text, maxsize integer);
CREATE FUNCTION limit_size (fulltext text, format text, maxsize integer) RETURNS text AS $$
    plaintext text;
    IF char_length(fulltext) < maxsize THEN
       RETURN fulltext;
    END IF;
    IF format = 'text/html' OR format = 'text/xhtml' OR format = 'text/xml' THEN
       plaintext := regexp_replace(fulltext, '<[a-zA-Z/][^>]*>', '', 'g');
       plaintext := fulltext;
    END IF;
    IF char_length(plaintext) < maxsize THEN
       RETURN plaintext;
       RETURN substring(plaintext from 1 for maxsize) || '...';
    END IF;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;;

DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS text_limit_size (fulltext text, maxsize integer);
CREATE FUNCTION text_limit_size (fulltext text, maxsize integer) RETURNS text AS $$
    RETURN limit_size(fulltext, 'text/plain', maxsize);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;;