author Philippe Pepiot <>
Mon, 30 Mar 2020 15:19:23 +0200
changeset 12959 39ee325e6758
parent 11057 0b59724cb3f2
permissions -rw-r--r--
[server] avoid a possible race condition on _CnxSetPool.close() The pool could become empty between time to check and time to use.

  <table class="attributeForm" style="width:100%;"
	 tal:attributes="id tab_id | nothing;
			 class tab_class | nothing;">
    <tr tal:iter="widget lines">
      <th class="labelCol" tal:content="structure python:widget.render_label(entity)">attrname</th>
      <td tal:define="error python:widget.render_error(entity)" style="width:100%;"
          tal:attributes="class python:error and 'error' or nothing">
	<div tal:replace="structure error">error message if any</div>
	<div tal:replace="structure python:widget.edit_render(entity)" >widget (input, textarea, etc.)</div>
	<div tal:replace="structure python:widget.render_help(entity)">format help if any</div>