[webrequest] introduce an alternative implementation using the repoapi
DBAPI specific parts of ``CubicWebRequestBase`` are extracted in a
``DBAPICubicWebRequestBase`` decicated class and a new
``ConnectionCubicWebRequestBase`` is introduced that provide the same services
but using a repoapi.ClientConnection as data source. For now the
``DBAPICubicWebRequestBase`` is still used by default.
/* sortable tables */
table.listing tr .headerSortUp {
background-image: url(asc.gif);
table.listing tr .headerSortDown {
background-image: url(desc.gif);
table.listing tr .headerSortDown, table.listing tr .headerSortUp {
background-color: %(listingBorderColor)s;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center right;