[css] fix regression introduced by 6548:fd36c1049eed: we actually need display:block on box <a> to get proper behaviour on mouse hover
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What's next?
In this chapter, we have seen have you can, right after the installation of *CubicWeb*, build a web application in five minutes by defining a data model. Everything is there already: views, templates, permissions, etc.
The next step is to change the design and learn about the many features available to customize and extend your application: RSS channels (:ref:`XmlAndRss`), events (:ref:`hooks`), support of sources such as
Google App Engine (:ref:`GoogleAppEngineSource`), etc.
You will find more `tutorials and howtos`_ in the blog published on the CubicWeb.org website.
.. _`tutorials and howtos`: http://www.cubicweb.org/view?rql=Any+X+ORDERBY+D+DESC+WHERE+X+is+BlogEntry%2C+T+tags+X%2C+T+name+IN+%28%22tutorial%22%2C+%22howto%22%29%2C+X+creation_date+D