What's new in CubicWeb 3.20
Deprecated Code Drops
* most of 3.10 and 3.11 backward compat is gone; this includes:
- CtxComponent.box_action() and CtxComponent.build_link()
- cubicweb.devtools.htmlparser.XMLDemotingValidator
- various methods and properties on Entities, replaced by cw_edited and cw_attr_cache
- 'commit_event' method on hooks, replaced by 'postcommit_event'
- server.hook.set_operation(), replaced by Operation.get_instance(...).add_data()
- View.div_id(), View.div_class() and View.create_url()
- `*VComponent` classes
- in forms, Field.value() and Field.help() must take the form and the field itself as arguments
- form.render() must get `w` as a named argument, and renderer.render() must take `w` as first argument
- in breadcrumbs, the optional `recurs` argument must be a set, not False
- cubicweb.web.views.idownloadable.{download_box,IDownloadableLineView}
- primary views no longer have `render_entity_summary` and `summary` methods
- WFHistoryVComponent's `cell_call` method is replaced by `render_body`
- cubicweb.dataimport.ObjectStore.add(), replaced by create_entity
- ManageView.{folders,display_folders}