[server/test] make test filename uniques
To avoid these pytest error when collecting the whole test suite:
import file mismatch:
imported module 'unittest_utils' has this __file__ attribute:
which is not the same as the test file we want to collect:
Move cubicweb/server/test/unittest_security.py to cubicweb/server/test/unittest_security.py
and cubicweb/test/unittest_utils.py to cubicweb/test/unittest_server_utils.py
Document: cubicweb-doc
Title: CubicWeb Documentation
Author: Logilab
Abstract: Some base documentation for CubicWeb users and developpers
Section: Apps/Programming
Format: HTML
Index: /usr/share/doc/python-cubicweb-documentation/html/index.html
Files: /usr/share/doc/python-cubicweb-documentation/html/*