[toward-py3k] rewrite to "except AnException as exc:" (part of #2711624)
The older form is not necessary since we dropped python 2.5 compability. This
will help Python 3.3 experimentation.
+ − <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ −
+ − <display window-flags="sticky, below" width="185" height="200">
+ −
+ − <sensor id="r" module="rqlsensor"/>
+ − <sensor id="FS" module="FontSelector,1,Sans 10 black"/>
+ −
+ − <!-- left border -->
+ − <group x="0" width="5" height="200" bg-uri="gfx/border-left.png"/>
+ −
+ − <image x="10" y="0" uri="gfx/logo_erudi.png"/>
+ −
+ − <array id="results" x="10" y="30"
+ − watch="layout=r:layout, length=r:length">
+ − <label id="lbls1" color="black"
+ − on-enter="r:enter-line"
+ − on-leave="r:leave-line"
+ − on-click="r:click-line"
+ − watch="value=r:result, font=FS:font0, color=r:resultbg"/>
+ − </array>
+ −
+ − </display>