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.THcubicweb\-ctl1"2008-01-14"cubicweb\-ctl.SHNAME.Bcubicweb\-ctl\- cubicweb control utility.SHSYNOPSIS.Bcubicweb-ctl<command>[.IOPTIONS] [.I<commandarguments>].SHDESCRIPTION.PPCubicWeb utility to create and control instances, and more generally do allcubicweb's related tasks you can have to do using the command line. Availablecommands will depends on which part of the framework are installed..PPType.B"cubicweb\-ctl <command> \fB\-\-help\fR"for more information about a specific command..SHCOPYRIGHTCopyright(c)2003-2008LOGILABS.A.(Paris,FRANCE). --