author Sylvain Thénault <>
Wed, 28 Sep 2016 09:02:14 +0200
changeset 11780 307d96c0ab5a
parent 11778 9847a097266e
child 11781 4ebd968f364c
permissions -rw-r--r--
[massive store] Follow configuration of the metadata generator Don't drop constraints and indexes for tables that are ignored by the metadata generator given to the store. One may now easily disable insertion of e.g. created_by / owned_by by removing them from the MetadataGenerator.META_RELATIONS set, in which case indexes for associated table won't be removed by the massive store.

# coding: utf-8
# copyright 2015-2016 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact --
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.

import logging
from copy import copy
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain
from base64 import b64encode

from six.moves import range

from yams.constraints import SizeConstraint

from cubicweb.dataimport import stores, pgstore

class MassiveObjectStore(stores.RQLObjectStore):
    """Store for massive import of data, with delayed insertion of meta data.


    - This store may only be used with PostgreSQL for now, as it relies
      on the COPY FROM method, and on specific PostgreSQL tables to get all
      the indexes.

    - This store can only insert relations that are not inlined (i.e.,
      which do *not* have inlined=True in their definition in the schema),
      unless they are specified as entity attributes.

    It should be used as follows:

       store = MassiveObjectStore(cnx)
       eid_p = store.prepare_insert_entity('Person',
       eid_loc = store.prepare_insert_entity('Location',
       store.prepare_insert_relation(eid_p, 'lives_in', eid_loc)

    Full-text indexation is not handled, you'll have to reindex the proper entity types by yourself
    if desired.

    def __init__(self, cnx,
                 on_commit_callback=None, on_rollback_callback=None,
        """ Create a MassiveObject store, with the following attributes:

        - cnx: CubicWeb cnx
        - eids_seq_range: size of eid range reserved by the store for each batch
        super(MassiveObjectStore, self).__init__(cnx)
        self.on_commit_callback = on_commit_callback
        self.on_rollback_callback = on_rollback_callback
        self.slave_mode = slave_mode
        self.eids_seq_range = eids_seq_range
        if metagen is None:
            metagen = stores.MetadataGenerator(cnx)
        self.metagen = metagen

        self.logger = logging.getLogger('dataimport.massive_store')
        self.sql = cnx.system_sql
        self.schema = self._cnx.vreg.schema
        self.default_values = get_default_values(self.schema)
        self.get_next_eid = lambda g=self._get_eid_gen(): next(g)
        self._dbh = PGHelper(cnx)

        cnx.read_security = False
        cnx.write_security = False

        self._data_entities = defaultdict(list)
        self._data_relations = defaultdict(list)
        self._initialized = set()

        self._constraints_dropped = self.slave_mode

    def _get_eid_gen(self):
        """ Function getting the next eid. This is done by preselecting
        a given number of eids from the 'entities_id_seq', and then
        storing them"""
        while True:
            last_eid = self._cnx.repo.system_source.create_eid(self._cnx, self.eids_seq_range)
            for eid in range(last_eid - self.eids_seq_range + 1, last_eid + 1):
                yield eid

    # SQL utilities #########################################################

    def _drop_metadata_constraints_if_necessary(self):
        """Drop constraints and indexes for the metadata tables if necessary."""
        if not self._constraints_dropped:
            self._constraints_dropped = True

    def _drop_metadata_constraints(self):
        """Drop constraints and indexes for the metadata tables.

        They will be recreated by the `finish` method.
        rtypes = [rtype for rtype in self.metagen.meta_relations
                  if not self.schema.rschema(rtype).final]
        rtypes += ('is_instance_of', 'is', 'cw_source')
        for rtype in rtypes:
            self._dbh.drop_constraints(rtype + '_relation')
            self._dbh.drop_indexes(rtype + '_relation')
        # don't drop constraints for the entities table, the only one is the primary key's index on
        # eid and we want to keep it

    def restart_eid_sequence(self, start_eid):
            'entities_id_seq', initial_value=start_eid))

    # store api ################################################################

    def prepare_insert_entity(self, etype, **kwargs):
        """Given an entity type, attributes and inlined relations, returns the inserted entity's
        if not self.slave_mode and etype not in self._initialized:
            tablename = 'cw_%s' % etype.lower()
            self.sql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cwmassive_initialized'
                     '(retype text, type varchar(128))')
            self.sql("INSERT INTO cwmassive_initialized VALUES (%(e)s, 'etype')", {'e': etype})
        attrs = self.metagen.base_etype_attrs(etype)
        data = copy(attrs)  # base_etype_attrs is @cached, a copy is necessary
        if 'eid' not in data:
            # If eid is not given and the eids sequence is set, use the value from the sequence
            eid = self.get_next_eid()
            data['eid'] = eid
        # XXX default values could be set once for all in base entity
        default_values = self.default_values[etype]
        missing_keys = set(default_values) - set(data)
        data.update((key, default_values[key]) for key in missing_keys)
        self.metagen.init_entity_attrs(etype, data['eid'], data)
        return data['eid']

    def prepare_insert_relation(self, eid_from, rtype, eid_to, **kwargs):
        """Insert into the database a  relation ``rtype`` between entities with eids ``eid_from``
        and ``eid_to``.

        Relation must not be inlined.
        if not self.slave_mode and rtype not in self._initialized:
            assert not self._cnx.vreg.schema.rschema(rtype).inlined
            tablename = '%s_relation' % rtype.lower()
            self.sql('CREATE TABLE %s_tmp (eid_from integer, eid_to integer)'
                     % tablename)
            self.sql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cwmassive_initialized'
                     '(retype text, type varchar(128))')
            self.sql("INSERT INTO cwmassive_initialized VALUES (%(e)s, 'rtype')", {'e': rtype})
        self._data_relations[rtype].append({'eid_from': eid_from, 'eid_to': eid_to})

    def flush(self):
        """Flush the data"""

    def commit(self):
        """Commit the database transaction."""
        super(MassiveObjectStore, self).commit()

    def finish(self):
        """Remove temporary tables and columns."""
        if self.slave_mode:
            raise RuntimeError('Store cleanup is not allowed in slave mode')"Start cleaning")
        # Get all the initialized etypes/rtypes
        if self._dbh.table_exists('cwmassive_initialized'):
            cu = self.sql('SELECT retype, type FROM cwmassive_initialized')
            for retype, _type in cu.fetchall():
      'Cleanup for %s' % retype)
                if _type == 'rtype':
                    # Cleanup relations tables
                self.sql('DELETE FROM cwmassive_initialized WHERE retype = %(e)s',
                         {'e': retype})
        # Delete the meta data table
        self.sql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cwmassive_initialized')

    # FLUSH #################################################################

    def on_commit(self):
        if self.on_commit_callback:

    def on_rollback(self, exc, etype, data):
        if self.on_rollback_callback:
            self.on_rollback_callback(exc, etype, data)
            raise exc

    def flush_relations(self):
        """Flush the relations data."""
        for rtype, data in self._data_relations.items():
            if not data:
                # There is no data for these etype for this flush round.
            buf = pgstore._create_copyfrom_buffer(data, ('eid_from', 'eid_to'))
            if not buf:
                # The buffer is empty. This is probably due to error in _create_copyfrom_buffer
                raise ValueError
            cursor =
            # Push into the tmp table
            cursor.copy_from(buf, '%s_relation_tmp' % rtype.lower(),
                             null='NULL', columns=('eid_from', 'eid_to'))
            # Clear data cache
            self._data_relations[rtype] = []

    def flush_entities(self):
        """Flush the entities data."""
        for etype, data in self._data_entities.items():
            if not data:
                # There is no data for these etype for this flush round.
            # XXX It may be interresting to directly infer the columns' names from the schema
            # XXX For now, the _create_copyfrom_buffer does a "row[column]"
            # which can lead to a key error.
            # Thus we should create dictionary with all the keys.
            columns = set()
            for d in data:
            _data = []
            _base_data = dict.fromkeys(columns)
            for d in data:
                _d = _base_data.copy()
            buf = pgstore._create_copyfrom_buffer(_data, columns)
            if not buf:
                # The buffer is empty. This is probably due to error in _create_copyfrom_buffer
                raise ValueError('Error in buffer creation for etype %s' % etype)
            columns = ['cw_%s' % attr for attr in columns]
            cursor =
                cursor.copy_from(buf, 'cw_%s' % etype.lower(), null='NULL', columns=columns)
            except Exception as exc:
                self.on_rollback(exc, etype, data)
            # Clear data cache
            self._data_entities[etype] = []
            if not self.slave_mode:

    def _cleanup_relations(self, rtype):
        """ Cleanup rtype table """
        # Push into relation table while removing duplicate
        self.sql('INSERT INTO %(r)s_relation (eid_from, eid_to) SELECT DISTINCT '
                 'T.eid_from, T.eid_to FROM %(r)s_relation_tmp AS T '
                 'WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM %(r)s_relation AS TT WHERE '
                 'TT.eid_from=T.eid_from AND TT.eid_to=T.eid_to);' % {'r': rtype})
        # Drop temporary relation table
        self.sql('DROP TABLE %(r)s_relation_tmp' % {'r': rtype.lower()})

    def _insert_etype_metadata(self, etype):
        """Massive insertion of meta data for a given etype, based on SQL statements.
        # insert standard metadata relations
        for rtype, eid in self.metagen.base_etype_rels(etype).items():
            self._insert_meta_relation(etype, eid, '%s_relation' % rtype)
        # insert cw_source, is and is_instance_of relations (normally handled by the system source)
        self._insert_meta_relation(etype, self.metagen.source.eid, 'cw_source_relation')
        eschema = self.schema[etype]
        self._insert_meta_relation(etype, eschema.eid, 'is_relation')
        for parent_eschema in chain(eschema.ancestors(), [eschema]):
            self._insert_meta_relation(etype, parent_eschema.eid, 'is_instance_of_relation')
        # finally insert records into the entities table
        self.sql("INSERT INTO entities (eid, type) "
                 "SELECT cw_eid, '%s' FROM cw_%s "
                 "WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM entities WHERE eid=cw_eid)"
                 % (etype, etype.lower()))

    def _insert_meta_relation(self, etype, eid_to, rtype):
        self.sql("INSERT INTO %s (eid_from, eid_to) SELECT cw_eid, %s FROM cw_%s "
                 "WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM entities WHERE eid=cw_eid)"
                 % (rtype, eid_to, etype.lower()))

def get_size_constraints(schema):
    """analyzes yams ``schema`` and returns the list of size constraints.

    The returned value is a dictionary mapping entity types to a
    sub-dictionnaries mapping attribute names -> max size.
    size_constraints = {}
    # iterates on all entity types
    for eschema in schema.entities():
        # for each entity type, iterates on attribute definitions
        size_constraints[eschema.type] = eschema_constraints = {}
        for rschema, aschema in eschema.attribute_definitions():
            # for each attribute, if a size constraint is found,
            # append it to the size constraint list
            maxsize = None
            rdef = rschema.rdef(eschema, aschema)
            for constraint in rdef.constraints:
                if isinstance(constraint, SizeConstraint):
                    maxsize = constraint.max
                    eschema_constraints[rschema.type] = maxsize
    return size_constraints

def get_default_values(schema):
    """analyzes yams ``schema`` and returns the list of default values.

    The returned value is a dictionary mapping entity types to a
    sub-dictionnaries mapping attribute names -> default values.
    default_values = {}
    # iterates on all entity types
    for eschema in schema.entities():
        # for each entity type, iterates on attribute definitions
        default_values[eschema.type] = eschema_constraints = {}
        for rschema, _ in eschema.attribute_definitions():
            # for each attribute, if a size constraint is found,
            # append it to the size constraint list
            if eschema.default(rschema.type) is not None:
                eschema_constraints[rschema.type] = eschema.default(rschema.type)
    return default_values

class PGHelper(object):
    """This class provides some helper methods to manipulate a postgres database metadata (index and

    def __init__(self, cnx):
        self.sql = cnx.system_sql
        # Deals with pg schema, see #3216686
        pg_schema = cnx.repo.config.system_source_config.get('db-namespace') or 'public'
        self.pg_schema = pg_schema

    def drop_indexes(self, tablename):
        """Drop indexes and constraints, storing them in a table for later restore."""
        # Create a table to save the constraints, it allows reloading even after crash
        self.sql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cwmassive_constraints(sql TEXT, insert_order SERIAL)')
        indexes = self.table_indexes(tablename)
        for name, query in indexes.items():
            self.sql('INSERT INTO cwmassive_constraints(sql) VALUES (%(sql)s)', {'sql': query})
            self.sql('DROP INDEX %s' % name)

    def drop_constraints(self, tablename):
        self.sql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cwmassive_constraints(sql TEXT, insert_order SERIAL)')
        constraints = self.table_constraints(tablename)
        for name, query in constraints.items():
            self.sql('INSERT INTO cwmassive_constraints(sql) VALUES (%(sql)s)', {'sql': query})
            self.sql('ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s' % (tablename, name))

    def restore_indexes_and_constraints(self):
        """Restore indexes and constraints."""
        if not self.table_exists('cwmassive_constraints'):
        cu = self.sql('SELECT sql, insert_order FROM cwmassive_constraints '
                      'ORDER BY insert_order DESC')
        for query, order in cu.fetchall():
            self.sql('DELETE FROM cwmassive_constraints WHERE insert_order=%(order)s',
                     {'order': order})
        self.sql('DROP TABLE cwmassive_constraints')

    def table_exists(self, tablename):
        """Return True if the given table already exists in the database."""
        cu = self.sql('SELECT 1 from information_schema.tables '
                      'WHERE table_name=%(t)s AND table_schema=%(s)s',
                      {'t': tablename, 's': self.pg_schema})
        return bool(cu.fetchone())

    def table_indexes_constraints(self, tablename):
        """Return one dictionary with all indexes by name, another with all constraints by name,
        for the given table.
        indexes = self.table_indexes(tablename)
        constraints = self.table_constraints(tablename)
        _indexes = {}
        for name, query in indexes.items():
            # Remove pkey indexes (automatically created by constraints)
            # Specific cases of primary key, see #3224079
            if name not in constraints:
                _indexes[name] = query
        return _indexes, constraints

    def table_indexes(self, tablename):
        """Return a dictionary of indexes {index name: index sql}, constraints included."""
        indexes = {}
        for name in self._index_names(tablename):
            indexes[name] = self._index_sql(name)
        return indexes

    def table_constraints(self, tablename):
        """Return a dictionary of constraints {constraint name: constraint sql}."""
        constraints = {}
        for name in self._constraint_names(tablename):
            query = self._constraint_sql(name)
            constraints[name] = 'ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %s %s' % (tablename, name, query)
        return constraints

    def _index_names(self, tablename):
        """Return the names of all indexes in the given table (including constraints.)"""
        cu = self.sql("SELECT c.relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c "
                      "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index i ON i.indexrelid = c.oid "
                      "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c2 ON i.indrelid = c2.oid "
                      "LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_user u ON u.usesysid = c.relowner "
                      "LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace "
                      "WHERE c.relkind IN ('i','') "
                      " AND c2.relname = %(t)s "
                      " AND i.indisprimary = FALSE "
                      " AND n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast') "
                      " AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid);", {'t': tablename})
        return [name for name, in cu.fetchall()]

    def _constraint_names(self, tablename):
        """Return the names of all constraints in the given table."""
        cu = self.sql("SELECT i.conname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c "
                      "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint i ON i.conrelid = c.oid "
                      "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c2 ON i.conrelid=c2.oid "
                      "LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_user u ON u.usesysid = c.relowner "
                      "LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace "
                      "WHERE c2.relname = %(t)s "
                      "AND n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast') "
                      "AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)", {'t': tablename})
        return [name for name, in cu.fetchall()]

    def _index_sql(self, name):
        """Return the SQL to be used to recreate the index of the given name."""
        return self.sql('SELECT pg_get_indexdef(c.oid) FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c '
                        'LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace '
                        'WHERE c.relname = %(r)s AND n.nspname=%(n)s',
                        {'r': name, 'n': self.pg_schema}).fetchone()[0]

    def _constraint_sql(self, name):
        """Return the SQL to be used to recreate the constraint."""
        return self.sql('SELECT pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid) FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c '
                        'LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.connamespace '
                        'WHERE c.conname = %(r)s AND n.nspname=%(n)s',
                        {'r': name, 'n': self.pg_schema}).fetchone()[0]