[test] Drop call to CubicWebConfiguration.load_cwctl_plugins in unittest_cwctl.py
This is no longer need now that we call load_available_configurations() in the
"list" command (see 5e7282bdf140).
.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-.._TutosBase:Building a simple blog with |cubicweb|======================================|cubicweb| is a semantic web application framework that favors reuse andobject-oriented design.This tutorial is designed to help in your very first steps to start with|cubicweb|. We will tour through basic concepts such as:* getting an application running by using existing components* discovering the default user interface* basic extending and customizing the look and feel of that applicationMore advanced concepts are covered in :ref:`TutosPhotoWebSite`..._TutosBaseVocab:Some vocabulary---------------|cubicweb| comes with a few words of vocabulary that you should know tounderstand what we're talking about. To follow this tutorial, you should at leastknow that:* a `cube` is a component that usually includes a model defining some data types and a set of views to display them. A cube can be built by assembling other cubes;* an `instance` is a specific installation of one or more cubes and includes configuration files, a web server and a database.Reading :ref:`Concepts` for more vocabulary will be required at some point.Now, let's start the hot stuff!..toctree:::maxdepth: 2 blog-in-five-minutes discovering-the-ui customizing-the-application conclusion