[schema test] fix tests broken by 6861:9d4e11d6e783 (missing data files and not removed deprecated/broken test)
# copyright 2003-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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"""cubicweb ldap user source
this source is for now limited to a read-only CWUser source
Part of the code is coming form Zope's LDAPUserFolder
Copyright (c) 2004 Jens Vagelpohl.
All Rights Reserved.
This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
from __future__ import division
from base64 import b64decode
from logilab.common.textutils import splitstrip
from rql.nodes import Relation, VariableRef, Constant, Function
import ldap
from ldap.ldapobject import ReconnectLDAPObject
from ldap.filter import filter_format, escape_filter_chars
from ldapurl import LDAPUrl
from logilab.common.configuration import time_validator
from cubicweb import AuthenticationError, UnknownEid, RepositoryError
from cubicweb.server.utils import cartesian_product
from cubicweb.server.sources import (AbstractSource, TrFunc, GlobTrFunc,
ConnectionWrapper, TimedCache)
# search scopes
# map ldap protocol to their standard port
PROTO_PORT = {'ldap': 389,
'ldaps': 636,
'ldapi': None,
class LDAPUserSource(AbstractSource):
"""LDAP read-only CWUser source"""
support_entities = {'CWUser': False}
options = (
{'type' : 'string',
'default': 'ldap',
'help': 'ldap host. It may contains port information using \
<host>:<port> notation.',
'group': 'ldap-source', 'level': 1,
{'type' : 'choice',
'default': 'ldap',
'choices': ('ldap', 'ldaps', 'ldapi'),
'help': 'ldap protocol (allowed values: ldap, ldaps, ldapi)',
'group': 'ldap-source', 'level': 1,
{'type' : 'choice',
'default': 'simple',
'choices': ('simple', 'cram_md5', 'digest_md5', 'gssapi'),
'help': 'authentication mode used to authenticate user to the ldap.',
'group': 'ldap-source', 'level': 3,
{'type' : 'string',
'default': None,
'help': 'realm to use when using gssapi/kerberos authentication.',
'group': 'ldap-source', 'level': 3,
{'type' : 'string',
'default': '',
'help': 'user dn to use to open data connection to the ldap (eg used \
to respond to rql queries).',
'group': 'ldap-source', 'level': 1,
{'type' : 'string',
'default': '',
'help': 'password to use to open data connection to the ldap (eg used to respond to rql queries).',
'group': 'ldap-source', 'level': 1,
{'type' : 'string',
'default': 'ou=People,dc=logilab,dc=fr',
'help': 'base DN to lookup for users',
'group': 'ldap-source', 'level': 0,
{'type' : 'choice',
'default': 'ONELEVEL',
'choices': ('BASE', 'ONELEVEL', 'SUBTREE'),
'help': 'user search scope',
'group': 'ldap-source', 'level': 1,
{'type' : 'csv',
'default': ('top', 'posixAccount'),
'help': 'classes of user',
'group': 'ldap-source', 'level': 1,
{'type': 'string',
'default': '',
'help': 'additional filters to be set in the ldap query to find valid users',
'group': 'ldap-source', 'level': 2,
{'type' : 'string',
'default': 'uid',
'help': 'attribute used as login on authentication',
'group': 'ldap-source', 'level': 1,
{'type' : 'csv',
'default': ('users',),
'help': 'name of a group in which ldap users will be by default. \
You can set multiple groups by separating them by a comma.',
'group': 'ldap-source', 'level': 1,
{'type' : 'named',
'default': {'uid': 'login', 'gecos': 'email'},
'help': 'map from ldap user attributes to cubicweb attributes',
'group': 'ldap-source', 'level': 1,
{'type' : 'time',
'default': '1d',
'help': 'interval between synchronization with the ldap \
directory (default to once a day).',
'group': 'ldap-source', 'level': 3,
{'type' : 'time',
'default': '2h',
'help': 'life time of query cache (default to two hours).',
'group': 'ldap-source', 'level': 3,
def __init__(self, repo, source_config, *args, **kwargs):
AbstractSource.__init__(self, repo, source_config, *args, **kwargs)
self.host = source_config['host']
self.protocol = source_config.get('protocol', 'ldap')
self.authmode = source_config.get('auth-mode', 'simple')
self._authenticate = getattr(self, '_auth_%s' % self.authmode)
self.cnx_dn = source_config.get('data-cnx-dn') or ''
self.cnx_pwd = source_config.get('data-cnx-password') or ''
self.user_base_scope = globals()[source_config['user-scope']]
self.user_base_dn = source_config['user-base-dn']
self.user_base_scope = globals()[source_config['user-scope']]
self.user_classes = splitstrip(source_config['user-classes'])
self.user_login_attr = source_config['user-login-attr']
self.user_default_groups = splitstrip(source_config['user-default-group'])
self.user_attrs = dict(v.split(':', 1) for v in splitstrip(source_config['user-attrs-map']))
self.user_filter = source_config.get('user-filter')
self.user_rev_attrs = {'eid': 'dn'}
for ldapattr, cwattr in self.user_attrs.items():
self.user_rev_attrs[cwattr] = ldapattr
self.base_filters = self._make_base_filters()
self._conn = None
self._cache = {}
# ttlm is in minutes!
self._cache_ttl = time_validator(None, None,
source_config.get('cache-life-time', 2*60*60))
self._cache_ttl = max(71, self._cache_ttl)
self._query_cache = TimedCache(self._cache_ttl)
# interval is in seconds !
self._interval = time_validator(None, None,
def _make_base_filters(self):
filters = [filter_format('(%s=%s)', ('objectClass', o))
for o in self.user_classes]
if self.user_filter:
filters += [self.user_filter]
return filters
def reset_caches(self):
"""method called during test to reset potential source caches"""
self._cache = {}
self._query_cache = TimedCache(self._cache_ttl)
def init(self):
"""method called by the repository once ready to handle request"""
self.info('ldap init')
# set minimum period of 5min 1s (the additional second is to minimize
# resonnance effet)
self.repo.looping_task(max(301, self._interval), self.synchronize)
self.repo.looping_task(self._cache_ttl // 10,
def synchronize(self):
"""synchronize content known by this repository with content in the
external repository
self.info('synchronizing ldap source %s', self.uri)
ldap_emailattr = self.user_rev_attrs['email']
except KeyError:
return # no email in ldap, we're done
session = self.repo.internal_session()
execute = session.execute
cursor = session.system_sql("SELECT eid, extid FROM entities WHERE "
"source='%s'" % self.uri)
for eid, b64extid in cursor.fetchall():
extid = b64decode(b64extid)
self.debug('ldap eid %s', eid)
# if no result found, _search automatically delete entity information
res = self._search(session, extid, BASE)
self.debug('ldap search %s', res)
if res:
ldapemailaddr = res[0].get(ldap_emailattr)
if ldapemailaddr:
if isinstance(ldapemailaddr, list):
ldapemailaddr = ldapemailaddr[0] # XXX consider only the first email in the list
rset = execute('Any X,A WHERE '
'X address A, U use_email X, U eid %(u)s',
{'u': eid})
ldapemailaddr = unicode(ldapemailaddr)
for emaileid, emailaddr, in rset:
if emailaddr == ldapemailaddr:
self.debug('updating email address of user %s to %s',
extid, ldapemailaddr)
emailrset = execute('EmailAddress A WHERE A address %(addr)s',
{'addr': ldapemailaddr})
if emailrset:
execute('SET U use_email X WHERE '
'X eid %(x)s, U eid %(u)s',
{'x': emailrset[0][0], 'u': eid})
elif rset:
if not execute('SET X address %(addr)s WHERE '
'U primary_email X, U eid %(u)s',
{'addr': ldapemailaddr, 'u': eid}):
execute('SET X address %(addr)s WHERE '
'X eid %(x)s',
{'addr': ldapemailaddr, 'x': rset[0][0]})
# no email found, create it
_insert_email(session, ldapemailaddr, eid)
def get_connection(self):
"""open and return a connection to the source"""
if self._conn is None:
self.exception('cant connect to ldap')
return ConnectionWrapper(self._conn)
def authenticate(self, session, login, password=None, **kwargs):
"""return CWUser eid for the given login/password if this account is
defined in this source, else raise `AuthenticationError`
two queries are needed since passwords are stored crypted, so we have
to fetch the salt first
self.info('ldap authenticate %s', login)
if not password:
# On Windows + ADAM this would have succeeded (!!!)
# You get Authenticated as: 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'.
# we really really don't want that
raise AuthenticationError()
searchfilter = [filter_format('(%s=%s)', (self.user_login_attr, login))]
searchstr = '(&%s)' % ''.join(searchfilter)
# first search the user
user = self._search(session, self.user_base_dn,
self.user_base_scope, searchstr)[0]
except IndexError:
# no such user
raise AuthenticationError()
# check password by establishing a (unused) connection
self._connect(user, password)
except ldap.LDAPError, ex:
# Something went wrong, most likely bad credentials
self.info('while trying to authenticate %s: %s', user, ex)
raise AuthenticationError()
except Exception:
self.error('while trying to authenticate %s', user, exc_info=True)
raise AuthenticationError()
return self.extid2eid(user['dn'], 'CWUser', session)
def ldap_name(self, var):
if var.stinfo['relations']:
relname = iter(var.stinfo['relations']).next().r_type
return self.user_rev_attrs.get(relname)
return None
def prepare_columns(self, mainvars, rqlst):
"""return two list describin how to build the final results
from the result of an ldap search (ie a list of dictionnary)
columns = []
global_transforms = []
for i, term in enumerate(rqlst.selection):
if isinstance(term, Constant):
if isinstance(term, Function): # LOWER, UPPER, COUNT...
var = term.get_nodes(VariableRef)[0]
var = var.variable
mainvar = var.stinfo['attrvar'].name
except AttributeError: # no attrvar set
mainvar = var.name
assert mainvar in mainvars
trname = term.name
ldapname = self.ldap_name(var)
if trname in ('COUNT', 'MIN', 'MAX', 'SUM'):
global_transforms.append(GlobTrFunc(trname, i, ldapname))
columns.append((mainvar, ldapname))
if trname in ('LOWER', 'UPPER'):
columns.append((mainvar, TrFunc(trname, i, ldapname)))
raise NotImplementedError('no support for %s function' % trname)
if term.name in mainvars:
columns.append((term.name, 'dn'))
var = term.variable
mainvar = var.stinfo['attrvar'].name
columns.append((mainvar, self.ldap_name(var)))
# # probably a bug in rql splitting if we arrive here
# raise NotImplementedError
return columns, global_transforms
def syntax_tree_search(self, session, union,
args=None, cachekey=None, varmap=None, debug=0):
"""return result from this source for a rql query (actually from a rql
syntax tree and a solution dictionary mapping each used variable to a
possible type). If cachekey is given, the query necessary to fetch the
results (but not the results themselves) may be cached using this key.
self.debug('ldap syntax tree search')
# XXX not handled : transform/aggregat function, join on multiple users...
assert len(union.children) == 1, 'union not supported'
rqlst = union.children[0]
assert not rqlst.with_, 'subquery not supported'
rqlkey = rqlst.as_string(kwargs=args)
results = self._query_cache[rqlkey]
except KeyError:
results = self.rqlst_search(session, rqlst, args)
self._query_cache[rqlkey] = results
except ldap.SERVER_DOWN:
# cant connect to server
msg = session._("can't connect to source %s, some data may be missing")
session.set_shared_data('sources_error', msg % self.uri)
return []
return results
def rqlst_search(self, session, rqlst, args):
mainvars = []
for varname in rqlst.defined_vars:
for sol in rqlst.solutions:
if sol[varname] == 'CWUser':
assert mainvars, rqlst
columns, globtransforms = self.prepare_columns(mainvars, rqlst)
eidfilters = []
allresults = []
generator = RQL2LDAPFilter(self, session, args, mainvars)
for mainvar in mainvars:
# handle restriction
eidfilters_, ldapfilter = generator.generate(rqlst, mainvar)
except GotDN, ex:
assert ex.dn, 'no dn!'
res = [self._cache[ex.dn]]
except KeyError:
res = self._search(session, ex.dn, BASE)
except UnknownEid, ex:
# raised when we are looking for the dn of an eid which is not
# coming from this source
res = []
eidfilters += eidfilters_
res = self._search(session, self.user_base_dn,
self.user_base_scope, ldapfilter)
# 1. get eid for each dn and filter according to that eid if necessary
for i, res in enumerate(allresults):
filteredres = []
for resdict in res:
# get sure the entity exists in the system table
eid = self.extid2eid(resdict['dn'], 'CWUser', session)
for eidfilter in eidfilters:
if not eidfilter(eid):
resdict['eid'] = eid
allresults[i] = filteredres
# 2. merge result for each "mainvar": cartesian product
allresults = cartesian_product(allresults)
# 3. build final result according to column definition
result = []
for rawline in allresults:
rawline = dict(zip(mainvars, rawline))
line = []
for varname, ldapname in columns:
if ldapname is None:
value = None # no mapping available
elif ldapname == 'dn':
value = rawline[varname]['eid']
elif isinstance(ldapname, Constant):
if ldapname.type == 'Substitute':
value = args[ldapname.value]
value = ldapname.value
elif isinstance(ldapname, TrFunc):
value = ldapname.apply(rawline[varname])
value = rawline[varname].get(ldapname)
for trfunc in globtransforms:
result = trfunc.apply(result)
#print '--> ldap result', result
return result
def _connect(self, user=None, userpwd=None):
if self.protocol == 'ldapi':
hostport = self.host
elif not ':' in self.host:
hostport = '%s:%s' % (self.host, PROTO_PORT[self.protocol])
hostport = self.host
self.info('connecting %s://%s as %s', self.protocol, hostport,
user and user['dn'] or 'anonymous')
# don't require server certificate when using ldaps (will
# enable self signed certs)
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER)
url = LDAPUrl(urlscheme=self.protocol, hostport=hostport)
conn = ReconnectLDAPObject(url.initializeUrl())
# Set the protocol version - version 3 is preferred
conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, ldap.VERSION3)
except ldap.LDAPError: # Invalid protocol version, fall back safely
conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, ldap.VERSION2)
# Deny auto-chasing of referrals to be safe, we handle them instead
# connection.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
#except ldap.LDAPError: # Cannot set referrals, so do nothing
# pass
#conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, conn_timeout)
#conn.timeout = op_timeout
# Now bind with the credentials given. Let exceptions propagate out.
if user is None:
# no user specified, we want to initialize the 'data' connection,
assert self._conn is None
self._conn = conn
# XXX always use simple bind for data connection
if not self.cnx_dn:
conn.simple_bind_s(self.cnx_dn, self.cnx_pwd)
self._authenticate(conn, {'dn': self.cnx_dn}, self.cnx_pwd)
# user specified, we want to check user/password, no need to return
# the connection which will be thrown out
self._authenticate(conn, user, userpwd)
return conn
def _auth_simple(self, conn, user, userpwd):
conn.simple_bind_s(user['dn'], userpwd)
def _auth_cram_md5(self, conn, user, userpwd):
from ldap import sasl
auth_token = sasl.cram_md5(user['dn'], userpwd)
conn.sasl_interactive_bind_s('', auth_token)
def _auth_digest_md5(self, conn, user, userpwd):
from ldap import sasl
auth_token = sasl.digest_md5(user['dn'], userpwd)
conn.sasl_interactive_bind_s('', auth_token)
def _auth_gssapi(self, conn, user, userpwd):
# print XXX not proper sasl/gssapi
import kerberos
if not kerberos.checkPassword(user[self.user_login_attr], userpwd):
raise Exception('BAD login / mdp')
#from ldap import sasl
#conn.sasl_interactive_bind_s('', sasl.gssapi())
def _search(self, session, base, scope,
searchstr='(objectClass=*)', attrs=()):
"""make an ldap query"""
self.debug('ldap search %s %s %s %s %s', self.uri, base, scope, searchstr, list(attrs))
cnx = session.pool.connection(self.uri).cnx
res = cnx.search_s(base, scope, searchstr, attrs)
except ldap.PARTIAL_RESULTS:
res = cnx.result(all=0)[1]
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
self.info('ldap NO SUCH OBJECT')
eid = self.extid2eid(base, 'CWUser', session, insert=False)
if eid:
self.warning('deleting ldap user with eid %s and dn %s',
eid, base)
entity = session.entity_from_eid(eid, 'CWUser')
self.repo.delete_info(session, entity, self.uri, base)
return []
# except ldap.REFERRAL, e:
# cnx = self.handle_referral(e)
# try:
# res = cnx.search_s(base, scope, searchstr, attrs)
# except ldap.PARTIAL_RESULTS:
# res_type, res = cnx.result(all=0)
result = []
for rec_dn, rec_dict in res:
# When used against Active Directory, "rec_dict" may not be
# be a dictionary in some cases (instead, it can be a list)
# An example of a useless "res" entry that can be ignored
# from AD is
# (None, ['ldap://ForestDnsZones.PORTAL.LOCAL/DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=PORTAL,DC=LOCAL'])
# This appears to be some sort of internal referral, but
# we can't handle it, so we need to skip over it.
items = rec_dict.items()
except AttributeError:
# 'items' not found on rec_dict, skip
for key, value in items: # XXX syt: huuum ?
if not isinstance(value, str):
for i in range(len(value)):
value[i] = unicode(value[i], 'utf8')
if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 1:
rec_dict[key] = value = value[0]
rec_dict['dn'] = rec_dn
self._cache[rec_dn] = rec_dict
#print '--->', result
self.debug('ldap built results %s', len(result))
return result
def before_entity_insertion(self, session, lid, etype, eid):
"""called by the repository when an eid has been attributed for an
entity stored here but the entity has not been inserted in the system
table yet.
This method must return the an Entity instance representation of this
self.debug('ldap before entity insertion')
entity = super(LDAPUserSource, self).before_entity_insertion(session, lid, etype, eid)
res = self._search(session, lid, BASE)[0]
for attr in entity.e_schema.indexable_attributes():
entity.cw_edited[attr] = res[self.user_rev_attrs[attr]]
return entity
def after_entity_insertion(self, session, dn, entity):
"""called by the repository after an entity stored here has been
inserted in the system table.
self.debug('ldap after entity insertion')
super(LDAPUserSource, self).after_entity_insertion(session, dn, entity)
for group in self.user_default_groups:
session.execute('SET X in_group G WHERE X eid %(x)s, G name %(group)s',
{'x': entity.eid, 'group': group})
# search for existant email first
emailaddr = self._cache[dn][self.user_rev_attrs['email']]
except KeyError:
if isinstance(emailaddr, list):
emailaddr = emailaddr[0] # XXX consider only the first email in the list
rset = session.execute('EmailAddress X WHERE X address %(addr)s',
{'addr': emailaddr})
if rset:
session.execute('SET U primary_email X WHERE U eid %(u)s, X eid %(x)s',
{'x': rset[0][0], 'u': entity.eid})
# not found, create it
_insert_email(session, emailaddr, entity.eid)
def update_entity(self, session, entity):
"""replace an entity in the source"""
raise RepositoryError('this source is read only')
def delete_entity(self, session, entity):
"""delete an entity from the source"""
raise RepositoryError('this source is read only')
def _insert_email(session, emailaddr, ueid):
session.execute('INSERT EmailAddress X: X address %(addr)s, U primary_email X '
'WHERE U eid %(x)s', {'addr': emailaddr, 'x': ueid})
class GotDN(Exception):
"""exception used when a dn localizing the searched user has been found"""
def __init__(self, dn):
self.dn = dn
class RQL2LDAPFilter(object):
"""generate an LDAP filter for a rql query"""
def __init__(self, source, session, args=None, mainvars=()):
self.source = source
self._ldap_attrs = source.user_rev_attrs
self._base_filters = source.base_filters
self._session = session
if args is None:
args = {}
self._args = args
self.mainvars = mainvars
def generate(self, selection, mainvarname):
self._filters = res = self._base_filters[:]
self._mainvarname = mainvarname
self._eidfilters = []
self._done_not = set()
restriction = selection.where
if isinstance(restriction, Relation):
# only a single relation, need to append result here (no AND/OR)
filter = restriction.accept(self)
if filter is not None:
elif restriction:
if len(res) > 1:
return self._eidfilters, '(&%s)' % ''.join(res)
return self._eidfilters, res[0]
def visit_and(self, et):
"""generate filter for a AND subtree"""
for c in et.children:
part = c.accept(self)
if part:
def visit_or(self, ou):
"""generate filter for a OR subtree"""
res = []
for c in ou.children:
part = c.accept(self)
if part:
if res:
if len(res) > 1:
part = '(|%s)' % ''.join(res)
part = res[0]
def visit_not(self, node):
"""generate filter for a OR subtree"""
part = node.children[0].accept(self)
if part:
self._filters.append('(!(%s))'% part)
def visit_relation(self, relation):
"""generate filter for a relation"""
rtype = relation.r_type
# don't care of type constraint statement (i.e. relation_type = 'is')
if rtype == 'is':
return ''
lhs, rhs = relation.get_parts()
# attribute relation
if self.source.schema.rschema(rtype).final:
# dunno what to do here, don't pretend anything else
if lhs.name != self._mainvarname:
if lhs.name in self.mainvars:
# XXX check we don't have variable as rhs
raise NotImplementedError
rhs_vars = rhs.get_nodes(VariableRef)
if rhs_vars:
if len(rhs_vars) > 1:
raise NotImplementedError
# selected variable, nothing to do here
# no variables in the RHS
if isinstance(rhs.children[0], Function):
res = rhs.children[0].accept(self)
elif rtype != 'has_text':
res = self._visit_attribute_relation(relation)
raise NotImplementedError(relation)
# regular relation XXX todo: in_group
raise NotImplementedError(relation)
return res
def _visit_attribute_relation(self, relation):
"""generate filter for an attribute relation"""
lhs, rhs = relation.get_parts()
lhsvar = lhs.variable
if relation.r_type == 'eid':
# XXX hack
# skip comparison sign
eid = int(rhs.children[0].accept(self))
if relation.neged(strict=True):
self._eidfilters.append(lambda x: not x == eid)
if rhs.operator != '=':
filter = {'>': lambda x: x > eid,
'>=': lambda x: x >= eid,
'<': lambda x: x < eid,
'<=': lambda x: x <= eid,
dn = self.source.eid2extid(eid, self._session)
raise GotDN(dn)
filter = '(%s%s)' % (self._ldap_attrs[relation.r_type],
except KeyError:
# unsupported attribute
self.source.warning('%s source can\'t handle relation %s, no '
'results will be returned from this source',
self.source.uri, relation)
raise UnknownEid # trick to return no result
return filter
def visit_comparison(self, cmp):
"""generate filter for a comparaison"""
return '%s%s'% (cmp.operator, cmp.children[0].accept(self))
def visit_mathexpression(self, mexpr):
"""generate filter for a mathematic expression"""
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_function(self, function):
"""generate filter name for a function"""
if function.name == 'IN':
return self.visit_in(function)
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_in(self, function):
grandpapa = function.parent.parent
ldapattr = self._ldap_attrs[grandpapa.r_type]
res = []
for c in function.children:
part = c.accept(self)
if part:
if res:
if len(res) > 1:
part = '(|%s)' % ''.join('(%s=%s)' % (ldapattr, v) for v in res)
part = '(%s=%s)' % (ldapattr, res[0])
return part
def visit_constant(self, constant):
"""generate filter name for a constant"""
value = constant.value
if constant.type is None:
raise NotImplementedError
if constant.type == 'Date':
raise NotImplementedError
#value = self.keyword_map[value]()
elif constant.type == 'Substitute':
value = self._args[constant.value]
value = constant.value
if isinstance(value, unicode):
value = value.encode('utf8')
value = str(value)
return escape_filter_chars(value)
def visit_variableref(self, variableref):
"""get the sql name for a variable reference"""