author Pierre-Yves David <>
Fri, 15 Oct 2010 16:12:47 +0200
changeset 6511 2bf506737008
parent 5394 105011657405
child 8032 bcb87336c7d2
permissions -rw-r--r--
[book] don't rely on importable cubicweb to extract cubicweb version number

.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

.. _internationalization:


Cubicweb fully supports the internalization of its content and interface.

Cubicweb's interface internationalization is based on the translation project `GNU gettext`_.

.. _`GNU gettext`:

Cubicweb' internalization involves two steps:

* in your Python code and cubicweb-tal templates : mark translatable strings

* in your instance : handle the translation catalog, edit translations

String internationalization

User defined string

In the Python code and cubicweb-tal templates translatable strings can be
marked in one of the following ways :

 * by using the *built-in* function `_` ::

     class PrimaryView(EntityView):
         """the full view of an non final entity"""
         __regid__ = 'primary'
         title = _('primary')


 * by using the equivalent request's method ::

     class NoResultView(View):
         """default view when no result has been found"""
         __regid__ = 'noresult'

         def call(self, **kwargs):
             self.w(u'<div class="searchMessage"><strong>%s</strong></div>\n'
                 % self._cw._('No result matching query'))

The goal of the *built-in* function `_` is only **to mark the
translatable strings**, it will only return the string to translate
itself, but not its translation (it's actually another name for the
`unicode` builtin).

In the other hand the request's method `self._cw._` is also meant to
retrieve the proper translation of translation strings in the
requested language.

Finally you can also use the `__` attribute of request object to get a
translation for a string *which should not itself added to the catalog*,
usually in case where the actual msgid is created by string interpolation ::

  self._cw.__('This %s' % etype)

In this example ._cw.__` is used instead of ._cw._` so we don't have 'This %s' in
messages catalogs.

Translations in cubicweb-tal template can also be done with TAL tags
`i18n:content` and `i18n:replace`.

If you need to add messages on top of those that can be found in the source,
you can create a file named `i18n/static-messages.pot`.

You could put there messages not found in the python sources or
overrides for some messages of used cubes.

Generated string

We do not need to mark the translation strings of entities/relations used by a
particular instance's schema as they are generated automatically. String for
various actions are also generated.

For exemple the following schema ::

  Class EntityA(EntityType):
      relation_a2b = SubjectRelation('EntityB')

  class EntityB(EntityType):

May generate the following message ::

  add EntityA relation_a2b EntityB subject

This message will be used in views of ``EntityA`` for creation of a new
``EntityB`` with a preset relation ``relation_a2b`` between the current
``EntityA`` and the new ``EntityB``. The opposite message ::

  add EntityA relation_a2b EntityB object

Is used for similar creation of an ``EntityA`` from a view of ``EntityB``. The
title of they respective creation form will be ::

  creating EntityB (EntityA %(linkto)s relation_a2b EntityB)

  creating EntityA (EntityA relation_a2b %(linkto)s EntityA)

In the translated string you can use ``%(linkto)s`` for reference to the source

Handling the translation catalog

Once the internationalization is done in your code, you need to populate and
update the translation catalog. Cubicweb provides the following commands for this

* `i18ncubicweb` updates Cubicweb framework's translation
  catalogs. Unless you actually work on the framework itself, you
  don't need to use this command.

* `i18ncube` updates the translation catalogs of *one particular cube*
  (or of all cubes). After this command is executed you must update
  the translation files *.po* in the "i18n" directory of your
  cube. This command will of course not remove existing translations
  still in use. It will mark unused translation but not remove them.

* `i18ninstance` recompiles the translation catalogs of *one particular
  instance* (or of all instances) after the translation catalogs of
  its cubes have been updated. This command is automatically
  called every time you create or update your instance. The compiled
  catalogs (*.mo*) are stored in the i18n/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES of
  instance where `lang` is the language identifier ('en' or 'fr'
  for exemple).


You have added and/or modified some translation strings in your cube
(after creating a new view or modifying the cube's schema for exemple).
To update the translation catalogs you need to do:

1. `cubicweb-ctl i18ncube <cube>`
2. Edit the <cube>/i18n/xxx.po  files and add missing translations (empty `msgstr`)
3. `hg ci -m "updated i18n catalogs"`
4. `cubicweb-ctl i18ninstance <myinstance>`

Editing po files

Using a PO aware editor

Many tools exist to help maintain .po (PO) files. Common editors or
development environment provides modes for these. One can also find
dedicated PO files editor, such as `poedit`_.

.. _`poedit`:

While usage of such a tool is commendable, PO files are perfectly
editable with a (unicode aware) plain text editor. It is also useful
to know their structure for troubleshooting purposes.

Structure of a PO file

In this section, we selectively quote passages of the `GNU gettext`_
manual chapter on PO files, available there::

One PO file entry has the following schematic structure::

     #  translator-comments
     #. extracted-comments
     #: reference...
     #, flag...
     #| msgid previous-untranslated-string
     msgid untranslated-string
     msgstr translated-string

A simple entry can look like this::

     #: lib/error.c:116
     msgid "Unknown system error"
     msgstr "Error desconegut del sistema"

It is also possible to have entries with a context specifier. They
look like this::

     #  translator-comments
     #. extracted-comments
     #: reference...
     #, flag...
     #| msgctxt previous-context
     #| msgid previous-untranslated-string
     msgctxt context
     msgid untranslated-string
     msgstr translated-string

The context serves to disambiguate messages with the same
untranslated-string. It is possible to have several entries with the
same untranslated-string in a PO file, provided that they each have a
different context. Note that an empty context string and an absent
msgctxt line do not mean the same thing.

Contexts and CubicWeb

CubicWeb PO files have both non-contextual and contextual msgids.

Contextual entries are automatically used in some cases. For instance,
entity.dc_type(), eschema.display_name(req) or display_name(etype,
req, form, context) methods/function calls will use them.

It is also possible to explicitly use the with _cw.pgettext(context,