[devtools] qunit: use new async testing APIs
QUnit keeps track of all the assert.async() objects created inside the
test functions and expects all done() functions to be called. Failure to
do so will result in the test being failed.
Unlike .start and .stop which were internal APIs, assert.async() is
stricter and fails tests if assert methods are used *after* all done()
functions are called (see "test callback execution order").
Related to #5533333.
.THcubicweb\-ctl1"2010-01-14"cubicweb\-ctl.SHNAME.Bcubicweb\-ctl\- cubicweb control utility.SHSYNOPSIS.Bcubicweb-ctl<command>[.IOPTIONS] [.I<commandarguments>].SHDESCRIPTION.PPCubicWeb utility to create and control instances, and more generally do allcubicweb's related tasks you can have to do using the command line. Availablecommands will depends on which part of the framework are installed..PPType.B"cubicweb\-ctl <command> \fB\-\-help\fR"for more information about a specific command..SHCOPYRIGHTCopyright(c)2003-2010LOGILABS.A.(Paris,FRANCE).http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr